Jan. 25th, 2010


Who: Buffy & Dean
When: Week Eight, Monday; Night
Where: A bar/restaurant near the Pod
Status: Closed, but Active

At first, the time seemed to drag on forever, but as the time of her date--yes, Buffy Summers actually had a date--neared, she realized she wanted more and more time to make sure each strand of hair was perfectly barrel-curled. It was nearly seven when she had finally finished putting the last touches on her make-up, pressing her lips on a kleenex to dab off the extra.

She pulled a sweater on over her low-cut halter top, taking one last look at herself in the full-length mirror to make sure her black leather pants still looked good on her, before grabbing her purse. The very slight kiss Dean gave her before he left earlier was playing over and over in her mind, causing butterflies to appear all over again each time.

And oh god, she was so nervous, but also unbelievably excited because she knew he was feeling just as nervous and excited. Or she hoped, anyway. And really, it had been a million years since she went on a stereotypical date--if you could call a watcher and a slayer going on a date stereotypical--especially one where she didn't have to pretend she wasn't some super strong demon killing chick. She never thought she'd be able to completely be herself around anyone who wasn't, well, a vampire.

She made her way down to the lobby, avoiding the surprised looks she was getting from some of the younger slayers. She had really never been this dressed up before since most of them saw her in her sweats in the training room.

She stepped outside into the much cooler air, practically holding her breath until he arrived. It was the only way she could keep her heart from pounding a million beats a minute.

Dec. 28th, 2009


Who: Buffy Summers & Dean Petrado
Where: Pod Lobby/Common Area
When: Week Six, Saturday
Status: Closed & Finished

Buffy was taking everyone's advice, albeit rather reluctantly, and spending a lot more time wandering the Pod and doing the mingling thing, instead of being holed up in her room. She had spent more time in the training room working with the other slayers. And had even ventured to the library to do some research amongst other people.

But, right now, she was taking a break after having her nose in one of Giles' books for the majority of the morning. She was sipping on a cup of hot chocolate, flipping through a gossip magazine near the window, when she spotted a man she didn't recognize--and boy, there were a lot of those--wandering the lobby in bewilderment. She peeked her head over the top of her magazine, glancing around to see if anyone else was here to greet the newcomer.

After waiting a few minutes to see if someone would come to his aid, she set her magazine and cup down, smoothing her shirt as she crossed over the room to him. She stuck her hand out, a smile coming into her features as she said, "Hi, can I help you? I'm Buffy Summers."

She knew that no one would ever step foot into the Pod, unless they had a specific purpose or knew of what they did. So, this guy--who, she noticed as she met his eyes was what she would stereotypically describe as ruggedly handsome, much to her personal delight--had to be either a watcher or someone else hired to help out with their mission.