Jul. 1st, 2008


Who: Angela and Bella
What: Angela and Bella need to chit-chat.
Where: The Cullen's
When: A few hours after Jake spilled the werewolf-beans.

It wasn’t in Angela’s nature to show up without having been invited, especially not to a place like the Cullen’s. Tonight was a huge exception. After being dropped off at home by Quil, Angela was able to leave Andrew in their mother’s care and borrow the car right after dinner. The entire time she’d just sat there, not eating, with her mother going on and on about how she looked ill. It’d been a fight for the car keys after that, but after plenty of convincing, Angela was the winner of the disagreement.

She parked in the driveway, her mother’s car looking like a pile of dung next to the fancy cars the Cullen’s drove, and practically ran to the front door. It wasn’t until she was on the door step that she realized she’d never really spent any time there, and she was suddenly very nervous. According to Jake’s logic—wasn’t she about to walk into a house full of vampires? God it was all so crazy. The entire time through dinner Angela had been thinking about the Cullen’s and all the time she’d known them—their strange beauty, their pale and cold skin, the colours of their eyes, the way they never really seemed to eat… every strange thing flashed through her mind.

And it was driving her crazy.

Frantically, Angela started knocking on the door, using her last and only ounce of bravery, before she stepped back away from the doorway. She fidgeted out on the stoop, rolling on the balls of her feet while trying not to run for the car.

Jun. 24th, 2008


Apparently Tweak is team EDWARD!

Who: Bella and Irina
What: Irina tries to convince Bella that Italy is made of awesome~
When: The evening of August 24th.
Where: Cullen household!

Everything was just pure chaos in the Cullen household right now, and while they were trying their absolute best to keep things at least a little bit normal, Bella could tell it wasn’t working very well. And while she didn’t like the fact that she was keeping to herself, because she really wanted to be involved and do what she could to help, she knew it wasn’t going to be any use. She was never much use when it came to these sort of things. And for once it wasn’t her that was the target!

So, she decided to take refuge in her and Edward’s bedroom. He was off doing something, possibly with Jasper. She just wanted a bit of alone time. Had said she was going to write an e-mail to Renee, maybe try to take a nap, something. But instead she was curled up on the bed that she still didn’t particularly see a need for, a tattered copy of Pride & Prejudice laying open beside her as she read through it. She was beginning to regret asking Edward to leave her be for a little bit, because even though she loved the book she was reading, she would have much rather have been spending time with him.

She let out a sigh and closed the book, pushing it to the side. Maybe he was somewhere in the house. Groaning, she climbed off of the bed and made her way toward the door to open it and search him out.

Jun. 19th, 2008


Who: Bella and Edward
When: The night after they meet up with Jacob.
Where: The Cullen Household
What: TBD...


Suffice to say, keeping a low profile did not quite sit well with Edward, who was valiantly trying to ward off the initial stirrings of cabin fever. All of them were, unused to being so severely restricted (except Carlisle, who went to work as usual, because it was difficult to explain how werewolves were posing a threat to your vampire family). The air of thick tension weighing heavily on all their minds didn't help matters--didn't help him, especially.

He sat at the piano and tried to lose himself in harsh rhythms, loud enough to block out the many unwelcome thoughts crowding in his head, wishing he could hear only one person's in particular, though he was pretty sure those particular thoughts were thrice-fold filled with worries and fears.

He hated waiting, especially for the other shoe to drop. It gave him too much time to think. It wasn't like their fate ought to be determined by the werewolves. Their flight was in three hours, if they wanted to embark on the first leg of their honeymoon, but he could only watch the minutes tick by uselessly. They weren't going anywhere for now.

Jun. 17th, 2008


Who: Jacob and Edward and now Bella!
What: They be talkin' yo.
Where: That place where they made out in the tent. Oh wait? That was just my imagination?
When: Um right now.

Jacob couldn't quite understand why Edward had to drag him out to the middle of nowhere, he had a Rabbit for christ's sake and it didn't exactly go off road. He went as far as he could manage before he had to park the car. He phased quickly and put his clothes in his mouth as he started schlepping up a god damn mountain.

He wasn't amused that Bella had invited herself along, not that he was worried for her safety, that girl would find trouble no matter what anyone did. And not that he didn't still care about her, that was the whole point of this. But the fact was, she was still human. This might concern her and her family but she was useless in a fight, and as far as he was concerned she'd do well to stay home once in a while. All it turned into was her making sure they'd be one man down by refusing to let Edward do anything to help the rest of them. It took looking past his emotional attachment to her to see how ridiculous the entire situation had really turned out to be.

