Youka Nitta
DRABBLE: "More Than Kin and Less Than Kind" 
10th-Jan-2009 04:40 pm
This is a little thank-you to [info]geri_chan for giving this comm a year's paid time. *hugs*

Title: More Than Kin and Less Than Kind
Words: 100
Characters: Kaneko and Katou
Rating: G
Warning: Spoiler for Hamlet.

Kaneko had gone into the hall to answer his mobile phone. When he returned, he began, "Katou-san, word is that Ninagawa-kantoku wants you to play Hamlet in his new production."

"Wow, Katou-san!" one of his co-actors exclaimed. "What an honor!"

Taking in the expression in his longtime manager's eyes, Katou asked, "What's the catch, Kaneko-san?"

"He is casting Kikuchi Katsuya as Claudius. And the Ghost."

Katou froze. Then he said, "How very devious of him."

"It is a fourteen-month world tour, Katou-san."

Katou's smile was sharp. "I will get to kill Kikuchi at least three times every week of it."

10th-Jan-2009 05:18 pm
Bwahahaha! I literally burst out laughing when I got to the part about "the catch"! And you threw in two of my favorite minor characters, Kaneko and Kikuchi! ^___^

Of course, you know you are spawning all sorts of plot bunnies about Kikuchi and Katou acting together!

I was considering the paid time a thank-you to all of you for the wonderful stories and discussion on this comm, but you're very welcome and thank *you* for the drabble!
10th-Jan-2009 06:15 pm
P.S. I loved that you had a spoiler warning for "Hamlet"! Or am I just being all English-major snobby in assuming that everyone already knows the story? ~_^
11th-Jan-2009 02:16 am
Eh, I was thinking it was probably overkill on my part, but with various non-native-English / underage readers on my various f-lists, I've gotten into the habit of erring on the side of uber-caution. :-/

11th-Jan-2009 01:56 am
threw in two of my favorite minor characters

Not a coincidence, I assure you. ;-)

you know you are spawning all sorts of plot bunnies

[innocent] I am? [/innocent] *reaches for carrots*
11th-Jan-2009 02:44 am
*sniggers* Go Katou!

And I agree with the spoilery. I mean... the play have been out there for 500 years. I think you are allowed to spoil the plot. *grins*
13th-Jan-2009 09:49 am
*grins* Thank you!

I s'pose. I'm hardly spoilerphobic myself, but I have to admit it was still pretty cool the first time I saw Cyrano de Bergerac, when I didn't know what was going to happen. ;-)
13th-Jan-2009 09:52 am
Cyrano... it is such a good story. Even with the spoilers.
11th-Jan-2009 12:27 pm
Oh noes, I didn't read the spoiler warning. And now I'm ruined...
Yeah, I did - and I loved it - a spoiler for Hamlet - it wouldn't have occurred to me.

And how delicious - Katou's sharp smile (quite Remus-wolf-like) and his comeback line at the end - perfect!!
13th-Jan-2009 09:47 am
*chuckle* Thank you!

(P.S. I am almost over my latest bout of grunge, so I hope to get some more voiceposts to you next week.)
18th-Jan-2009 03:40 am
Katou holds a grudge like no one's business! *HUGS* Thank you!

love, lore
21st-Jan-2009 02:09 pm
He's still way, way, WAY more forgiving than I. There are people in the BYM's past I'd still like to shove through a plate-glass window, but I digress.

*hugs back*
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