TREAT YO SELF. [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
A Comm on Feeling Hella Boss.

You're so   filthy,
and I'm   gorgeous.

[18th Jan. 2017 • 08:03]

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IDK if anyone still capes for American Apparel in this era -- I remember it peaking in the late-2000s when I was in university, and then all the creeper stuff -- but if you're into their clothes, the company's gone bankrupt, so they're closing down their stores and everything is on sale!

I feel like the sale has been going on for months in Canada now, so there's nothing left up here anywhere unless you want neon tights and disco~ pants in XXS, but it sounds like American stores only just started as of last Friday with the buy-out announcement? IDK. If you're not into clothes, I know they were selling wooden hangers for 2/$1 up here, along with mannequins, store fixtures, computer paper, etc. if you need any of that.
link2 • CMNT

[28th Sep. 2016 • 19:37]

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So the first Uniqlo store in Canada is opening this Friday, and I wanted to know if anyone had any suggestions on what they like (or, alternatively don't like) there! The only things from the brand I own so far were bought second-hand from thrift stores and I liked them enough that I'd consider buying more basics from them at least.

Is there anything there that's a 'you must get it from them and not anyone else' sort of item? Is the HeatTech stuff any good? Anything to avoid outright? etc., any opinions on anything are cool, thanks!
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[18th May. 2015 • 12:08]
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So for the most part I lurk here and this is the first time I've ever posted. Long story short. I'm moving back and over the past few years since moving out my weight has flucated a lot. Parents barely have space for ME let alone all the clothes that I don't really fit into so! I'm happy to discuss prices as well as post overseas but for the latter it might be a bit more expensive than local (AUS/NZ). All sizes for US are done via this website. Also all but one or two really are old work clothes to give you an idea of casual/smart etc. Pretty much cause work is the only place I really wear skirts and dresses which a lot of this are (not all though)

Edit: I apologise for the quality of the pics, did it with my ipad

clothing is under here. If no one takes it by the end of the week it's going to charity but I'm desperate for money )
link1 • CMNT

[2nd Apr. 2015 • 14:24]


FIRST OF ALL: Thank you everyone for the makeup advice. I feel fierce as fuck 90% of the time (as opposed to like, 65% of the time before), and my skin is ***flawless thanks to the CC cream I started wearing. I have already amassed a tiny collection of brightly-colored lipsticks and it grows every time I step into Walgreen's (because I cannot afford $25 makeup, no matter how much I love that NARS pencil sample I got for my birthday).

link22 • CMNT

free clothes! (sort of) [10th Jan. 2015 • 18:29]


sup peeps, i did a very cursory clean of my wardrobe this afternoon and have some stuff i'd like to get rid of and thought i might try here before ebay/donating.

just a few pieces )
link17 • CMNT

Wardrobe Purge, Parts I and II [11th Dec. 2014 • 14:59]


Hey everyone! I'm attempting a wardrobe purge because my closet/life is a mess, and maybe this will help. I have some pieces that are still in pretty good condition that I don't wear for one reason or another, and I thought I'd give you ladies the first crack at them before I head off to Buffalo Exchange/Goodwill. I am currently having some bizarre camera/upload issues, so STAY TURNED FOR MORE.

Dress, jacket, and bra for sale )

Again, more is on the way! Once I figure out why my pictures aren't uploading and maybe go to spin class.


More dresses, some tops, a skirt )

Ok that's it for now! Prices are by no means final, and I probably will be getting rid of plenty more in the weeks to come! Comment here or email me at if you are interested in anything!
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Treatyoselves FAVORITE THINGS [24th Nov. 2014 • 12:01]

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Because it's the holiday season, I thought it might be fun if everyone who subscribes to the [info]treatyoselves community to do an Oprah-esque "Favorite Things" list to share with others. SADLY, all you get from this post is free reviews, sorry in advance. BUT-- I don't know about you, but I love reading/hearing about what other people really like, both because, well, I LIKE STUFF, and because I can always use ideas as I think about my holiday lists.

SO! I don't really have strict guidelines, but if you've got time and you want to share, comment below with a list of your 5 favorite things, whether they have to do with fashion, cosmetics, apps, music, gadgets, food...whatever. Tell everyone why you love it. And feel free to link up to stuff, if you want. Any price range goes - cheap or expensive, as long as you love it.