He still cared very deeply for her, that hadn't changed. Just because he had realized there was, in fact, life after Bella Swan, didn't change the fact that she was a huge part of his life. Once he made it where he needed to be he phased back and put his jeans and tee shirt back on and went out to meet Edward and Bella. He saw them there waiting for him, and bit his tongue before he said something rude to either of them. Because honestly, was it really so hard to get a moment alone with Cullen? "The vote of confidence your wife has in us is really astounding isn't it, Edward?" Jacob said smirking slightly. "I'm not here to start any trouble." He stated clearly.


Who: Bella and Esme
What: A talk! Mostly about Edward and married life and the transformation.
When: The morning after the wedding.
Where: Cullen household!

Over the week, Bella had slowly been moving her things into the Cullen household. )

Jun. 13th, 2008


Who: Bella and Jake (and possibly Edward toward the end to whisk Bella away?)
What: Talking again or something.
When: Uh, sometime in the late evening? 8ish, maybe.
Where: Wedding reception!

The wedding ceremony itself had come and gone in something of a blur, despite the fact that she could remember every single second of it. Last minute nerves were gone as soon as she’d started walking down the aisle, surprised by her sudden calm, despite the fact that a hundred and fifty pairs of eyes were all on her. But she didn’t really care, not right now. Her eyes were on Edward and at that exact moment, there was no one but him. The idea that Jasper was probably helping to keep her calm didn’t even really cross her mind.

She’d glanced around finally as she neared the end of the aisle, looking at Renee and Charlie first with a sheepish smile, and then over to where all of her La Push friends sat. She made eye contact with Jake and felt a huge wave of relief wash over her at the smile on his face. It was the smile she loved so much and it made her own smile brighten. A second later she was looking back ahead and all she found there was Edward.

Now they were at the reception and she’d been making the rounds, talking to various people as she was supposed to and mostly staying by Edward’s side and fidgeting a little with the ring on her finger. Spotting Jake, alone, at a nearby table and stuffing his face with cake, she excused herself with a look at Edward that clearly read 'I need to do this' and made her way over toward him hesitantly. She thought back to the smile on his face that she’d seen earlier and that eased her nerves some, even making her smile again as she gently tapped him on the shoulder.

“Hey, Jake.”

Jun. 8th, 2008


Tweak says, "do i dazzle you?"

Who: Bella and Carmen
What: Carmen drops by unannounced, Bella is the only one there. They finally meet! Aww.
When: August 8th, 7PMish
Where: Casa de Cullen!

Bella had told Charlie that she was spending the day -- and most of the evening -- over at the Cullen’s, mostly just to get out of her own house and away from him. With the wedding less than a week away now, Charlie had become a bit more… anxious about the whole thing. And while he tried his best to hide it, to say the least, he wasn’t succeeding and it was starting to drive Bella crazy.

So now she sat in the rather spacious living room of the Cullen household, on the ridiculously comfortable sofa, watching a movie on their stupidly large television. Well, not so much watching as it was on and she was staring at it, but not really paying attention. Her mind was wandering like always, of course.

Most of the family was out doing one thing or another, but she was left alone when Alice had practically dragged Edward out of the house without much warning and told Bella they’d be back relatively soon. She didn’t know what was going on, and while she was definitely curious, she knew better than to pry when it came to Alice. At least right now, anyway.

Jun. 4th, 2008


Who: Bella and Edward
What: Talking and finalizing plans for the wedding, finally.
When: August 4th, 2008; roughly 3PM?
Where: Charlie's house

Bella sighed a little to herself, her fingers flipping through the ridiculously large wedding book Alice had given her oh so long ago that she… well, had never taken the proper time to actually look through. Not until now, anyway. With the ceremony looming less than two weeks away now, Bella still had a ball of guilt sitting in the pit of her stomach over not being more helpful, more excited about getting married. And while she was a little more enthused about it now than she had been a week ago, underneath all of it she still kind of felt the same. Nervous about being the center of attention, wishing it weren’t going to be such a big spectical for the town of Forks, anxious about several things, scared, excited. She groaned a little as her thoughts drifted from one thing to another, confusing even herself in the process.

She pushed the book aside and flopped down onto her bed, laying back on the mattress and staring up at the ceiling. It was the middle of the afternoon and Charlie was at work. She had the day off and had decided to work on some of the details that still needed to be ironed out, but couldn’t bring herself to be motivated enough at that moment. Which was just a horrible, awful thing to feel right now. Alice would be sorely disappointed in her.

Her hands folded neatly together on her stomach as she lay there, her eyes finally drifting shut. The breeze that came through her open window was cooler than normal, but still muggy, and she didn’t like the humidity. Though it wasn’t nearly as bad as Florida, that was for sure. Her index finger and thumb from her right hand played almost unconsciously with the ring that was settled on her left hand, twisting it this way and that, not even thinking about it as she laid there.

