Youka Nitta
28th-May-2009 08:51 pm - Ficlet and Drabble: "In Memory of a Hermit Crab" and "Otaku" (Yoshizumi ; G & PG)
Title: In Memory of a Hermit Crab
Character: Yoshizumi, Iwaki, Katou and the Whomping Willow
Manga: Haru o Daiteita - cross-over with Harry Potter
Word count: 150
Rating: PG for violence? ;0)
Notes: For [info]bronze_ribbons
Prompt: None but the author's insane idea.

In Memory of a Hermit Crab )

Title: Otaku
Character: Yoshizumi
Manga: Haru o Daiteita
Word count: 450
Rating: G
Notes: For [info]bronze_ribbons - I wanted to play with Yoshizumi being an otaku...
Prompt(s): "Yoshizumi/movies

Otaku )
25th-Mar-2009 10:33 am - DOUBLE DRABBLE: Professionals
Title: Professionals
Prompt: #18 - business
Characters: Sawa Nagisa is Nitta's. The inspectors and Kohaku are mine. The American in the second drabble is Sanami Matoh's.
Rating: G
Notes: Two 100-word drabbles. They are prequels to the ficlet I am currently working on for the Embracing Spring fest (caveat: if the plot gets any more out of control, I will table it for later and come up with something simpler and fluffier for the fest). There is in fact a travel advisory currently in effect regarding Roppongi bars.
Summary: There has been an epidemic of drinks being spiked in Roppongi. Some of the patrons are professionally interested in the situation.

As Assistant Inspector Akatsu led away the perpetrator... )
21st-Mar-2009 09:42 am - DOUBLE DRABBLE: Fountains of Opportunity
Title: Fountains of Opportunity
Prompt: #18 - "business"
Pairing: Iwaki/Katou, but mainly an ensemble moment about Asano vs. Katou
Rating: PG
Summary: Connections can only do so much.
Notes: 200 words. Triggered by [info]geri_chan's mention of mermaid flesh as an anti-aging food. Which, in turn, reminded me of chapter 47 ("Soul Position"), when Iwaki claims that stealing Katou's energy is why "I can work without sleep for so long and still keep my skin so smooth" (damn him)...

You are even more exuberant than usual tonight... )
1st-Feb-2009 02:26 pm - DRABBLE: Bonsai (Shimizu, G)
Title: Bonsai
Fandom: Haru wo Daiteita (Embracing Love)
Character: Shimizu
Words: 100
Challenge: halfamoon 2009, day 1. Crossposted to the comm and my IJ.

spoilers through chapter 49 )
27th-Jan-2009 01:12 am - Drabble: More to Grow On
Title: More to Grow On
Prompts: development / Iwaki's 39th birthday
Pairing: Iwaki/Katou
Rating: PG

As the Noh troupe filed off the bare wooden stage, Iwaki glanced down at the fingers of his right hand, clasped within Katou's left. He smiled to himself: Katou had matured so much as both an artist and a man over the years. Once upon a time, Iwaki wouldn't have trusted Katou to behave himself at such a show, but that seemed like a lifetime ago.

"Did you enjoy it?" he murmured to Katou.

Katou grinned. "Do you suppose Yoshizumi-san moans like that when he's in the throes?"

He knew Katou was yanking his chain. Iwaki swung his fist anyway.
15th-Jan-2009 05:29 pm - DRABBLE: Experience is an Ingredient
Title: Experience is an Ingredient
Prompt: #16 - Development
Characters: Katou/Iwaki, Yoshizumi, allusion to Masanori/Yasaka [Umaimon Kuwasero]
Rating: G
Summary: Even perfection can be improved upon.
Digression: Soup in Japan (a page with nifty info/trivia I stumbled upon while noodling around, as it were)

Katou sighed happily as he set the soup bowl down. "So perfect!" he gushed. "Just like my Iwaki-san!"

Iwaki's smile hinted at both embarrassment and mischief. "I am nothing so exquisite," he insisted, "and you are nauseating poor Yoshizumi-san."