Um, thanks for entertaining me with this?! Hopefully everyone else will like it too!
link60 • CMNT

discussion: finding your style! [20th Oct. 2014 • 22:31]
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okay so my wardrobe is currently...a mess. no direction in particular, still a lot of clothes not picked out by "me". i don't have a personal style yet and def not the budget or resources to start buying/building one but i would like one for focus and just because, well, i want one??? i mostly have tees (thnx high school) that i wear due to convenience but would prefer blouses &c. i'm not sure exactly what my style is but my fave things are my hair accessories, probably because they are the few things i've actually picked out myself, which incl a lot of headbands and headbows. :"]

what is your personal style? feel free to add pics. or do you not have one either? what was your journey to finding it? do you have any tips? do you have anything you are pulling from for inspo? is there like a store/blog you basc want all over your body/closet? or are you like "nah, screw a personal style". are you still confused about it or have you ~perfected~ your image?? what would be your dream personal style???

ummm i'm also not sure on how to tag this. eta ok i ended up tagging this as "-clothing" and "how to" because of all the great tips & guides in the comments. it seems to fit for now.
link88 • CMNT

[13th Oct. 2014 • 18:49]

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I'm going to a gala this weekend, so I need to figure out "cocktail attire." I've got a dress picked out, but I need some help styling it!

the dress )
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[5th Oct. 2014 • 13:06]

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My brother in law is getting married next weekend, and I'm trying to figure out what to wear to an outdoor wedding in Denver in October. Part of my problem is that I haven't really gone shopping for clothes since Caldwell, so I'm way more top-heavy than I used to be because of breastfeeding. Behind the cut are four dresses (some with accessories so 7 actual photos) that I already have in my closet - thoughts? If none of them work, any ideas of what may work?

The catch is that I need two dresses - one for the wedding, and one for the rehearsal dinner (indoors, in a hotel) so unless at least two of these work, I'm probably going to have to go shopping anyway. UGH I HATE SHOPPING. Someone just tell me what to wear.

the dresses! )

Also, are black tights okay to wear to a wedding? Would they work with these dresses?

Guys, I'm in my mid-30s and I don't know how to dress myself!!
link20 • CMNT

[30th Sep. 2014 • 21:51]

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Any advice on what to wear for jury selection? Most of what I'm finding seems to be suggesting some form of business casual or a suit, but I don't really own many professional clothes tbh, so I need to make do with a wardrobe that's relatively casual with the odd more formal item like dresses that I'm assuming wouldn't be fit for showing up in court.
link15 • CMNT

what i wear to a free meal. [27th Aug. 2014 • 20:06]

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hello, ij. long time no see! here is my fancy dinner~ (fancier than chili's, not as fancy as dorsia) look, brought to you by i-was-too-hungover-the-day-after-my-birthday-so-this-is-my-belated-24th-birthday-dinner-with-the-manfriend and after-a-wonderful-summer-of-funemployment-i-start-my-new-job-next-week...

below the cut! )

it's hot in new york, and i'm about to be vvv uncomfortable. how is everyone?
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a wonderous occasion [9th Aug. 2014 • 17:37]

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Today [info]banlieue introduced me to Nordstrom Rack and it has changed my life. I never want to shop anywhere else.

The Loot )
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[28th Jul. 2014 • 23:50]

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Hey, [info]treatyoselves! Long time, no see! I bought a new fancy dress for the first time in my adult life. Seriously, the last formal-ish dress I bought was my prom dress, unless you count my qipao, which I am not going to wear to my white cousin's wedding. Instead, I'll wear this new dress! But I don't know how to accessorize it! This is where you come in.

I figured I could ask you guys for help, since you are all so stylish! It could be like a game. So I've included some pictures of shoes and earrings I already own (I don't think the neckline will work with a necklace, and I don't feel like digging out my bracelets and rings rn because those would be harder to photograph). Feel free to let your inner stylist go wild and tell me how you would style it with an unlimited closet. I may just be able to borrow something from my roommates or, heck, my mom!

And what color nails would you suggest?

Sorry for the terrible lighting )

So, friends. What do you think?
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[2nd Jun. 2014 • 17:15]

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I'm probably double-posting to those of you who have me on your f-list, but since we had that big discussion about bras a couple weeks ago, I thought I'd let all the bra-wearers know that bare necessities is having their semi-annual (up to) 60% off sale until the 9th! This also includes underthings, sleepwear, swimwear, hosiery etc. Not the whole site is on sale, but a lot of things are, so go forth and stock up if you want to! :)

[1st Jun. 2014 • 19:11]

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Happy birthday to me! In honor of the 5th annual 19th celebration of my birth, I'm gonna show you all what I got. (Or: mostly what I bought for myself. I love to shop. >>)

under the cut we go! )
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oh my god i am sorry i'm posting twice [30th Apr. 2014 • 00:18]

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I normally don't shop much at all but today I went to a pop-up shop and found this vintage Betsey Johnson dress )
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[28th Apr. 2014 • 21:11]

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a small haul )
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A query! [27th Apr. 2014 • 12:29]

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Ladies of [info]treatyoselves, lend me your opinions!

BRAS: which companies do you love? Hate? Weep as you fork over all your money to?

Since we're all different shapes and sizes, I figured it'd be helpful to get a survey going!

As for me: a friend of mine recommended Warner's so I got one off of amazon and the girls have never been in so much love!
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[26th Apr. 2014 • 17:43]

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Went to the shops today with [info]steak because they opened a bunch of new ones and I wanted new work shirts (after recently editing my wardrobe! I HAVE EXCUSES!!!).

And. Well. )
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