Nov. 29th, 2009


Who: Buffy & Riley
When: Week Four, Afternoon
Where: The Mall
Status: Closed, but Incomplete

Let's Go to the Mall.....Today! )

Nov. 28th, 2009


Who: Angel and Beth
What: Random incursion
When: Week Four, day six
Where: Beth's favorite conference room and Angel's office
Status: Closed but active

Yummy snacks! )

Nov. 23rd, 2009


Who: Angel & Buffy.
What: Angel tries to stop being an idiot. He only marginally succeeds.
When: Week Four, Day Five.
Where: Some hallway in the Pod.

If you wrote me off, I'd understand it 'cause I've been on some other planet. So come pick me up, I've landed. )

Nov. 22nd, 2009


|[ WHO ]| Vanessa Covax
|[ WHERE ]| The POD library
|[ WHEN ]| Wk 4; Day 5
|[ WHAT ]| Just looking around
|[ OPEN ]| Have at her!!

Always a good idea to know how to get somewhere. )

Nov. 21st, 2009


the police report && the holding cell

Who: Shiva, Xander, and eventually Kali
What: Shiva's currently in jail after this post!
When: Week Four
Where: The County Jail

both of these items make their way to xander's office.
a police report and an odd account... )


Who: Giles
What: Giles may have something for the Slayers' dream difficulties
When: Week Four, day four
Where: Giles' office off the library, the Pod building

"Yes... that's it, that's got to be it." Giles left the book open on his desk and hurried into the library. He made a beeline for one of the unpacked boxes that Richard had brought with him (the bastard) and dug through it until he'd found the Mal Dolor de Aesclepius. "I should've thought of this weeks ago." He flipped through the index, finger dragging along the page until he found the entry he was looking for.

He turned and read the entry again, double-checking to make sure that he'd found exactly what he'd been looking for, and then snapped the book shut with renewed enthusiasm. Back in his office, he sat and scrawled out several pages of translations, checking the Mal Dolor every once in a while for accuracy, and as soon as he was done, he smiled.

He picked up the phone in the next instant, then hung it up before he made a phone call. That blasted intercom was still hooked up and he turned to it, poking buttons until he heard it click on. Damned thing, why couldn't it work on magic like any self-respecting voice-amplification system? "Um, yes, please attention, if anyone has seen Faith, or Willow, please send them to the library, thank you." He poked more buttons until it turned off, and then started looking through his drawers, pulling out several sets of dried herbs.

Nov. 20th, 2009


Who: Beth Holden and Elena Casimiro
What: A new Watcher for a new Slayer
When: Week Four, Day Four
Where: Elena's office, the Pod

We're all about sharing and caring )


Who: Kennedy & Open
What: Bad Dreams
When: Week Four, Day 1, 3am
Where: Gym, fifth floor.

Eyes flu open as screams filled her ears, at first she had thought it was Willow but than she relized Willow was still asleep and worried that it could have been her, but it wasn't. The nightmare had woken her, fire and death and chanting but there was something different about this dream, it wasn't one she had before. Kennedy fought the sick feeling in her gut and slipped out from under the covers and put on her clothes, she couldn't sleep now. heading for the bathroom she splashed cold water on her face and took a few deep breaths before she looked herself in the mirror. "I look like shit." grumbling she brushed her teeth before grabbing her workout bag from the closet and headed down to her favorite workout area, swiping her card she entered and got ready to sweat out this nightmare from her, forget that fire and death were in her future, her future. shaking, she hoped to god that was just a part of her own mind playing tricks on her.

By four the punching bag had seen better days, sweat poured down from her body as she continued her strenuous work out, running the track in military like percision. push-up, chin-up, sit-up, basically all the ups. her mind flashing back to the dream, making her go faster and wanting the flashes to stop and when she felt a hand on her shoulder, she swung around and connected with the person's face and turned to face the '"attacker".

Nov. 18th, 2009


Who: Beth Holden and Davan Collins
What: Study Hall: 101 Ways To Be A Better Slayer
When: Week Four, Day Three
Where: Beth's favorite conference room, ground floor

Just keep walkin', preacher-man. )

Nov. 17th, 2009


who : Xander and .... ?
what : Experiencing a bout of bad luck.
when : Day two, Week Four: Afternoon (?)
where : In his office. Ohhh yessss.

