Nov. 8th, 2009


Who: Faith, Mentions of Willow, Open.
What: Taking Guidance from Willow.
When: Saturday night
Where: Training room.
Status: Incomplete.

Blood rushin to my head. )

Nov. 5th, 2009


Filtered Post

Filtered To: All Slayers

(Buffy, Faith, Kennedy, Tabby)

Um, I know I'm new to this whole Slayer gig, but has anyone else had some really creepy dreams lately? As in like, a shack walking around on chicken legs? Or people dancing around a fire? There's also sometimes blood, and what looks like really sharp animal teeth taking chomps out of bloody chunks of flesh.

Possibly it's a hint to be laying off the zombie movies before bedtime, but they got real vivid this week. And they're... relatively unpleasant, to say the least.

Nov. 4th, 2009


Who: Kennedy & Open
When: Week 3, Wen. 3rd Nov
What: Patrolling
Where: Cemetary in west hollywood
Status: Incomplete

'Gay vampires just ruined my jacket and busted my head open and now some ugly ass vampy drag queen is tossing insults at my clothes, just great what else could go wrong?' Kennedy spun up after a moment of inner thought bubble and kicked a blond dead gay man in his head sending him flying into the drag queen that was tossing insult her way a few moments ago. "Hey i'm part of the family, can't we all just get along?" she ducked a flying tombstone and sighed, "apparentlty not." Kennedy's eyes narrowed and she charged forward, doing a fly kick and knocking another vampire backward. "damn you gay vamps having a blood sucking circit party?" The Vampires froze in step and ran off, which surprised kennedy a lot. "Hmm, maybe there was a sale?" She chuckled at her own joke but stopped when she saw a dark shadow approch her. she realized than it wasn't a vampire and probably a demon.

Right this way folks )

Oct. 27th, 2009


Who: Emorie Tilden and the Angel Investigations team (multiple replies? Yes!!!)
What: Coming back with dinner - for everyone.
When: Tonight
Where: Old W&H HQ
Why: Because everyone needs to eat.

Angel owed her for this one. He really owed her. The fact was that she'd drawn the short straw on the pickup and had run into a mess of demons on the way back to headquarters. It was in her job description and she hadn't had too much trouble with the demons, but she was bruised in three places and knew she'd be sore in the morning.

It had been several weeks since Emorie Tilden had shown up at the former headquarters of Wolfram and Hart looking for Wesley Wyndam-Price... )

Oct. 25th, 2009


WHO: Faith and Kali
WHEN: Saturday
WHAT: Checking out the club
WHERE: Roof of the hotel
STATUS: Complete.
Note: I apologize for it taking so long.

Party like a rockstar. )

Oct. 23rd, 2009


Who: Giles and TBD (open!)
What: Taking care of odds and ends
Where: the empty office next to the library.
When: Thursday midday-ish.
Status: Closed

God, I hate paperwork. )

Oct. 17th, 2009


WHO: Faith and Angel
WHEN: Saturday night.
WHAT: Finally going to talk to him with out killing involved.
WHERE: Kitchen.
RATING: PG-13 for Faith, it's bound to have intense swearing and adult topics.
STATUS: In progress

Could this get any more awkward? )