Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - November 5th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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November 5th, 2011

[Nov. 5th, 2011|08:49 am]
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So. The principal might have just come up to me and asked how my students learned how to pick the staff door. My response was, how could anyone not know? I mean, talk about a stupid easy lock.
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[Nov. 5th, 2011|08:53 am]
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The madness is over. I believe I owe someone lessons.

Eowyn )
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[Nov. 5th, 2011|09:03 am]

Harry )
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[Nov. 5th, 2011|09:05 am]
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I'm so glad that everypony is safe! And I still have magic. I feel like we should have a celebration.
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[Nov. 5th, 2011|11:11 am]

Hola, señores y señoritas! Puss here, this is confusing and I miss my tail, but oh the lovely ladies I see. I think I could have some fun.
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[Nov. 5th, 2011|12:11 pm]


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Jack, Eleven, Jenny & Donna. )
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[Nov. 5th, 2011|01:26 pm]
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I have prayed so many times. I have sung songs, and praised the Maker, but I do not know if He can hear me here.

I only wish to serve him, but how can I when I am but one? Do I make my own Chantry?

Is anyone else here feeling cut off from their God?
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[Nov. 5th, 2011|02:32 pm]
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Hope )
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[Nov. 5th, 2011|03:14 pm]
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Halloween was a BLAST and I loved every minute of it, even when I stabbed this gross spider thing in the thorax and got covered in sticky probably spleenards. (Spleenards is spleen plus innards, just covering all my bases here. I don't specialize in insects, I'm a people doctor, kthx.)

But the next best part, the half price candy? That's the part I've been enjoying. There's something fabulous and magical about sitting in the bath, eating discount Milky Ways. Yes, I did go to the States to get their candy, no, you can't have any.
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[Nov. 5th, 2011|03:16 pm]


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Now I'm bored and lonely again with nothing to distract me from missing hir and I'm just going to bury myself in work and my hobbies and hope something eats me by Christmas.
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[Nov. 5th, 2011|04:49 pm]
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Dancing is fun. So's watching Donna hit Jack.
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[Nov. 5th, 2011|05:29 pm]
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Man, I'm sure that was the worst Halloween we've had in years. They really didn't want to stop coming, did they?

So, for those of you who hadn't heard, we have a plan: beach party. There will be a bonfire, more hot dogs and roast marshmallows and whatever than we can stand, absolutely no smiting things, and generally taking it easy for a day. Who's in? Last one to comment gets buried in the sand, I say. Where's warm this time of year?
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[Nov. 5th, 2011|05:55 pm]


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How is it that I manage to drop meteors on zombies and still light my hair on fire? (If you've met my mom, Lulu, she's possibly the most graceful person in the entire world - my half-sister BB is a ridiculously good dancer and so are the rest of my siblings. Yet somehow, walking's hard for me.) Seriously, making cereal should not be a life or death situation. I suck. :(
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[Nov. 5th, 2011|09:39 pm]
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Remember how I said that I wasn't going to take anyone with me, and then I relented and went with people anyway?

Yeah, not doing that again.
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[Nov. 5th, 2011|11:34 pm]
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Why - I'm supposed to be dead. I have earned my rest.
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