Katou playfully turned to their friend, intending to torment him further, but the strange expression on Yoshizumi's face startled him. "Are you okay?" he demanded anxiously.

Yoshizumi murmured, "I once tasted this soup in Kyoto. It was the best I had ever been served. But it is somehow even better now."

Two tables away, Masanori Yae caught Yoshizumi's words, and smiled.
10th-Jan-2009 04:40 pm - DRABBLE: "More Than Kin and Less Than Kind"
This is a little thank-you to [info]geri_chan for giving this comm a year's paid time. *hugs*

Title: More Than Kin and Less Than Kind
Words: 100
Characters: Kaneko and Katou
Rating: G
Warning: Spoiler for Hamlet.

Kaneko had gone into the hall to answer his mobile phone... )
17th-Oct-2008 10:21 pm - DRABBLE: A Face Beyond the Face
Title: A Face Beyond the Face
Prompt: #10 - "revelation"
Character: Kaneko (Katou's manager)
Rating: G
Summary: There's more to Kaneko than what we get to see.

Kaneko promised himself long ago that he would never let the demands of his job kill his love of movies, so he spends most of his non-working hours on activities such as visiting the Takadanobaba cinema and reading every new book on film acquired by the Tokyo Metropolitan Library. He also has a weakness for the buffet at The Pink Cow, though-- partly because he'll never forget the incredulous look on Katou's face when Kaneko took him there: until then, his client clearly hadn't imagined there being more to Kaneko than his dutiful manager act.

But now Katou knows.
17th-Oct-2008 09:43 pm - Drabble: Earning (Yoshizumi, PG)
Title: Earning
Prompt: #11, Quick
Character: Yoshizumi
Rating: PG
Summary: Yoshizumi can't help comparing now with then.

Yoshizumi doesn't consider himself middle-aged just yet, but he can't help wondering what the hell is wrong with the younger actors in his current film. It's a contemporary thriller rather than a period drama, so he'd be out of his comfort zone regardless, but the impatience his co-stars reek of, it creeps him out. It has nothing to do with craft and everything to do with entitlement: they clearly expect stardom to be served to them as quickly and easily as a vending machine lunch, and it makes Yoshizumi wish all the more that he was acting with Iwaki instead.
23rd-Sep-2008 06:25 pm - Drabble Challenge #8: Paper Thin (Iwaki Masahiko; G)
Title: Paper Thin
Prompt: #8 First meeting
Pairing: None, Iwaki Masahiko (Iwaki's brother ;0)
Rating: G
Summary: Dreams are easily crushed...

Sometimes paper feels so heavy. Paper walls. Paper doors. The documents of his father's business. Thin slices of tradition and commitment.

Paper. So light, but heavy enough to feel like iron shackles, tying up his dreams.

Somewhere, in another room in the house, his daughter is crying. Masahiko loves his family, or so he thinks. Only love should not be a burden.

He remembers how Kyousuke-kun looked the first time he saw him with that golden-haired lover of his. How in love. How light.

Masahiko pushes the thought of handsome Katou Youji away, and goes back to doing his duty.
17th-Sep-2008 12:26 am - DRABBLE: Place
Title: Place
Prompt: #7, Wind
Pairing: Iwaki/Katou
Rating: G
Note: Some info on kites here - it turns out there’s a prominent kitemaker in Kyoto who shares Yoshizumi’s last name. But that’s something for some other drabble some other time.

“This is fantastic, Yoshizumi-san!” Katou exclaimed, holding up the puppy-shaped kite. Iwaki looked equally pleased with the paper swan that had emerged from his own box. Katou continued, “I can’t wait to try mine out! Too bad there’s no wind today!”

Yoshizumi grinned. “These are Kyoto kites. They’re light enough to fly inside without any wind, if you really can’t wait.”

Katou looked at his puppy, his expression suddenly thoughtful. “I know I said couldn’t wait, but I think I want his first time to be in a park.”

Yoshizumi glanced at Iwaki. Iwaki’s smile was faint but unmistakably loving.
7th-Sep-2008 08:05 am - DRABBLES: "Replacements"
Title: Replacements
Prompt: #6 - jealousy
Characters: Yoshizumi, Asano, Katou
Rating: PG
Summary: Acting is not for the faint of heart. Two 100-word drabbles.

