Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - November 4th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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November 4th, 2011

[Nov. 4th, 2011|01:10 pm]


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Thomas? Guess what I found.

Aedan )
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[Nov. 4th, 2011|02:05 pm]
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How'd a moose get in my room?!
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[Nov. 4th, 2011|06:34 pm]
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Ah, that was a good few days. The lush atmosphere of the Adelphi surely aided me in my creative endeavors. Much poetry was written. Including this, which surely belongs to two of you, though I know not whom!

He's not best in a battle of wits.
But he can, if the lady permits,
Indeed find the balls
To serve nature's calls--
Though in this game, it's best
not to blitz.

I am beginning to become quite fond of this form, though I shudder to think what Calliope would have to say. Perhaps it is as well that so few of my sisters are here, much as I miss them.
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