Youka Nitta
DOUBLE DRABBLE: Professionals 
25th-Mar-2009 10:33 am
Title: Professionals
Prompt: #18 - business
Characters: Sawa Nagisa is Nitta's. The inspectors and Kohaku are mine. The American in the second drabble is Sanami Matoh's.
Rating: G
Notes: Two 100-word drabbles. They are prequels to the ficlet I am currently working on for the Embracing Spring fest (caveat: if the plot gets any more out of control, I will table it for later and come up with something simpler and fluffier for the fest). There is in fact a travel advisory currently in effect regarding Roppongi bars.
Summary: There has been an epidemic of drinks being spiked in Roppongi. Some of the patrons are professionally interested in the situation.

As Assistant Inspector Akatsu led away the perpetrator, Inspector Osu turned to Sawa Nagisa and said, "Thank you for your help in apprehending him."

"The pleasure was mine," Sawa replied. "I don't get to revisit that part of my police career too often."

Osu gazed at a neon sign above them. "Do you miss being a professional detective?"

Sawa answered him with an elegant shrug. "Sometimes. When I'm writing a story that includes scenes with police officers."

"You have more freedom to write, being outside," Osu observed.

Sawa's smile was bittersweet. "For my characters, I have to pretend I'm still inside."

* * *

Two blocks away, "Like a Prayer" blared through the Pear. The club was crammed with foreigners determined to drench themselves in sensual gratification… which made it so easy for Kohaku to spike their drinks, the better to raid their pockets. He leaned toward his latest prey--

A hand closed around his wrist. He looked up into piercing green eyes.

"I'd stop if I were you," the man rumbled out. "This scene is not for amateurs."

Forgetting himself, Kohaku exclaimed, "Who are you to call me amateur?"

The American tossed Kohaku's own wallet at him. "Pros don't need chemical props."

25th-Mar-2009 11:18 pm
Ooh, very nice--now I'm really looking forward to your fest fic! I love your Haru/FAKE crossovers!

There was a really nice bittersweet quality to the first drabble, with the reminder of Sawa's past. Until Osu asked, it never really occurred to me to wonder whether Sawa might miss police work. Sawa seems fulfilled as a writer, but I wonder whether he might have been content to remain a detective if the police department could have accepted him as a woman.
26th-Mar-2009 09:15 am
I think I'm going to have to save the crossover part for later. Dee and Ryo keep threatening to steal the scenes they're in, and the original version of the rules had a rather pointed example about making sure the fest submission didn't end up as a FAKE piece that happened to have some Nitta characters in it. (All in fun, of course, but let it not be said that I can't take a hint. *wry grin*)

Your fics make me ponder things that hadn't occurred to me before all the time, so I'm pleased to hear this prompted you to muse about Sawa. I can see several possible ways to explore his feelings towards his past, including, "No, he doesn't miss it at all, he was overcompensating for his suppressed nature," or "Yes, he misses being in on the secrets he did enjoy keeping..." -- and I'd better stop here, lest I accidentally bunny myself with yet another outsized plot!
26th-Mar-2009 12:40 pm
I really need to troll through my FAKE downloads and make some icons.

ANYWAY! I'm primed now for this story. I love a good Haru/Fake crossover (Notice, I put Haru first *snicker*). Sawa really is a fascinating creature; I think you're spot-on in tone here.

*HUGS* Thank you!

love, lore
2nd-Apr-2009 03:13 pm
Icons: you and me both. And some Sawa and Mochimune and Shimizu and ... aaah, so many bunnies, not enough carrots!

(Notice, I put Haru first *snicker*).


*blushes and beams at compliment* *hugs back*
27th-Mar-2009 06:21 am
"Sawa's smile was bittersweet. "For my characters, I have to pretend I'm still inside.""

Yeah, precisely. Poor Sawa, I suppose he liked his job most of the time.
2nd-Apr-2009 03:17 pm
I think one could take it into multiple directions - he misses the job because he enjoyed the job; he misses the authority and access that came with the job, but not the job itself; he doesn't miss the job at all, but he likes playing a seme on tv; he doesn't miss the job at all, period, and demands extra, ah, comfort from Yuki after a less-than-pleasant encounter with a former colleague...

(Thanks for reading! *commiserates on not being done with pesky RL distractions yet*)
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