Jun. 20th, 2008


Who: Alice and Emmett
What: She's following him around, and while he appreciates the company he is sure she has something better to do.
Where: The Cullen house
When: August 20

Alice is stalking Emmett... )

Jun. 18th, 2008


Who: Alice and Jasper
What: Being zen and probably quoting Gone With the Wind
Where: Out in the woods near the Cullen house
When: August 18

Alice was out in the woods sitting on a picnic table that was a bit of a landmark around the Cullen house. Meeting at the picnic table, not going past the picnic table, spending time alone at the picnic table. The only thing that would have made it better is if it were a door to Narnia as well. It sat in a small clearing, surrounded by trees and there was a creek running about fifteen from it.

Alice was sitting cross legged directly in the center of it with her eyes closed trying to see something. Anything. Everything was a jumble and it was frustrating her to no end. Her visions had turned into a mess of a mess of a mess and she thought the quiet serenity might do her some good. She was taking in the sounds of the birds, the sound of the creek and trying to focus. But it seemed like everything was just out of reach. She didn't even know Jasper was on his way down to see her, in fact, she was so engrossed in trying to see something that she didn't even hear him approaching.

May. 30th, 2008


rp log; alice and esme.

WHO: Alice and Esme.
WHERE: Chez Cullen
WHEN: Night, 30 July.


Esme could hear Carlisle's footsteps traverse the massive length of the library once, twice, before stopping (she visualized his scrutinizing gaze). The house fell silent and, seated upon the couch in the room they shared, she could feel the enormity of the silence rear above her. Speaking with Carlisle had done little to assuage her anxiety about what would happen after the wedding, after Bella turned vampire. Carlisle could only guarantee their safety so far.

And, if anything, Esme hated waiting without at least some foreknowledge. It seemed silly that she was the only one worried about the future when a telepath and a medium lived in her household. So she stood, treading lightly upon the floorboards (skipping the known creakers) to plant herself outside of Alice's door.

She waited for a moment, not bothering to knock (knowing, inherently, the young woman would know her purpose and her place without prompt). It would be good to sit and talk with Alice, anyway. She was sure the pressure of almost singlehandedly planning the wedding was sure to be degrees of maddening. Perhaps Alice needed a sympathetic ear.

May. 27th, 2008


Who: Alice and Bella
What: Girl talk about the wedding!
When: July 27th, about 8:30PM
Where: Cullen household

Bella hadn’t seen Alice all day, choosing to leave her be to work on wedding stuff and do what she could to stay out of the way. Reading Alice’s note earlier had left a lasting pang of guilt in her chest and when Jasper had come back down into the living room area of the Cullen’s home where Bella sat now, explaining that he’d just pulled her wedding planner away from said plans and in front of a movie, she took that as her opportunity.

Claiming that she was just going to go use the bathroom quickly, even though it was literally never used, she climbed the stairs to the second floor and quickly found her way to Alice’s door. There was no ‘quiet time’ sign on the handle, but her note from earlier was still pinned to the front of the door that was closed. She frowned a little, but knocked lightly against the wood. Not that she would have needed to knock -- Alice had probably already seen her coming.

“Hey,” she said quietly and poked her head in a little with a friendly smile. “Can I come in?”

May. 22nd, 2008


Who: Edward and Alice
What: Alice has some information, some questions and wants to tell him she appreciates him.
When: After her conversation with Bella, but most importantly after her eavesdropping on Jake and Bella.
Where: Casa de Cullen

Alice had had a rough evening, and what she wanted to do was find Jasper and make him make it all go away. But first she needed to talk to Edward, she had to let him know what was going on, because Bella was a mess. And she needed her brother to be on his A game with making Bella feel like everything she was going through was worth it.

She heard the piano as she pulled into the drive and parked her car. She walked in and sat down next to him and pushed the highest key on the piano, she liked the little tink it always made. "Before you run off to Bella's house, she's definitely going to need you over there, but I need you here first, got it?" she said seriously.