May. 27th, 2008


Who: Alice and Bella
What: Girl talk about the wedding!
When: July 27th, about 8:30PM
Where: Cullen household

Bella hadn’t seen Alice all day, choosing to leave her be to work on wedding stuff and do what she could to stay out of the way. Reading Alice’s note earlier had left a lasting pang of guilt in her chest and when Jasper had come back down into the living room area of the Cullen’s home where Bella sat now, explaining that he’d just pulled her wedding planner away from said plans and in front of a movie, she took that as her opportunity.

Claiming that she was just going to go use the bathroom quickly, even though it was literally never used, she climbed the stairs to the second floor and quickly found her way to Alice’s door. There was no ‘quiet time’ sign on the handle, but her note from earlier was still pinned to the front of the door that was closed. She frowned a little, but knocked lightly against the wood. Not that she would have needed to knock -- Alice had probably already seen her coming.

“Hey,” she said quietly and poked her head in a little with a friendly smile. “Can I come in?”

May. 26th, 2008


Who: Mike and Bella
What: Hot steamy sex. Duh.
Where: Bella's house
When: July 26, 2:30 PM

Mike hadn't seen Bella in a while, but he'd sent back his reply RSVP card, he'd be going with his parents since his girlfriend was a bridesmaid. It wasn't entirely unheard of, his parents were excited to go, and kept asking him 'are you sure she's not pregnant?' Mike WASN'T sure, but he took Bella's word for it.

The invitation had said no gifts, but that didn't stop Mike Newton. He wouldn't be bossed around by a piece of incredibly lovely cardstock (as his mother put it). Besides, it wasn't that interesting of a gift, just something he thought she might like.

It was with the intention of giving her this gift that put him on her doorstep unannounced. He probably should have called, but he hoped the gift, and the cookies his Mother had made to take as well would offer some forgiveness for not calling first. He knocked on the door and waited patiently. Wrapped gift in one hand, and tin of cookies in the other.

May. 24th, 2008


Who: Bella and Sam
What: Bumping into each other, having something of a conversation?
When: About 8PM, July 24th
Where: LaPush Beach

There had been something about Rachel’s response to Bella about how Jacob was doing that had felt not quite true, and it had been quietly prying on her nerves ever since. A girl? Not that Bella didn’t want Jacob to move on, she did… but it just didn’t seem right that he’d move on so quickly, and Bella felt very selfish for that, and it embarrassed her. Gut reaction had been to drive down to LaPush and see for herself, but by the time she was half-way there she’d realized just how bad of an idea that was and change her course of action rather quickly.

It was on of the few partly sunny days that this part of Washington saw during the year, and with it being near sunset, Bella had decided to go someplace she hadn’t gone to in quite some time -- LaPush Beach. The bleached white log she sat on now, and the cold sand, the water… they all held severely different memories for her, but all ones that involved Jacob, and right now he was what she was trying to feel close to emotionally. There was no denying that she was horribly worried about him, no matter what his sister had told her, but there was also no denying that she just couldn’t see him for herself. So the beach was enough for her for now.

May. 22nd, 2008


Who: Bella and Alice
What: Bella needs to be comforted, and since Alice was already there spying... who else?
When: Probably about 10:30PM on July 20th, immediately after Jacob and Bella's Talk Of Massive Angst (tm).
Where: Bella's truck

Bella had managed to find some sort of safety from what she’d just gone through with Jacob in the cab of her truck, practically curled up into a ball in the driver’s seat, though it was difficult to do with the steering wheel in the way. She buried the heels of her hands into her eyes and sobbed, just letting it break through finally after holding them in for the duration of the entire conversation.

She wanted to scream, and cry even more, and punch something. She really, really wanted to punch something, so she opted for kicking the door with her foot that was farthest from it. The pain that shot through her foot didn’t phase her, but she knew she’d probably regret doing that later. Probably a twisted ankle. Awesome.

But there was no one to blame for this but herself. Jacob had said it wasn’t her fault, but it was. And Jacob had said she wouldn’t ask Edward to stand by and watch her be happy with Jacob, and he was right. But if she did? Edward would have done it without hesitation if he thought that it was what would make her happy. But it wouldn’t. Yes, she could see herself living a happy, normal life with Jacob… but it was Edward that was her life and soul, no one else.

