Jan. 31st, 2010


Who: Davan and Giles
Where: The Pod, Giles's quarters.
When: Friday, very early morning.
What: Davan has had enough.

One is just about enough, really )

Jan. 29th, 2010


Who: Rupert Giles and Ethan Rayne
What: Divination magic
When: Week Eight, Wednesday evening
Where: Giles' flat in the Pod
Status: Active, obvs.

The dark arts, incantations and spell craft, circles and stars the same fury that hell hath. )

Jan. 25th, 2010


Who: Ritchie & Rupert Giles
When: Tuesday, Week Seven - early morning
Where: Giles' condo after this
What: Early morning cartoons via DVR.

So maybe Tuesdays weren't the best of days to get up and go watch cartoons early in the morning, but Ritchie was free. The renovations were still coming along, even if it was... odd that some of thing things that broke in the building were replaced wtih at quickness that was more than a little disconcerting. He didn't look into it, though, just assumed it came with being an aid to Slayers and... vampires, so to speak.

Ritchie was still wrapping his head about it, but it was eight in the morning and he was still sleepy. Taking a break from waking up at five to get to work was starting to get to him. His hair was askew as he walked up to Giles' door just dressed in his normal Simpson's pajamas and Homer slippers. He knocked on the door, trying not to be too loud as he did it.


Jan. 23rd, 2010



Who: Ethan Rayne & Rupert Giles
When: Monday, Week Seven - very late at night
Where: Giles' condo
What: Ethan has some news, and it's not very good.

Ethan wasn't a fan of chaos he didn't create. )

Dec. 2nd, 2009


Who: Giles and Ritchie
What: Finally getting started on the maps
When: Week Five, Day Four
Where: the POD
Status: Closed but Active

Busy weeks made Giles break out into hives and suffer migraines.

But this was going to be a bit of a relief. The blueprint and mapping project had been something that Giles had been wanting to do since they'd arrived. He had no idea what was housed in this entire complex.

Suspiciously enough, they'd found everything that they needed. They needed training space, and found a gym with showers. They'd needed extra living spaces, and miraculously, another floor of apartments with nameplates had appeared. They'd needed holding cells--but they'd been here already, or so Giles had been told. Kitchen, cafeteria, library spaces, all there when they were needed.

Fleetingly he wondered if he should invite Ethan along on this trip; having a warlock of Ethan's skill and degree would likely be a benefit if they ran across anything that needed defusing, however Giles was vaguely reticent to involve Ethan quite yet. He'd also briefly considered having one or more Slayers come along for extra muscle, but he had decided against that. Explaining to Ritchie what was going on was going to be enough of a challenge without having to explain Slayers, Chaos warlocks, and the connection to the hell dimensions that had been housed on one of the floors here and could possibly still be active.

He'd be severely shocked if Ritchie decided to stick around after a couple of floors. Checking the wall clock, he picked up the small bag of things he'd packed, and left the library. They'd agreed to meet in front of the lobby elevators, and head down to the holding cells together. best place to start was the ground floor, after all.


Who: Giles and Angel
What: Long-coming sit-down
When: Week Five, Day six
Where: Angel's office, POD
Status: closed, but active

This had been a long time coming.

Giles had not really sat and talked to Angel since... Jenny's death, really. They had worked together when the situation called for it, exchanged phone calls and information, but that was the extent of it.

Angel going over to Wolfram and Hart, that had been a shock. For Buffy's sake, more than anything else, he hoped that it had been a rumor, that he hadn't gone into the jaws of evil to do their dirty work. But finding him there, in the big office, that had been a shock.

The amulet had been enough of a surprise; no one had asked how Angel had gotten hold of it, although now he was certain that Angel had gotten it from the people who had used to use this building.

And now, though? He had the benefit of hindsight. The amulet came from Wolfram and Hart; it was possible Angel had been paying the price for the use of the bloody thing. But Angel had shown them all how wrong they had been. Rather, Angel had shown Giles how wrong he was.

He wasn't certain that he was ever going to trust Angel as deeply as he did others; he wasn't certain he could even look at Angel without remembering the cut of metal into his skin, the feel of his own hot blood coursing down his body. But he owed Angel several big apologies, one of them for that very thing.

So he waited outside Angel's office, waited for him to come in so that neither one of them would have a chance to escape before they came to some sort of understanding.


Who: Giles and Emorie
What: He wants to meet Angel's group
When: Week Five, Day Two
Where: POD Garage
Status: Closed but active

Some of the individuals in Angel's group were very familiar to Giles; he knew Oz, of course, and Spike far too intimately for his own comfort. He knew Angel entirely too well, and he fully intended to have sit-down with Angel later in the week.

But there were also a great deal of new folk about, and Giles knew very few of them. Some were practicing warlocks, some were new Slayers gravitating to Angel's team, some were hunters.

He had ulterior motives as well; he wanted to learn more about Wesley. He felt great amounts of guilt over the way he and Buffy had treated Wesley, and personally felt even more guilty because he'd never attempted to really reach out to Wesley and repair those gulfs.

Roger Wyndham-Price was something akin to Richard Ainsley, had Richard had even an inkling of a heart, and while Giles knew Roger's parenting foibles, he'd never taken them into account. Perhaps it'd been why he'd taken an interest in Patrick Ainsley, trying to fix the past mistakes he'd made with Wesley.

