Roswell, New Mexico In Character

April 2020



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Posts Tagged: 'chilling+adventures:+sabrina+spellman'

Feb. 4th, 2020




So, I've been here a few weeks. And I'm starting to realize what you guys mean when you said we were stuck here. My aunties and Ambrose are probably worried sick by now.

So far no way out. My powers are working but... Trying to use the portal magick doesn't get me anywhere but here. What the Heaven is it with this place. I mean if this isn't home and I can't get back to Greendale, it would track that I can't get to Pandæmonium either...

Well, if I can't go home, I might as well do something that makes it feel like home.

Does anyone know a theater that screens classic horror movies? Back home the Paramount used to show all the best ones Night of the Living Dead, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Exorcist, Rosemary's Baby.

Feb. 3rd, 2020




... I have a feeling I don't need to worry about being late for work. Thank sweet Jesus, because traffic was a bitch this morning.

Jan. 10th, 2020




So, I went to bed in Paris and woke up in the middle of the desert surrounded by people saying it's 2020. Looks like this place is going to be weirder than Beacon Hills.




This is certainly not Fillory. Margo, where did you go?

Jan. 9th, 2020




Well this isn't what I was expecting. This definitely isn't the mines. There's too much sun and sand for this to be anywhere near where we started. And Roz, Harvey and Theo aren't here...

I guess that spell was a dead end too. I really thought we were on to something that time.

Does anyone know the way back to Greendale from here?