May. 20th, 2008


Who: Jake and Bell
What: Jake has to grow up a bit.
When: July 20 9:53 PM
Where: Bella's house

Jacob new that the clock was ticking, he knew that he was almost out of time, and he knew that at some point he might have to admit defeat. He wasn't ready to let her go, but he had bigger fish to fry at this point. His sister needed him, and if he was going to be able to focus entirely on what the pack needed from him, and if that was going to be the case he needed to get Bella Swan out of his head. He doubted this would do the trick, but he had some things he needed to get off of his chest, and he just... He had to know. He had to understand, he doubted any reasoning she had would make sense to him, but he had to try.

He hadn't called, he just showered, put on some clean jeans, and a nice shirt and headed over to her house. He sat outside for a long moment before he took a deep breath and got out of his car and walked up to the door. Chief Swan answered, and looked happy to see him and Jake and he shared some small talk. After Charlie hollered for Bella. Jacob was nervous, but, he had to get some kind of closure, some kind of . . . something.

May. 18th, 2008


WHO: Edward Cullen and Bella Swan
WHEN: July 18th, afternoon
WHERE: Meadow
SUMMARY: Edward and Bella return to their meadow for some time alone.
STATUS: Complete

It had been awhile since they were truly alone. )

Apr. 30th, 2008


Who: Jacob and Bella
What: Jake was promised dinner! He's left the pack at home!
Where: Bella's house
When: June 30, 6:00 PM

The sun had started to go down when Jake pulled up in his rabbit outside of Bella's house. He hadn't wanted to tell Rachel where he was headed, so he'd just scribbled a note while she was out and hurried on his way to Forks.

He was nervous, he knew, in his head, that Rachel was right. He couldn't force Bella to pick him. He'd already tried, and that hadn't worked. But maybe she would just do it on his own. After all, he could eat her food that she cooked, that was one thing he had going for him. He sat in his car for a minute taking a breath before he grabbed a six pack of soda from the passenger seat and got out of the car. He was wearing a pair of jeans, a plain green tee shirt and a jean jacket, he'd gone back and forth on popping the collar (thanks a lot Quil and Rachel) and had decided to just go with what he knew. So his jacket collar was, in fact, popped. HA. Sweet rebellion. His long hair was tied back loosely and he looked casual and hopefully calm even though he wasn't feeling calm at all.

He walked up the walkway to her house and knocked a couple of times. He knew Charlie was out, Charlie was at his house, so he was glad to get some time to spend with her. Even if it wasn't the way he wanted, he'd really missed her, and hadn't seen her since they had their big vampire/werewolf showdown.

He smiled when she opened the door, he instantly felt better just seeing her. He was calm again, and realized that he had nothing to worry about, even if he was crazy about her, she was still just Bella and he was instantly comfortable. "Hey Bells, I successfully evaded the rest of the pack," he teased. "Actually it was more along the lines of telling them to keep their butts at home for a change and stop obsessing over me."

Apr. 26th, 2008


Who: Bella and Edward
Where: The Swan's
What: New lullaby and sexual frustration
When: June 26rd, 7:23 PM

Bella had already wrapped the leftover food from dinner into some Tupperware containers and was storing them into the refrigerator. Charlie would want them tomorrow for lunch, no doubt, so there was no use throwing the meat away. She left the wrapped up bread out on the counter so that Charlie would know just to make some toast in the morning. She wasn’t sure she’d be in the mood to cook tomorrow. Odd as it was, she was already trying to get used the idea of not actually eating anymore. It seemed so abnormal. Go figure; a girl about to marry a vampire, thinking it was odd that she wouldn’t be able to eat in a couple months time.

She knew Edward would be there soon, so she saw Charlie off, avoiding the stink eye he gave her on his way down the driveway. She remained in the doorway, her silhouette highlighted by the light inside the house. Her face couldn’t be seen with the shadows directed onto her face, and she was glade that Charlie couldn’t see her face. That sense of buzzing excitement, the anxiety and impatience that only came when she was waiting for Edward. Charlie knew that look all to well by this point, and it always made him scowl, no matter how calm he tried to be about their relationship.

Once Charlie’s police cruiser was out of eyeshot, Bella closed the door behind her. It was still far too early to get into pyjamas or think about climbing into bed, but she did both regardless. The night breeze carried in a slight draft from her window, causing even the June weather to feel cool. She pulled a sweater on over her head, and wallowed on her bed as she waited for Edward. Always the impatient one. Instead of sitting in her bedroom impatiently, Bella got up and went back downstairs to the kitchen to do a little more—unnecessary—cleaning. It killed the time.

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Last Updated: May 12, 2008.

Random Quote

Jane laughed - the sound was golden, the bubbling laugh of a happy child. "This one seems to bring out bizarrely strong reactions in our kind," she observed, smiling directly at me, her face beatific.

- Eclipse

August 2008
