Jun. 30th, 2010


Faramir: Topic: Pick-Up Lines

Faramir is completely unfamiliar with the entire concept of pickup lines.

His contact with remotely acceptable romantic possibilities has been nil despite his brother having once bribed the cook's daughter to corner him in the library. His contact with unacceptable ones has been slightly more extant but still not what one might call ... educational in the ways of romance.

The closest Faramir has ever gotten to a pickup line is a wine bottle brought too often near the target of his affections' cup. But he would be the first to say that it works surprisingly well on a surprisingly large percentage of the people he has tried it on.

Jun. 28th, 2010


Mina: Topic: Pick-up Lines

“I can see the desire in your eyes.”


“You wouldn't want to leave a gentleman hanging, would you?”


“Perhaps that was a poor choice of words but the sentiment remains. You have far too much integrity and sense of fair play to ignore me.”



More Whining Within )


Edward Elric: Topic: Pick-up Lines

Brought to you, under duress, a fine selection of Ed's smoothest verbage with the ladies (mostly):

Oh, dear God, please shut up...PLEASE... )

Missed it around here! Please excuse my absence. Crazy work + multiple extended illnesses = 1 very useless lady.

Jun. 2nd, 2010


June Topic: Pick-up Lines

Your topic this month is pick-up lines! Use one, hear one, compose one, or tell us the best or worst one you've heard.