May. 25th, 2008


Who: Rachel and Jacob
What: Brother and Sister bonding time of course.
Where: Their house.
When:July 25, 11:30 AM

It had been five days since he'd left Bella standing on that sidewalk back in Forks. He hadn't heard from her since. Then again, he hadn't really expected to. There was that small part of him that thought she'd come to his door unable to live without him. But he knew by now that was just wishful thinking.

He hadn't done much since that night, he'd come home a complete wreck, cried all over his sister but refused to tell her what had happened. He couldn't make the words come out. After that he'd just gone to bed. He was vaguely aware of people coming in and out of his room to bring him food, he was even vaguely aware of eating it once in a while. He'd heard Quil over every single day, even if it was just to sit in the living room and chat with Rachel and poke his head into Jake's room. He knew everyone had been over at some point, even Leah had knocked on his window and he'd screamed at her to go away. His standard answer of "I'm fine, I'm just tired." was all anyone really got.

He literally felt like his insides were just rotting away, it hurt to stand, it hurt to move, and he was completely out of tears to cry. Every time he stood up, and thought he would try to get up and move, and be a part of things, it was just too hard. It was like his body refused to cooperate. He'd sleep and dream of her, he'd lay there awake and think about her, and the energy it took to simply move was astounding. It was all way too much.

But it had been 5 days, and he was starting to get uncomfortable, it was time to shower, change the sheets, put on new pajama pants and go back to bed. He could totally do this. He sat there on the edge of his bed staring at the wall, not really even noticing that he hadn't moved, for almost an hour. Before he finally stood up. He teetered there for a bit and forced himself to stay standing. He turned and pulled the sheets and blankets off the bed and walked out of his bedroom. He turned the corner into the laundry room and started the washer, just throwing his stuff in before he headed straight for the bathroom.

He took a long shower, and while it didn't make him feel better in anyway, it did wake him up a bit. He walked by the laundry room and stared at the washer willing it to go faster. It didn't. He padded into the living room where his sister was sitting in a chair with the TV on. He didn't say anything, simply walked further into the room and sprawled out on the couch grabbing the blanket that was on the back of the sofa and covering himself with it. It would have to do until his sheets were done.

May. 15th, 2008


Who: Rachel and Jacob
What: Rachel's shifting back
Where: The woods somewhere
When: July 15, 5:13 AM

The past few days had been hell on earth. Though she had calmed down a lot, to the point that she had even stopped threatening to do something nasty to even Jacob, and she wasn't quite as testy as she had been the past few days, she still wasn't in a good mood. She was tired, and slightly cranky. She really, really missed having two legs. She had been stuck like this for a while, and from what she gathered, she should really be figuring out how to get back to being her human self relatively soon.

It was what she had been trying to figure out how to do for an hour now. She had woken up early, really early, the sun hadn't risen yet early. Jacob was near by, as he had been since he had come back...from where ever he had ran to. She had to give him a whole lot of credit for that. And once she had her arms back, there was going to have to be some serious hugs. At least he had come back after she had phased. As much as she wanted to punch him for leaving in the first place, she was too grateful he had come straight home.

At a little after five, she was pretty sure she almost had it. She had been close before, but at lost concentration, or it just hadn't worked. She was getting hopeful, she should be able to go home soon, right? With a hot shower, and real food, and Lord how she missed her bed right now. There was a pile of her clothes waiting for her close by, again, something she had Jacob to tank for.

Two other failed attempts later, she heaved a huge sigh of relief when when she was staring at her fingers, instead of a pair of paws. Just to be sure, she wiggled them in front of her, before forming into a fist. Yes, these were her hands. She ran her fingers through her hair, sweeping it back from her eyes. It was just her hair, the way it had always been, and the rest of her face was smooth skin. Oh thank God, was all she could think.

Rachel reached for the clothes that she knew were there waiting for her, shoving on the shorts and t-shirt that was usually part of her sleeping wardrobe. Once fully clothes, she sighed again, and rolled onto her back, bringing her hands up to her face, closing her eyes. She could really go for her bed right now, and something really unhealthy for her, like a cheeseburger, or a milkshake, or some hot wings. Hell, she felt hungry enough to eat all three and then some.

