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Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Oct. 1st, 2009|03:01 pm]
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Jane, Charles? Congratulations. It was an honor to see.
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[Oct. 1st, 2009|02:44 pm]



It's sad, but as much as I don't have a problem with idiots killing themselves and sparing the rest of us having to do it...
Could they have not atleast done so in a less noisy manner? It's seriously draining trying to keep a place soundproof all while also trying to comfort a baby that can't get any sleep because of the noise-not to mention it's getting on my last nerve.

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[Sep. 16th, 2009|01:03 pm]


It feels strange coming back home.

Even stranger admitting that I probably needed that vacation more than I thought-it felt nice being able to relax with Danny for once.
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[Sep. 2nd, 2009|06:57 pm]


You know...

I'm half-tempted to pull something serious just so I can go back to being more junior officer.

Sure, being a colonel is a big honor, but I miss being out there with the guys on actual missions, and not just planning them.
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[Aug. 19th, 2009|11:32 pm]

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I live next to one of the best 'hole-in-the-wall' chinese restaurants in the area (least in my opinion), and would like to spend one dinner talking to people who could hold a conversation.

..Would you and Brandon like to join me for an early dinner at my place? Danny's beginning to learn how to talk.
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[Jul. 16th, 2009|04:51 pm]

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Can't believe I've been here for little over that I've been here.

Danny's teething...least I think so, his left cheek is swollen, he's drooling more and sometimes will chew whatever's in his hand.

Damn, I need to spend more time with adults outside of the military base.
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[Jul. 8th, 2009|01:32 pm]
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Well then.
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[Jun. 13th, 2009|08:35 pm]
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mom )
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[Jun. 13th, 2009|08:24 pm]

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FUCK! I thought we'd already been through this shit!

I can't find a babysitter...

Looks like junior and me are going through some mother/child bonding killing Zombies.

Brandon )
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[May. 21st, 2009|01:35 pm]
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Wait, what? )

Though I admit I like the hair...
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[May. 20th, 2009|07:31 pm]


Not to look a gift horse in the mouth or anything..

When you're trying to free a bunch of hostages from a group of killers, and suddenly said killers fall dead asleep...the whole process becomes a lot faster and less painful.
now if I wasn't so tired
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*way backdated to 2 weeks ago* [May. 20th, 2009|01:47 am]

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[May. 18th, 2009|03:31 pm]


Someone mind watching Danny for a week? The attacks in Europe are resulting in a lot of refugees and I'm being called to  our forces give supplies while they're relocated.
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[Apr. 28th, 2009|03:38 pm]
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Hmm. I think I found my wedding dress...
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[Apr. 14th, 2009|02:27 pm]
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Watching my own mortality... it's... surreal...
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[Apr. 1st, 2009|08:31 pm]
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Let me get this straight. One minute I'm filming a made-for-TV Lifetime drama and the next, I'm stumbling to a computer terminal and checking my pockets, squinting at a really gaudy website saying 'You're here, you can't go back, get used to it.'

Did I get that right? Hello?
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[Mar. 31st, 2009|12:58 pm]
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I have the feel and need to swim in the ocean. I blame the tail.
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[Mar. 27th, 2009|05:01 pm]


...finding out that I've super speed, pretty nice actually.

Finding out that my  four month old son's turned into this? Not so much.

...He's back to his human form now and is staring at me like this is the best thing that's happened in months.
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[Mar. 23rd, 2009|11:56 pm]

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All who dared to harm my daughter have been eliminated. Destroyed. No traces left of their existence.. and I can assure you, much pain was involved. And I'd be lying if I said that they have not suffered a fate worse than mere death. And I will continue to do so until they learn this fatal lesson.

To those "Purifiers" who may be reading this: don't ever take something that belongs to Shang Tsung. Especially if that happens to be my daughter. For if you do, you shall face my wrath, and learn the hard way, why I was Outworld's best warrior-sorcerer. And you also run the risk of incurring the violent anger of the girl's mother. You do not want to be on the bad side of either of us. Though for me.. I merely have a bad side and then a worse side.
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[Mar. 23rd, 2009|05:53 pm]

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Dear 'Head' Purifiers who happen to be viewing this forum

While I appreciate you sending in a squad to test out the security system, they seem to have not understood that an 'online' security system is meant to keep people away from the property.

Please accept the package I'm sending via overnight delivery, enclosed are what remains of said trespassers along with this warning..

If you, your followers, or anyone associated with your 'side' harm, or even think about harming my kids again, I will hunt you down, find you, and promptly shove a grenade launcher up your ass and set it off!

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[Mar. 21st, 2009|04:20 pm]

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[Mar. 12th, 2009|04:34 pm]
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I think I am in a daze.. a wonderful one but still a daze...

