Jul. 30th, 2008


Who: Jake, Angela, and an NPC Ben
What: Goofing off and intimidating the ex.
Where: Forks
When: Around 2:30 in the afternoon

Jake had come down to Forks for the day, being that Angela had come up to La Push the last five times they'd hung out together. First it was the beach, then a movie night, then dinner with Jake's dad, dinner with the pack at Sam and Emily's. He'd decided he'd made her drive 35 miles each way enough and came down to see her. He was going to stop by and see Bella later, but so far he was having way too much fun hanging out with Angela.

They were wandering around the outfitters trying to find Jake some new shoes, and he was currently at the counter giving Mrs. Newton the information she needed to order a few pairs of chuck taylors in Jacob's size. She was going on and on about how much he'd grown and he was being as polite as ever, always keeping Angela in his peripheral vision.

It shocked him how easily it came to him to always be aware of where she was when they were together. Half of it was just because he was absolutely crazy about her, and the other half was the rogue vampire running around time killing his pack members and beating the shit out of Leah and Emmett Cullen.

As he made small talk with Mrs. Newton he heard the bell on the door chime and he instinctively turned to look, it was no one he recognized so he looked back and finished giving Mrs. Newton his phone number. He said thank you, and walked over to where Angela was standing staring rather intently at a pair of new balance tennis shoes and not moving a muscle. He furrowed his brow, and walked up behind her and put his hands on her hips and kissed her cheek. "New Balance is not cool, babe. Ever," he teased.

Jul. 1st, 2008


Who: Angela and Bella
What: Angela and Bella need to chit-chat.
Where: The Cullen's
When: A few hours after Jake spilled the werewolf-beans.

It wasn’t in Angela’s nature to show up without having been invited, especially not to a place like the Cullen’s. Tonight was a huge exception. After being dropped off at home by Quil, Angela was able to leave Andrew in their mother’s care and borrow the car right after dinner. The entire time she’d just sat there, not eating, with her mother going on and on about how she looked ill. It’d been a fight for the car keys after that, but after plenty of convincing, Angela was the winner of the disagreement.

She parked in the driveway, her mother’s car looking like a pile of dung next to the fancy cars the Cullen’s drove, and practically ran to the front door. It wasn’t until she was on the door step that she realized she’d never really spent any time there, and she was suddenly very nervous. According to Jake’s logic—wasn’t she about to walk into a house full of vampires? God it was all so crazy. The entire time through dinner Angela had been thinking about the Cullen’s and all the time she’d known them—their strange beauty, their pale and cold skin, the colours of their eyes, the way they never really seemed to eat… every strange thing flashed through her mind.

And it was driving her crazy.

Frantically, Angela started knocking on the door, using her last and only ounce of bravery, before she stepped back away from the doorway. She fidgeted out on the stoop, rolling on the balls of her feet while trying not to run for the car.

Jun. 28th, 2008


Who: Angela and Jacob
What: Jake has a secret. Ruh oh.
Where: La Push; Jacob's home.
When: After the Port Angeles trip to McDonald's. Unfortunately, Quil didn't turn it into a Wendy's.

It wasn’t like Angela didn’t like spending time with her little brother. Babysitting him could be a lot of fun, but babysitting him a lot was extremely tiring. Andrew had more energy than a cheetah hunting for food. Luckily, Jacob and Quil had just about as much energy as Andrew; if not more. With the three of them combined, Angela could barely keep up. It was like the tortoise and the hare come to life, only there were three hares, two of them being really, really huge, and the tortoise was a red head.

Regardless of that, it was a fun little trip. Andrew was clearly smitten with Jacob and Quil, and was practically begging for their attention the entire way back to Forks. It was actually Andrew’s idea to go to La Push to hang out with the boys a little more—an idea that Angela certainly didn’t shoot down. She liked spending time with Jacob, and the more she knew about him, the more she liked. He was incredibly different from Ben, but that was possibly one of her favourite things about him.

When they arrived in La Push, Quil was kind enough to take Andrew on his hands, leaving Angela and Jake alone to their own devices. It was all very odd. When they were with other people, which was almost all the time, Angela was wishing they could be alone, but when they were alone, she was always nervous and struggling not to have a severe case of word vomit.

Angela plopped down onto Jake’s sofa and folded her legs underneath her body. “Thanks for taking us to Port Angeles with you today,” Angela said. “Andrew loves you two.”

Jun. 17th, 2008


Who: Jake and Angela
What: Jake is already in enough trouble he may as well spend even more time away from the rez.
Where: Angela's house, then maybe the rez
When: After the talk with Edward and Bella

Jacob pulled up outside of Angela's house, he felt weird just dropping in, but really she was all that had been on his mind since he'd found out about Seth. He wanted to make sure she was safe, and he wanted to see her face. Like it might make all the badness go away. Or at least make it a little easier to bear. He'd been holding the majority of it inside, trying to get through this tragedy with a level head. Doing his best to keep the peace, he understood all sides of this. His loyalty was always to the pack, but he was doing this FOR THEM. So they didn't start the wrong war.

He sighed and got out of his little rabbit and put his keys in his pocket as he headed up the walk to her house. He hoped she wouldn't think he was a weirdo, but before he could rethink this he knocked on the door.

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Last Updated: May 12, 2008.

Random Quote

"And we will visit you as well," Caius promised, his eyes suddenly half-closed like the heavy-lidded gaze of a lizard. "To be sure that you follow through on your side. Were I you, I would not delay too long. We do not offer second chances."

- New Moon

August 2008