Yoshizumi had arrived early for his lunch with Iwaki. )
1st-Sep-2008 04:43 pm - DRABBLES: "Saganaki" and "Fair to See"
Title: Saganaki
Prompt: #5, Fire
Pairing: Iwaki/Katou
Rating: G
Summary: Yoshizumi invites the guys over for a meal.
Note: Saganaki is a dish in Greek-American restaurants where a pan of cheese is set on fire.

Saganaki? That sounds like a Japanese city )

Title: Fair to See
Prompt: #5, Fire
Pairings: Ryo/Dee (FAKE) and Iwaki/Katou
Rating: PG
Summary: Sometimes a photograph is a mirror.

At his desk, Ryo spread out images from the previous night’s hotel bombing. )
29th-Aug-2008 04:26 am - Drabble: Offering His Support
Title: Offering His Support
Prompt: #5, fire
Pairing: Iwaki/Katou
Rating: NC-17
Words: 3 x 100
Warnings: no beta
Summary: Katou can only offer his support.

Katou held his breath when the reporter kept talking, making Iwaki more helplessly angry with every word. Angry that every time he thinks he is free, the past catches up and there's nothing Iwaki could do about it. At that moment, Iwaki looks every bit like the cool beauty he is always called as. Katou, knowing him, could see the hurt in the tightly closed fists, the almost unnoticeable strain in his voice. Now he can only offer his hand, but later, in the privacy of their home, he will try to turn the anger into another kind of fire.
He loves the way... )
25th-Aug-2008 02:54 pm - DRABBLES: A Brush With Luck
Title: A Brush With Luck
Prompt: #4 - promo shot
Characters: Iwaki, Katou, Miho (OFC), Yoshizumi
Rating: PG
Words: 100 x 3
Warnings: Nah
Summary: Three drabbles inspired by the cover of Iwaki's 2008 calendar. (Thumbnail under the cut; click to view larger image.)

mrrrowww! )
23rd-Aug-2008 02:29 pm - Drabble: The Burning Fire - Carlo/Magira
Title: The Burning Fire
Pairing: Carlo/Magira
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Warnings: Angst
Summary: Magira only wants one thing.
A/N: Not for any of the prompts, but just because [info]snapelike is evil and wicked and I adore her. :D

Magira’s slapped cheek burns, but it is nothing to the fire scorching his heart. He thought he could be loved and happy here, but Carlo is like the others. He just wants to own Magira, nothing more.

Magira wants to scream.

Carlo’s words wash over him, but his touch makes Magira’s heart surge with hope. He tries to ignore it, but Carlo is different from others. And despite himself, Magira listens.

“Will you teach me to love you?”

The words quench the burning in his heart, and it fades to a sweet pain only Carlo can salve. Magira nods. “Yes.”
18th-Aug-2008 10:36 am - Drabble challenge #3: The AV Life
Title: First Time
Prompt: #3 The AV Life
Character: Iwaki
Rating: Mild R
Warnings: Het mentioned
Summary: Professionalism is important to Iwaki, but it is also a mask...

The First Time

The first time, he holds on to his professionalism. He builds an invisible shield from it, to hide his shame behind.

The first time, he gets it up by thinking of how he is now able to pay the rent for his small flat, even next month, and the next.

The first time he fucks a girl on film, he thanks her for her hard work and her guidance. He is grateful she doesn't see his pain.

The first time he is alone after selling out his talent and his body, he cries.

For the first time. And the last.
17th-Aug-2008 06:08 pm - Drabble: Hazard Cast
Title: Hazard Cast
Prompt: #3, the A/V life
Characters: Miyasaka and Katou
Rating: PG
Warnings: reference to past attempted rape
Summary: Sequel to "Encore" - triggered by bunny-bombing from [info]snapelike in comments.

Miyasaka screamed, "This will ruin me, Katou!"

Katou retorted, "It will prove you aren't just pretty. You aren't getting any younger." Katou smiled to himself, remembering what Kaneko had repeated to him.