Gabriella and Anne Boleyn )

Jade and Sonya )

Private )
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[Mar. 9th, 2009|12:54 pm]



The weather's finally cleared up, I'm no longer pregnant and it's been months since I last tried.

So whatever time's good for you, get over to San Fran and we'll go flying.
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[Mar. 3rd, 2009|11:08 pm]

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Apparently this is the hormonal part?

I'm not nauseous. I'm sitting here bawling for no reason. Which infuriates me, which perpetuates the cycle.

I think I hate you, Dean.
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[Mar. 3rd, 2009|09:41 pm]

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What sorcery is this?! Who dares to summon Shang Tsung without prior correspondence?? I know I did not create a portal--- oh wait, no. It was a tornado. Ahh, I suspect Fujin for this treachery. That fool!

It would be just like the God of Wind to do this in jest. This is most certainly not my palace in Outworld. Why am I here? I will have answers. This is not an event I had anticipated.
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[Mar. 3rd, 2009|11:19 am]

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[Current Mood |exhausted]

I am so totally exhausted I can't even look at a computer screen. I think the world might end.

Um, the past couple days have been spent dealing with tantrums, crying, sullen silence, and fits of rage.

When does parenting become a miraculous joy, or whatever it's supposed to be?

Oh yeah, there's that, too. Alex and I, for reasons we can't fathom other than dumb luck have children now. Orphaned, genius children.

When I stop chasing them around to keep some semblance of peace, that's going to be a horrific thought.
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[Feb. 26th, 2009|12:52 pm]
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I don't like driving anymore.

Jade? I'm going to stay home the rest of the day and tomorrow. And I'd rather have someone drive me from now on to things.
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[Feb. 23rd, 2009|11:19 pm]
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I feel honored to know that the free people of this world trust that I have their best interests in mind.

My position as Secretary-General of the United Nations will serve us all well.
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[Feb. 23rd, 2009|10:09 am]
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I believe that I am confused about some of the things that I have seen on the computer.

My parents are quite evasive, and I don't know who to ask.

So I suppose I shall ask here.

Are physical relations supposed to look so uncomfortable? Some don't seem too bad, but a lot of them are nearly violent. I am confused.
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[Feb. 18th, 2009|04:39 pm]
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Hmm. Jade is sending me to New Zealand.
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[Feb. 16th, 2009|12:52 pm]
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What in the...?

Alright, I don't remember creating a portal and this doesn't look like any city in Outworld, or any other realm that I know of...

Someone care to explain, make it easier on the both of us...
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[Feb. 14th, 2009|09:28 pm]


Alright, I usually try to not read into people's souls as they pass by, and its always been easy for me not to..

But really, Valentine's Day...could people not be so obvious...

No wonder most guys fear this holiday, so many girlfriends and fiances wanting a special gift and look like their ready to kill if they don't get it.

Kinda glad I don't do the whole Valentine's Day thing.
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|05:55 pm]

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I have been in this time for a few days now, and while many things have changed, even more have stayed the same. Beauty is still coveted - I can feel eyes moving over me now, as they never have. What a thing, to be prized! Nobody has ever looked at me this way, save one (though he prized me for reasons other than my looks). And it's strangely comforting to see that mankind's capacity for cruelty is still intact. And oh my! - what lovely inventions! Such fantastic inventions for hurting each other! In my day, we had knives and swords and whips and heated metal. I should like to shake the hand of the man who invented the electric chair, the bomb.

And for the record, I quite like smog. It reminds me a little of home.
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[Feb. 3rd, 2009|09:59 am]


First day back at work and already finding out that I'm being transferred to San Francisco.
 I'm going to miss the guys though..they kept my office as it was when I left.

Need to work on finding an apartment...
Also... traveling to another country with a month old infant..oh this is going be fun.
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[Jan. 30th, 2009|01:06 pm]


Who'd have thought?...

Danny's been fussy all night, even when nothing's wrong...but as soon as I pop Johnny Cash in the CD player, he calms right down.
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[Jan. 21st, 2009|12:44 pm]

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I'd like to make an announcement, that at this point I'm not even sure 'normal' exists anymore. It's like the dodo, it once existed, but now it's extinct.

Anybody feel like joining me for a drink at the pub, or even a bistro ( thank god, I can use the portkey's now). I'll pay for anyone's tab, I just need a break.

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*timed to Friday night* [Jan. 10th, 2009|03:43 pm]

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[Jan. 5th, 2009|02:16 pm]

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Trying to keep calm...hormones not helping.

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[Dec. 28th, 2008|08:40 pm]
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So what's going on this time? I was in the middle of watching a really good UFC championship match.
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The following packages arrive at destined doorstops.. [Dec. 23rd, 2008|11:20 pm]

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Ganieda )
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