Dec. 2nd, 2009


Who: Giles and Buffy
What: Bonding with his Slayer
When: Week Five, Day One
Where: the Pod
Status: Closed but Active

Giles had his hands full. There were four stacks of case files in his briefcase, at least half of them files on some of the newer Slayers who were having the worst of the dreams. The rest were research that he'd dug up, the recipe he'd found for the dream-dulling potion and how it works, and, lastly, a weeks' worth of the potion for Buffy in case she was having the dreams as well.

He also had a thermos of hot tea and a thermos of hot coffee, because he knew Buffy preferred coffee and he preferred tea. Lastly, he had a small present for Buffy, because he knew she'd been quite anti-social lately, and he wanted her to know that she was still first to someone and always would be.

Making sure everything was safely tucked into the briefcase, he knocked on Buffy's door and cleared his throat. "Buffy? It's Giles, I'd like to see you." Another cough. "Make sure you're all right."

Nov. 23rd, 2009


WHO: Kennedy & Willow
WHEN: Monday Night
WHAT: Poking out a confession.
WHERE: Their room.
STATUS: Closed

You Slayer but me Big Kahunna! )

Nov. 17th, 2009


who : Xander and .... ?
what : Experiencing a bout of bad luck.
when : Day two, Week Four: Afternoon (?)
where : In his office. Ohhh yessss.

    1.) Desk? Check.
    2.) "The Executive." leather computer chair from Ikea, capable of spinning as rapidly in circles as a planet whose magnetic poles have collided and/or shifted? Check.
    3.) A bowl of only red peanut M&M's? Check.

There was only one thing missing, now, as he eagerly awaited the arrival of the fed ex delivery man and consequently, IT. One crucial, critical, vital, absolutely integral, required, and all other such synonyms for "needed", piece of his office was out for delivery since 8am, and you better believe he'd obsessively checked the website for updates ever since. Even going so far as preparing his iPod in a stereo system to truly marvel over the arrival of IT, he'd once paced the office for a solid hour before returning back to his desk. Where now he sat, toiling inwardly over what could be taking so long! He'd sighed so many times by now that he could feel himself getting light-headed.

And Xander, sitting patiently behind his desk (rolling his thumbs and staring at the clock in intervals of counting off how many seconds he could resist staring back up at it again.), interested immensely in the bowl of candy to occupy his time and examining it thoroughly with only his widened eyes as if he were an archeologist standing in awe of the Shroud of Turin... couldn't take it anymore. He stood up deftly as if someone had pressed an eject button, clenching his hands into claws and shaking them toward Heaven. Growling like a caveman who couldn't quite perfect the technique of making a wheel for his cart.

Oh... but then, the doorbell rang downstairs...

IT was here )

Nov. 8th, 2009


Who: Faith, Mentions of Willow, Open.
What: Taking Guidance from Willow.
When: Saturday night
Where: Training room.
Status: Incomplete.

Blood rushin to my head. )

Nov. 5th, 2009


{ paheli. } [ open! ]

Who: Kali & Open
When: Week 3, Thurs. Late at night
What: Late night insomnia
Where: The Entente's Upstair's pool
Status: Incomplete

i love the fall. it's such a great movie. )

Oct. 31st, 2009


WHO: Maria and Willow
WHEN: Friday
WHAT: A meeting of two witches.
WHERE: W&H's Library.
STATUS: Active

A meeting of the witchy )

Oct. 27th, 2009


Who: Emorie Tilden and the Angel Investigations team (multiple replies? Yes!!!)
What: Coming back with dinner - for everyone.
When: Tonight
Where: Old W&H HQ
Why: Because everyone needs to eat.

Angel owed her for this one. He really owed her. The fact was that she'd drawn the short straw on the pickup and had run into a mess of demons on the way back to headquarters. It was in her job description and she hadn't had too much trouble with the demons, but she was bruised in three places and knew she'd be sore in the morning.

It had been several weeks since Emorie Tilden had shown up at the former headquarters of Wolfram and Hart looking for Wesley Wyndam-Price... )