"Katou," Miyasaka pleaded. "I know it isn't shameful, taking it. But I can't play an AV actor getting raped--"

"You owe it to Iwaki-san," Katou hissed. "Not because of what you tried, but because this film was written for him. It's the best script Mochimune's ever created: you will do everything they demand."

"I'm gonna get eaten alive!" Miysaka whimpered.

Katou showed his teeth. "That's my bonus."
16th-Aug-2008 11:49 pm - Drabble: Tired
Title: Tired
Prompt: #3, The AV life (life of an Adult Video actor)
Pairing: Iwaki/random women
Rating: R
Warnings: hetsex
Summary: Filming.

He looked at the woman... )
15th-Aug-2008 09:55 am - Drabble: Encore
Title: Encore
Prompt: #3, The AV life (life of an Adult Video actor)
Pairing: Katou/Iwaki
Rating: PG
Summary: Iwaki's past won't stay put...

Katou is waiting at the door of Iwaki’s car, arms folded. “Shimizu-san called me. I’m driving.”

Iwaki flings the key at Katou with a wordless snarl. Twenty minutes later, Katou parks the car off a road outside of Tokyo. Looking directly at Iwaki, he says, “Mochimune-san’s offered me the role of Katashi.”

Iwaki smashes his fist against the dashboard and shouts, “Don’t you want to leave that world behind?”

Katou’s gaze is steady. “It’s an incredible role. So’s the one he wrote for you.”

Iwaki weeps with rage, but Katou’s right. And this time Katou’s arms will be around him.
6th-Aug-2008 04:36 pm
Title: Spillover
Prompt: #2, water
Pairing: Iwaki/Katou, but mainly about Yoshizumi
Rating: PG
Summary: Futurefic. Yoshizumi finally stays at the guys' house...

When a drainpipe underneath his kitchen sink explodes, resulting in food-specked suds and puddles all over the place, Yoshizumi accepts Iwaki and Katou's invitation to stay with them: he can't resist the opportunity to verify Iwaki's claims that Katou's cooking is excellent.

He already knows that they really mean it when they tell him "to make himself at home." So at 1 a.m., when the noises from their bedroom become overly enthusiastic, he merely shakes his head and does what any self-respecting, red-blooded man would do: he heads to their luxurious bathroom and noisily fills the tub with cold water.
3rd-Aug-2008 02:24 pm - DRABBLE: Bugs
This one's for [info]snapelike. *eg*

Title: Bugs
Prompt: #1, crossover (Harudaki and Harry Potter)
Pairing: Urishizaki and Rita Skeeter
Rating: G
Summary: Boundaries? What boundaries?

"These are phenomenal, Urishizaki-kun!" The editor unlocked his desk to withdraw a payment voucher. "You are certainly having a profitable year! Are you saving up for anything special?"

Urishizaki grinned. "As you might guess, creating reports with this level of detail requires investment in high-quality surveillance."

The editor held up a hand. "If you are talking about bugs, I don't want to hear about it. It’s safer for me to believe that you are achieving these results through magic."

Urishizaki said, "As a matter of fact, I am." He smiled as the beetle inside his shirt pocket wriggled with impatience.
3rd-Aug-2008 07:43 am - DRABBLE: Suppertime
Title: Suppertime
Author: bronze_ribbons
Prompt: #1, cross-over
Fandoms: Harudaki, Peanuts
Characters: Yoshizumi, Iwaki, Katou, Snoopy
Rating: G
Words: 100
Summary: To each their own...

As the white beagle with black ears strutted, spun, and sashayed around with his supper dish, the three Japanese actors looked on in silence. After he finished his performance with a spectacular somersault off the roof of his doghouse, they politely applauded.

"At last we can pay attention to our meals," Yoshizumi said.

Katou mused, "I've heard that song before. One of my classmates at the Academy performed to it."

Iwaki smiled at Katou. "His energy reminds me of you--"

Yoshizumi dropped his fork with a clatter. "STOP THAT! Can't you wait until I’m done eating to nauseate me?"
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