Aug. 17th, 2008


Xellos: Topic: Bedrooms

Xel's eyes pop open in the dark, and he finds he's covered in sweat. Ugh. There are dreams a person just shouldn't have, and that was one of them. The fluffy pastel lambikins were bad enough... )

Aug. 10th, 2008


Cesare Borgia: Topic: Bedrooms

Roma, Città Leonina, Vatican Palace, 18 August 1503 )

Aug. 9th, 2008


Lucius Malfoy: Topic: Bedrooms

The candlelights had long since been blown out, the house silent. Even the house-elves, having finished their nights work, were dozing off in the depths of the kitchens and cellars.

However, despite the late hour, one member of the family was not sleeping.
Waiting )

Aug. 4th, 2008


Joker: Topic: Bedrooms

The gift shop, and the flat above it, had been vacant and shuttered for years.
Small, neglected, and oddly unnoticed in the busy seaside resort. No one even noticed as he had crept up the back staircase time and again.

Home Sweet Home )

Jul. 26th, 2008


Topic: Bedrooms!

This month's topic is bedrooms! We want to know about them! What do you have? Or what do you want? What did you have?

Your characters should post to the community directly with the tags of "topic" and "bedrooms" along with your characterpost tag.

As with all the topics/events (unless we state otherwise in the mod post, like the Place Your Order Event), it is entirely up to you how your character responds. He or she can post a memory/fic to the comm, actually be in their room doing something, be trying to secure a bedroom, or simply tell someone else at the pub or the pub at large what it's like. As long as it involves bedrooms and you post it to the comm, it works!

Feel free to use these theme posts to set up a plot.