Jun. 9th, 2008


Who: Jake and Quil
Where: Quil's house
What: Boys being boys
When: August 9th, 9:48 PM

Jake told Rachel he was going to go hang out at Quil's and took off out the door with a backpack full of candy, funyons, video games and lots of red bull. It was so full the zipper was bursting, but he only had a few houses to go, he managed quite nicely. He poked his head in through the screen door and said hello to Quil's mom and made his way to his best friend's room. When she stopped him quickly and asked with a knowing look on her face if he wanted her to make some cheese dip his face lit up and he gave her a huge smile and nodded excitedly, "Remind me to get those adoption papers to you, Aunt Miriam!" he said kissing her cheek as he passed by her.

He opened the door to Quil's room and chucked the backpack at him quickly, "Stop surfing the internet for porn, I brought Smash Brothers," he said obviously impressed with himself as he flopped down on Quil's bed and started emptying out the "magical" backpack.

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Last Updated: May 12, 2008.

Random Quote

"I’ll be back so soon you won’t have time to miss me. Look after my heart — I’ve left it with you.

– Edward Cullen, Eclipse

August 2008