May. 7th, 2008


Who: Rachel (Can be a narrative, or Open if Quil or Leah want to join)
What: Rachel eventually finding out that Leah isn't going to be the only girl anymore.
Where: Starts in the Black House, moves to the back yard
When: July 7th, just after sunset

Her father hadn't let her go to the doctor. Even though she was burning up, and her stomach was bothering her, he wasn't letting her go just to be safe. Vampires were up the road, that was his reasoning. She would have argued, but she really didn't feel like it. She had no idea how to describe how she felt, and she didn't understand the look that had been in Billy's eyes when he had checked her temperature. It had seemed almost like pity, she really didn't know. It wasn't that she felt over sick, she felt...odd. Rachel had been though fevers before, and this was nothing like a fever. But it didn't occur to her what was going on. She had no idea, and it seemed Billy wasn't talking either.

As if her day could get any worse. First Jacob went and ran off, and she seemed to be the only one panicking about this. Everyone else was just going on about what Sam wanted. Sam could kiss her ass, for all she cared. He had been a nice guy, she went to school with him. But brushing off her brother running away, and saying it would be OK annoyed her just a bit too much.

Shortly after sunset she was still feeling gross. Or 'wrong.' Something just wasn't right. Maybe she was just over tired? Though she doubted it, Rachel had been getting all the sleep she needed and then some. "I'm going to go outside for a bit, get some air." she told Billy, while pushing herself up off the couch. She made her way to the door, walking out before Billy had time to answer. She didn't even notice the cool night air, she probably would have been cold any other night, but it felt comfortable, not too cold at all.

She wondered to the backyard, stopping a good distance from the woods- they still made her nervous knowing what could be in there- and dropped to the ground. She positioned herself on her back, knees bent, and found herself staring at the darkened sky. What the hell was wrong with her? She didn't feel like she had a fever, but skin said otherwise. Where had she caught a bug from? It wasn't like any of the people she had been around lately ever got sick. She warm, too warm, like Jacob warm.

Rolling onto her stomach she propped herself up on her elbows, looking at her hands. Now that was just insane. Maybe her fever was making her delusional. Her eyes narrowed slightly, looking at her hands. She felt a wave of panic wash through her. She had to be jumping to conclusions, because no, she wasn't like them, she wasn't here when it all started. Her eyes went wide as the hands in front of her seemed to blur.

May. 6th, 2008



Note left for Rachel Black on the kitchen counter )

Apr. 29th, 2008


Who: Rachel and Open to any in La Push
Where: The Black's
What: Rachel returns to La Push
When: June 29rd, 2:00pm

The closer she got to La Push, the more nervous she became. Jacob had pretty much made it sound like Billy was happy she was coming back. She had been enough of a distraction to make him forget Jacob's report card. But her stomach was still in knots as she entered the boundaries of La Push. She had been gone for two years, how could some people not look at her coming back as weird? She could only hope people didn't really think she got kicked out of school. Rachel remembered how people talked around here, and the last thing she cared to hear was rumors floating around about her. She pushed those thoughts aside as she sped along the road on her prized Roadstar motorbike, taking in the surroundings. It would seem, that not a whole lot had changed. Not in the way La Push looked anyway. Some buildings had become more shabby looking, others looked like the had a few fresh coats of paint.

It wasn't long before she could see the Black House, and it was exactly like she remembered it being. Minus that hideous truck Billy had use to make her drive when she was a teenager. That was gone. She had no idea where, but it was gone, and that was all that mattered. She couldn't help but smile on her helmet as she neared her old childhood house. It had taken two years, but one of the Black Twins had finally come home. It was easier for her, more so than Rebecca. The other twin had an ocean between them.

She pulled into the driveway, and slowed the bike to a stop, placing her feet on the ground to balance the bike as she turned it all off and lowered the kick stand. Taking off her helmet, she just watched the house for a moment, as if she expected it to disappear. Sighing, she got off her bike, slightly stiff from the hours of driving. Well, she was home now, after she saw Jacob, and got to see what all the 'awesome things' were about, she could soak in a hot bath for a while, maybe, depending on how gross the tub was. Setting her helmet on her bike she went to work digging out ber bags from her storage supply. She hadn't brought a whole lot, but then again, Rach never was the type of girl to pack lots of things. She could get more things later if needed.

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Last Updated: May 12, 2008.

Random Quote

"I don’t have any leeches on my speed dial."

- Jacob Black, Eclipse

August 2008
