May. 18th, 2009


Victoire Weasley: Topic: Technology

It's not that she needs it. There's nothing indicating it's a necessity. No driving reason to make her way to the glass-fronted office that smells alarmingly of nothing rather than the warm smells of bubbling potions and drying herbs of the last specialist she sought out. Nothing other than simple curiosity. And Victoire was never curious for very long.

So she sits and waits... and waits. Then is finally led down a empty hallway into a windowless room where she takes a seat on something that looks like a failed transfiguration, not quite a chair and not quite a bed. A man wheels up next to her, looking at his machine rather than her as he asks her to lift her shirt and pull her skirt and knickers down. She stares a moment at him then tartly asserts that she'd rather know the name of the man telling her to undress. He starts and blushes satisfactorily and mutters that his name is David. She smiles, wickedly, as she lays back and does as he asks, pleased when he blushes and nearly drops the plastic-looking wand in his hand.

A heavy glop of lube momentarily distracts her but then Victoire watches entranced as the images begin resolving into clarity and into recognizable forms. Her breath catches in those first moments and it's not until she leaves the office, a small folder in her hand, that she really catches it again.

While she's waiting for a street light to change she opens the folder up, delicately touching the image inside.

"Bonjour, ma petite..."

Mar. 29th, 2009


Victoire Weasley: Event: Special Brownies

Victoire has done a lot of things in her 18 years. Not all of them legal and many of them worthy of her curse-breaking, prisoner-releasing, drug-toking, brother-shagging father... though he's presumably not done any of those things since marrying Victoire's Maman. At least, not that Victoire's caught him at and she most certainly has been watching for any and all of it.

There was the very profitable underground business at Hogwarts, selling her (and Teddy's) undergarments. And her talent at Charms and Potions which were not always used as Professors Flitwick and Snape intended when they taught them to a class of eager students and one very creative part-Veela. And then there was the very naked night in the barn behind Shell Cottage with Teddy, two of her cousins, and her cousin's girlfriend. Not to mention the myriad ways she'd arranged, maneuvered, convinced, guided, bribed, coerced, encouraged, persuaded, threatened, enticed anyone she could to get just what she wanted and more or less when she wanted it. She was a Slytherin after all, and very proud to be one.

But she's never actually attacked anyone with the intent to reduce them into nothingness.

Until now. Until she eats one of Ivonka's brownies and realised that it is the cause of the sudden mellowness she feels, the easy smile which curves her lips, and her overall lack of concern about the free flashes of pale blue lace she is giving the pub.

But when she puts these things together and realises what was happening and who is behind it, she snaps. Eyes flashing with an unnatural blue fire, she storms into the kitchen and corners the smirking cook who after a moment has the grace to look moderately surprised by the rage she is facing just before Victoire throws herself at the woman and starts clawing at her, fingertips stuttering over the skin as they stick and release and stick again, while the pots start to rattle ominously.

Mar. 24th, 2009


Teddy Lupin: Topic: Underwear

Teddy Lupin likes underwear just fine, thanks very much.

Just because his ridiculously randy roommates back in his Ravenclaw dorm decided it was in their best interests to traipse about a draughty Scottish castle just in case does not mean the then-prefect was in agreement. Of course Teddy knew this probably disappointed his girlfriend when she cornered him in the third floor passage behind the tapestry or between the stacks of musty library books on the 1,001 Uses of Common Moulds & Fungi. But, he'd counter wisely, would she rather his bits froze off before anything interesting happened?

He thought not.

And honestly, Teddy thought that was the last he'd ever really hear about the underwear thing.

It wasn't until a few weeks later... )

Oct. 20th, 2008


Victoire Weasley: Other (A Need or Three Fulfilled)

Victoire has come to a Decision. This is not unusual as Victoire is a decisive sort, but this one she has made will be for the Good of Margate. (She, like her father and most of the decent Slytherins, had a tendency to think in capitals.) She, like so many, was trapped here in this town- facing a sea so unlike the one she grew up with. No cliffs, no distant view of Wales on clear days. And nothing to keep her entertained and occupied as Teddy was too easily distracted by the mystery surrounding the town to permit endless days of shagging. She could only pout so long before she needed something else to do.

And Margate was sorely lacking in a store of an adult nature from which she could purchase items to distract Teddy from his Ravenclaw nature.

The Decision was only natural and logical, and of course, Right. She would open a store for the lovers in the town- she had seen enough of those: the men who ran the pub, the American and that blue man, and she was beginning to wonder about the two Victorians. Suffice it to say, this town needed a reputable source for articles of romance and hedonism. And Victoire needed an occupation.

Now she only needs a shop with an attached flat... and a good amount of start up capital. And an investor who could see the benefit (socially and financially) for such venture. Victoire had just the person in mind.

But first she had to tell Teddy )

Aug. 3rd, 2008


Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley: Arrival

Victoire finishes packing the small basket with the last apple as well as a hunk of fresh goat cheese and bread, placing them atop the cold chicken. After a moment of thought, she opens a cupboard and takes out a small bottle of wine and puts that in as well.

Tall and slightly shaggy-haired, Teddy lingers by the open doorway, face tipped to the sun and breeze with a beach blanket draped across his arm as he waits. He glances back at his girlfriend with a raised brow at the wine. "Isn't that your dad's?"

More than Bill's wine is about to go missing. )