TREAT YO SELF. [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
A Comm on Feeling Hella Boss.

You're so   filthy,
and I'm   gorgeous.

[13th Sep. 2018 • 12:11]

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so, my therapist and i were chatting about how to be present and appreciate your body yesterday and it got me thinking: what are ways that you like to treat yourself that really make your bod feel good and/or you feel good about your bod? i definitely think that things like a recent haircut + my love of skincare really help me tap into present-ness, but i'm real bad about doing that from snoot to tip and would love to hear about what you think about that. whether it's shaving your legs so they're smooth criminals or massages or bubble baths, i'm all ears!
link15 • CMNT

[17th Jan. 2015 • 12:27]

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So Target is closing down and leaving Canada soon, and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for make-up from elf, Sonia Kashuk, and Pixi! We don't really have any of those three brands in Canada, so I'm trying to get anything I can now before it's gone (though shelves are pretty empty already as of yesterday when I went) and I'd have to order online, which I'd like to avoid if possible. Aside from cosmetics, I'd also love recommendations for any make-up brushes, as I don't really have any and I heard they're decent for drugstore brands. Thanks!
link15 • CMNT

[22nd Oct. 2014 • 19:22]

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The previous post reminded me of something I've been meaning to ask:

What are your favorite beauty/style blogs? Doesn't matter if they're makeup specific or fashion specific, I just want to know! I used to have a list of a few that I stalked now and then ages and ages ago, but no longer remember any, so. Fire away!

View this as a blog rec masterpost. Specialized blogs (nail blogs, etc) are totally welcome too!
link16 • CMNT

[30th Sep. 2014 • 21:51]

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Any advice on what to wear for jury selection? Most of what I'm finding seems to be suggesting some form of business casual or a suit, but I don't really own many professional clothes tbh, so I need to make do with a wardrobe that's relatively casual with the odd more formal item like dresses that I'm assuming wouldn't be fit for showing up in court.
link15 • CMNT

[28th Sep. 2014 • 11:50]

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Hi guys!! I have a very important question

My lipstick collection is getting a bit out of control, so I'm interested in finding a better way to store it! I know a lot of people recommend the acrylic lipstick holders but tbh I have more than 24 so I'd have to get two AND I'm really not that into the aesthetic of it, because I'm ridiculous. So I guess this is just a general question about how you store your lipsticks/what you'd recommend!

Also, I'd never turn down ideas for other make up storage so!
link48 • CMNT

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