Who: Bella and Alice
What: Bella needs to be comforted, and since Alice was already there spying... who else?
When: Probably about 10:30PM on July 20th, immediately after Jacob and Bella's Talk Of Massive Angst (tm).
Where: Bella's truck

Bella had managed to find some sort of safety from what she’d just gone through with Jacob in the cab of her truck, practically curled up into a ball in the driver’s seat, though it was difficult to do with the steering wheel in the way. She buried the heels of her hands into her eyes and sobbed, just letting it break through finally after holding them in for the duration of the entire conversation.

She wanted to scream, and cry even more, and punch something. She really, really wanted to punch something, so she opted for kicking the door with her foot that was farthest from it. The pain that shot through her foot didn’t phase her, but she knew she’d probably regret doing that later. Probably a twisted ankle. Awesome.

But there was no one to blame for this but herself. Jacob had said it wasn’t her fault, but it was. And Jacob had said she wouldn’t ask Edward to stand by and watch her be happy with Jacob, and he was right. But if she did? Edward would have done it without hesitation if he thought that it was what would make her happy. But it wouldn’t. Yes, she could see herself living a happy, normal life with Jacob… but it was Edward that was her life and soul, no one else.

Apr. 30th, 2008


Oh these ancient skies, I've had these wandering eyes, but you took me by surprise

Who: Alice and Jasper
What: Take a pill and chillax Alice!
Where: Their room at the Cullen abode
When: June 30, 12:45 PM

Alice and Jasper's room (and two other rooms in the house) had been turned into "wedding central" there were white boards, poster boards, fabric swatches and pictures of food and invitations etc etc etc. To say Alice had been stressed out was putting it mildly, she wasn't stressed about the wedding so much as she was about throwing it together in two months. From what she could tell it was going to be okay, everything would work out just fine, but she didn't use that as an excuse to get lazy!

The only time she really calmed down is when it was just her and Jasper taking a walk, or just simply being around each other. He relaxed her, and put his powers on top of that and she was as moldable as silly putty. She hoped that everyone understood why this was such a big deal for her, Bella was her best friend really. She was joining their family in more ways than one, and Edward was not going to spend his forevers all alone. Edward and her were very close, and to see him so happy made her want to do things for him even more than usual. She'd give her right arm over to him if he asked, and to be able to throw him the wedding he deserved and had EARNED it was her pleasure.

Even if Bella was a bit reluctant, she would talk to her about that because it wasn't very nice, it was understandable, but she wanted Bella comfortable too. She just wanted everything perfect, she wanted everyone there to see how happy Bella and Edward were with each other. And how amazing this whole thing was, how lucky they were to have found each other. And when it came time for Bella to say her goodbyes, she wanted her family and friends to feel comfortable with it. At least a little bit. Alice recognized that this was more than just a wedding, and she wanted the others to figure that out too. Her methods were a bit...Excitable, but she did what she could to reel herself in.

She was currently lounging on the big fluffy white love seat that was in their bedroom watching "A Wedding Story" on TV and ignoring the fact that her family was downstairs discussing her. They hadn't done that in while, and she almost felt guilty for all the times they'd sat around discussing her brothers and sister at one time or another. She knew that Jasper would be up shortly to offer her some advice, some loving adoration, and tell her to chill out for a bit. They were wavering between just asking her to tone it down, and flat out telling her to give it a rest for a while. She didn't MEAN to wear everyone out, but she knew she was. She was quick to admit that she could be a little "larger than life" despite the fact that she was tiny. She had too much on her plate, and she recognized that. She already had her mea culpas prepared by the time she heard Jasper walking up the stairs. When he opened the door she turned and smiled brightly at him. "So...What's to become of Alice Cullen? Am I banished from Verona?" She asked cheerfully as she tucked her legs closer to herself so he'd have a spot to sit on the love seat.

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Last Updated: May 12, 2008.

Random Quote

Edward was here, with his arms around me. I could face anything as long as that was true.

- Isabella Swan, New Moon

August 2008
