Jun. 23rd, 2008


Who: Emmett and Leah
What: Leah gets in trouble, Emmett breaks the treaty, All hell breaks loose
Where: La Push
When: Not very long after the Sam/Carlisle escapade. Probably during it actually.

Emmett didn't recognize the scent... )

Jun. 15th, 2008



Who: Sam & Leah
What: Leah tries to escape... to no avail.
Where: Cullen's backyard.
When: Wedding Reception

Leah didn't want to be there, that wasn't really a secret and by the time the day rolled around just about everyone was well aware of the fact. She claimed it was simply because she thought it was a bad idea, gathering together with Vampires? Vampires who clearly outnumbered them. It wasn't just that though, it was a wedding. Which was a harsh reminder that soon enough Emily and Sam would be having one of their own and she... wouldn't.

She looked good in her yellow shimmery cocktail dress and she couldn't deny that she'd had fun getting ready and just being a girl earlier in the day with her cousin but now... she'd gotten through the ceremony and stayed for some of the reception... that had to be enough. Of course she was pretty sure she knew what Sam's opinion of that would be, so she'd parted discretely from the crowd and headed to the edge of the yard, hoping to disappear into the woods. She groaned though, when she spotted the tall boy hanging at the fringes, keeping a close eye on everything that was going on. She shouldn't have been surprised.

"Shouldn't you be mingling? Being the werewolf ambassador and making relations or something?" She asked, hoping to avoid the fact that she'd been about to leave.

it's a nice day to start again, it's a nice day for a white wedding... )


Who: Emily Young & Leah Clearwater.
What: Emily has something to tell Leah.
Where: Leah's room.
When: ...idk, I'll fill it in later. IN THE PAST. 

Though she knew the house nearly as well as her own, Emily didn't feel comfortable, safe, happy - all feelings she usually associated with her cousin's home.

She was going to ruin that, wasn't she? But this wasn't something Emily could help - or it wasn't something she wanted to help.

For once in her life, Emily Young was going to be selfish - whatever came next.

"Leah?" She rapped the doorway to her younger cousin's room, lingering somewhat nervously just outside. "Can I come in?"

May. 7th, 2008


Who: Rachel (Can be a narrative, or Open if Quil or Leah want to join)
What: Rachel eventually finding out that Leah isn't going to be the only girl anymore.
Where: Starts in the Black House, moves to the back yard
When: July 7th, just after sunset

Her father hadn't let her go to the doctor. Even though she was burning up, and her stomach was bothering her, he wasn't letting her go just to be safe. Vampires were up the road, that was his reasoning. She would have argued, but she really didn't feel like it. She had no idea how to describe how she felt, and she didn't understand the look that had been in Billy's eyes when he had checked her temperature. It had seemed almost like pity, she really didn't know. It wasn't that she felt over sick, she felt...odd. Rachel had been though fevers before, and this was nothing like a fever. But it didn't occur to her what was going on. She had no idea, and it seemed Billy wasn't talking either.

As if her day could get any worse. First Jacob went and ran off, and she seemed to be the only one panicking about this. Everyone else was just going on about what Sam wanted. Sam could kiss her ass, for all she cared. He had been a nice guy, she went to school with him. But brushing off her brother running away, and saying it would be OK annoyed her just a bit too much.

Shortly after sunset she was still feeling gross. Or 'wrong.' Something just wasn't right. Maybe she was just over tired? Though she doubted it, Rachel had been getting all the sleep she needed and then some. "I'm going to go outside for a bit, get some air." she told Billy, while pushing herself up off the couch. She made her way to the door, walking out before Billy had time to answer. She didn't even notice the cool night air, she probably would have been cold any other night, but it felt comfortable, not too cold at all.

She wondered to the backyard, stopping a good distance from the woods- they still made her nervous knowing what could be in there- and dropped to the ground. She positioned herself on her back, knees bent, and found herself staring at the darkened sky. What the hell was wrong with her? She didn't feel like she had a fever, but skin said otherwise. Where had she caught a bug from? It wasn't like any of the people she had been around lately ever got sick. She warm, too warm, like Jacob warm.

Rolling onto her stomach she propped herself up on her elbows, looking at her hands. Now that was just insane. Maybe her fever was making her delusional. Her eyes narrowed slightly, looking at her hands. She felt a wave of panic wash through her. She had to be jumping to conclusions, because no, she wasn't like them, she wasn't here when it all started. Her eyes went wide as the hands in front of her seemed to blur.

May. 5th, 2008


Who: Leah and Jacob
What: Leah really can't stand any more of Jakes happy thoughts.
Where: Jakes house
When: July 5th, 10pmish

Leah was tired. She'd spent her evening doing absolutely nothing, taking a soak in the tub and then turning in early. Any hopes of a decent night sleep were shattered though, when a certain brunette made her way into her dreams. If the overwhelming sense of happiness and hope that she'd felt from Jacob the last time they'd phased wasn't bad enough, well, this was the icing on the cake. Deep down, Leah knew it wasn't really his fault but when she was trying to sleep and couldn't do it without dreaming of making out with someone she didn't even really like... well, Jake was probably going to wish he wasn't home.

Honestly, Leah thought Jacob was being naive. Okay, maybe she was a little more cynical than others, but even despite that she couldn't help thinking that no matter what happened Jacob wasn't going to get what he wanted and the fact that he seemed to think he was really bugged her. She didn't use the front door, she didn't want to wake Billy, although with the forced that she banged on Jakes window, there was a good chance she would do that anyway. Even though she would never admit it she was jealous of him. He was in a place that was so similar to her but the difference was that he had a chance. Sam had no choice, Bella did and that frustrated Leah. Eventually (although eventually in Leah's book was about thirty seconds) she gave up being polite and just pulled the window open, inviting herself in and climbing through the window.

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Last Updated: May 12, 2008.

Random Quote

"We don't make exceptions," she said. "And we don't give second chances. It's bad for our reputation."

- Jane, Eclipse

August 2008