Which had led him here, to this woman. Cordelia was gone, so was Wesley. So was Fred, and no one knew yet what had become of Charles Gunn. Which left Angel and Emorie Tilden as the two who had worked closest with Wesley while he was a part of Angel's team, and so that is what brought Giles to the garage, looking for the woman working on her car.


Who: Giles and Buffy
What: Bonding with his Slayer
When: Week Five, Day One
Where: the Pod
Status: Closed but Active

Giles had his hands full. There were four stacks of case files in his briefcase, at least half of them files on some of the newer Slayers who were having the worst of the dreams. The rest were research that he'd dug up, the recipe he'd found for the dream-dulling potion and how it works, and, lastly, a weeks' worth of the potion for Buffy in case she was having the dreams as well.

He also had a thermos of hot tea and a thermos of hot coffee, because he knew Buffy preferred coffee and he preferred tea. Lastly, he had a small present for Buffy, because he knew she'd been quite anti-social lately, and he wanted her to know that she was still first to someone and always would be.

Making sure everything was safely tucked into the briefcase, he knocked on Buffy's door and cleared his throat. "Buffy? It's Giles, I'd like to see you." Another cough. "Make sure you're all right."

Nov. 21st, 2009


Who: Giles
What: Giles may have something for the Slayers' dream difficulties
When: Week Four, day four
Where: Giles' office off the library, the Pod building

"Yes... that's it, that's got to be it." Giles left the book open on his desk and hurried into the library. He made a beeline for one of the unpacked boxes that Richard had brought with him (the bastard) and dug through it until he'd found the Mal Dolor de Aesclepius. "I should've thought of this weeks ago." He flipped through the index, finger dragging along the page until he found the entry he was looking for.

He turned and read the entry again, double-checking to make sure that he'd found exactly what he'd been looking for, and then snapped the book shut with renewed enthusiasm. Back in his office, he sat and scrawled out several pages of translations, checking the Mal Dolor every once in a while for accuracy, and as soon as he was done, he smiled.

He picked up the phone in the next instant, then hung it up before he made a phone call. That blasted intercom was still hooked up and he turned to it, poking buttons until he heard it click on. Damned thing, why couldn't it work on magic like any self-respecting voice-amplification system? "Um, yes, please attention, if anyone has seen Faith, or Willow, please send them to the library, thank you." He poked more buttons until it turned off, and then started looking through his drawers, pulling out several sets of dried herbs.

Nov. 13th, 2009


Who: Rupert Giles and Ethan Rayne
What: After this daring rescue
When: Third week
Where: Rooftop and inside the Pod building

Be Seeing You )

Nov. 2nd, 2009


WHO: Elena & Giles.
WHEN: Week Three, Tuesday (November 2, 2004).
WHAT: Elena arrives in LA.
WHERE: Giles's office.
STATUS: Active.

It was a day Elena thought would never come. )

Oct. 27th, 2009


WHO: Lucius and Giles
WHEN: Tuesday
WHAT: After speaking with Andrew, Lucius does more than simply lurk outside W&H watching.
WHERE: W&H's Library.
STATUS: Active

Voices of Authority )

Oct. 23rd, 2009


Who: Giles and TBD (open!)
What: Taking care of odds and ends
Where: the empty office next to the library.
When: Thursday midday-ish.
Status: Closed

God, I hate paperwork. )

Oct. 16th, 2009


To All Personnel

Several public service announcements:

First of all, let me remind you all that this was once the building belonging to Wolfram & Hart, the law firm lastly run by Angel and company but previously run by the evil entities known as The Senior Partners. While both physical and magical sweeps of the building show it to be safe, I would advise a great deal of caution. There have been Hell dimensions opened in this building, so please do let someone know if you see anything that would indicate a re-opening.

Also, please remember that once you have invited a vampire into your room, he or she can come or go at will unless de-invited. De-invitations will only be performed upon dire need so please be cautious. At the moment I would recommend not inviting anyone you don't know until things have been properly sorted out.

De-invitations have been performed on every entrance to the building; Spike, until you've been invited through the main doors, you might consider making sure that someone is close by you so you aren't stuck. I did have the thought that since you are part of the team, with a room already established, you may not need the invite. Angel, considering that your name is on the lease to the building, I am not certain if the invitation will be necessary or not.

We will be establishing a central arsenal in the basement of the building. Our stockpile of weaponry will be stored there, and there will be personnel designated for around-the-clock manning of the armory. They will be responsible for upkeep and cleaning of the weapons as well as keeping track of who signs out what weapons. If you have a cache of private weaponry, please inventory it and make sure that nothing is missing. Once you have inventoried it, we shall be ordering large cabinets with locks for personal weapons storage. Please keep the combinations to your locks in a safe place; should you wish to turn the combination over to your Watcher, we will keep them safe for you without invading your privacy.

We will also be establishing a research library on the floor that formerly housed the firm's law library. If you have any volumes you wish to donate, please see me and I will be thrilled to take them off your hands. There will be dratted computer terminals installed as well.

Lastly, I personally encourage that each of you take a few moments out of your busy day to clear your mind and meditate. For the Slayers, meditation will bring you clarity of thought and a renewed application for your training, and for the newer Watchers, it will bring you into closer alignment with your Slayer and your new duties.

As Watchers, we are here to teach you, learn from you, and share with you what we've learned. Please don't hesitate to come see me or any of the Watchers, Buffy, or Angel if you have any issues that need to be discussed.