Dec. 27th, 2009


Event: White Elephant: The Gifts!

All those who left a gift may now begin claiming theirs from the lovely selection arranged on the bar:


The Rules:

1. Comment to claim your gift (i.e. "Character B wants that purple one third from the left.") First come, first served, so please check whether the gift is still available! The contents range from silly gag gifts to very, very special items, and I don't even know what's in them all, so this should be awesome.

2. We'll tell you what's in your package. We encourage the giver to identify themselves to their receiver, but by no means is that required for you shy folk. In many cases it will be ... er, blindingly obvious.

3. In the best White Elephant tradition, gifts may be stolen! Each gift can be stolen only once, and then it's dead in the water and can no longer be stolen. The stealee gets to choose a new gift or steal from someone else. However, anyone still giftless may steal from the same person who has already been stolen from.

4. However! This being the crazy Pub, characters who like the gift they have may defend it from theft. Their method of defense is up to them. Physical combat, bargaining, pleas to the thief's better nature ... whatever.

5. While gifts can only be stolen once, if you'd like to organize a friendly swap that's fine by us.

Have fun!

ETA for convenience, since the threads are wrapping:
The remaining gifts are the blue one in brown ribbon on the left, the gift bag with the yellow star, the gift bag with stripes, and the big black one on the right with the shipping stickers.

Dec. 16th, 2009


December Event: White Elephant

Ivonka marches out to the bar like an executioner, picks up the chalk, and draws a somehow menacing sprig of holly in the lower corner of the specials board.

"We are festive now," she says, and pins up a sheet of paper for the customers' perusal, and walks back into the back kitchen.

The text of the notice is clearly not her handiwork:

Happy Holidays to our regulars!

We are holding another exchange this year. This time, we'd like you to bring an unlabeled package containing something you have around the house.

Please bring your wrapped gift to the Pub by December 24.

Okay! For each character playing, leave us a (screened) comment to this post telling us what they're bringing and describing the package. Example: "Character X is bringing a bottle of Absolut Mandarin in a blue velvet wine bag with a silver tie." "Character N is bringing thirty golf balls in a pink polka-dot hat box." On December 26, a second post will go up so everyone can pick a gift. It's not Boxing Day, it's Kwanzaa. *is multicultural*

Have fun picking your White Elephant gifts!