    1.) Desk? Check.
    2.) "The Executive." leather computer chair from Ikea, capable of spinning as rapidly in circles as a planet whose magnetic poles have collided and/or shifted? Check.
    3.) A bowl of only red peanut M&M's? Check.

There was only one thing missing, now, as he eagerly awaited the arrival of the fed ex delivery man and consequently, IT. One crucial, critical, vital, absolutely integral, required, and all other such synonyms for "needed", piece of his office was out for delivery since 8am, and you better believe he'd obsessively checked the website for updates ever since. Even going so far as preparing his iPod in a stereo system to truly marvel over the arrival of IT, he'd once paced the office for a solid hour before returning back to his desk. Where now he sat, toiling inwardly over what could be taking so long! He'd sighed so many times by now that he could feel himself getting light-headed.

And Xander, sitting patiently behind his desk (rolling his thumbs and staring at the clock in intervals of counting off how many seconds he could resist staring back up at it again.), interested immensely in the bowl of candy to occupy his time and examining it thoroughly with only his widened eyes as if he were an archeologist standing in awe of the Shroud of Turin... couldn't take it anymore. He stood up deftly as if someone had pressed an eject button, clenching his hands into claws and shaking them toward Heaven. Growling like a caveman who couldn't quite perfect the technique of making a wheel for his cart.

Oh... but then, the doorbell rang downstairs...

IT was here )


Who: Riley & Spike {M}
What: Riley needs to talk
When: Week Four, Day Two
Where: the bar of Riley's hotel

It's five o'clock somewhere )


Who: Maricha and the resurrected one (joint post, kind of)
What: Testing the waters, so to speak
When: Day two, Week Four
Where: Clellan gated home
Status: mod!plot, complete

Do you remember who you are? )

Nov. 16th, 2009



Week Four
Monday November 8th - Sunday November 14th

Moon Phases
Waning moon rules the shapeshifters through the week as Friday, Nov. 12th is the New Moon. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are the three days prior to the new moon, also called the Dark Moon. Wiccans and warlocks believe the days of the Dark Moon are times of great power.

Phases here and Waxing/Waning here

[info]chaos_magician -- Ethan Rayne
[info]x_to_the_ander -- Xander Harris

[info]bitunremarkable -- activity check fail
[info]nathansliver -- activity check fail

Please be sure to run the friender tool and friend the mod journal as well. Failure to do either will result in a reminder email, and persistent refusals will result in your removal from the game.

Important Information
1) New/Revised Activity Policy

2) Group Thread Organization

3) Reminder to please close threads

4) A new text-only ad featuring (for the first time) the anonymous letter to the slayers has been posted in the Ads section of the mod journal. Letter text can be found at the bottom of the Premise page.

In-Game Updates

1) The Halloween thread is winding down; there are several threaders, including myself, who are still finishing up threads, but for the most part, the post will be tagged complete. Feel free to refer to party events from here on out.

2) The Library Reception thread is winding down; there are several threaders, again including myself, who are still working on threads, but for the most part, the post will be tagged complete. Please feel free to refer to party events from here on out.

3) Week Changes have now become bi-weekly; that means, for every two weeks of real time, the game will move forward one week. If we need to slow it down even further, that can be discussed, but I think bi-weekly will take care of things.

4) Please make sure that when you wrap up a thread or a post, that you mark it complete. Closed is reserved mostly for the mods who have closed a thread because a player has left, has not tagged, or been removed from the game. Complete and Closed tags have already been added.

5) Don't be afraid to interact with different people! If you see an open post that hasn't been tagged yet, hop in! If there's a specific person you want to scene with, drop them a PM or a directed tag! Need help with ideas or scenarios? PM or IM the mod!

Weekly Events

1) An old friend will be reappearing soon, but can they be trusted?

2) Ritchie ([info]ritchiearts) and Giles ([info]rupert_giles) will be beginning the mapping of the POD building. They would like to have at least one Slayer on hand, just in case they run into anything.

3) Socialite Marsha Clellan will be appearing in Los Angeles more and more. Expect to see her at Entente as well as other hot spots around town.

4) Plans for the November Celebration Meal are underway, as well as the establishment of our actual purpose here; please see Willow ([info]rosewillow) for your assignments.