Jun. 17th, 2008


Who: Jake and Angela
What: Jake is already in enough trouble he may as well spend even more time away from the rez.
Where: Angela's house, then maybe the rez
When: After the talk with Edward and Bella

Jacob pulled up outside of Angela's house, he felt weird just dropping in, but really she was all that had been on his mind since he'd found out about Seth. He wanted to make sure she was safe, and he wanted to see her face. Like it might make all the badness go away. Or at least make it a little easier to bear. He'd been holding the majority of it inside, trying to get through this tragedy with a level head. Doing his best to keep the peace, he understood all sides of this. His loyalty was always to the pack, but he was doing this FOR THEM. So they didn't start the wrong war.

He sighed and got out of his little rabbit and put his keys in his pocket as he headed up the walk to her house. He hoped she wouldn't think he was a weirdo, but before he could rethink this he knocked on the door.

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Last Updated: May 12, 2008.

Random Quote

Jane laughed - the sound was golden, the bubbling laugh of a happy child. "This one seems to bring out bizarrely strong reactions in our kind," she observed, smiling directly at me, her face beatific.

- Eclipse

August 2008
