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Jul. 20th, 2006


One Slice

Original poster: gauriel

Title: One Slice
Author: [info]gauriel
Word Count: 100 (First of two drabbles)
Rating: G
Challenge: #15, Trying Something New
Author’s Note: For my wonderful beta [info]nicholsa, who gave me the idea. Thank you [info]unbroken_halo for reading it over and helping me brainstorm the titles.

“No, it’s not.”

“Is so.”

“No, it’s not! Muggle contraptions are not useful for Wizards. We don’t need them, that is what magic is for. Have you forgotten yet again that you’re a wizard Potter?”

“It’s Harry. And yes, we should learn how to use them. What if we took a vacation to a Muggle destination, and had to blend in? What then?”

“I know how to cast spells surreptitiously, Harry. Besides, how difficult is it to use these Muggle devices anyhow?”

“Do you smell something?”

Snape sniffed. “I believe it’s something burning….”

They stared at each other in horror.

Jul. 13th, 2006


More Pet Peeves

Original poster: gauriel

Title: More Pet Peeves
Author: [info]gauriel
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: #14, Sharing Space

“What is this?”

“A laundry hamper.” Harry’s voice was sullen.

“And what is it for?”

“To put dirty clothes in, obviously.” The younger man rolled his eyes, exasperated. “Just what is your point?”

The Potions Master’s face turned puce with rage. He started pacing with jerky steps, counting in Latin under his breath. Finally he seemed to regain his temper. “Well,” Severus sniffed, “if you don’t know what’s wrong, I’m not going to tell you.” Hooked nose high, he stomped out of the room.

Harry sighed, and bent to gather up the dirty underwear and socks under the coffee table.


Pet Peeves

Original poster: gauriel

Title: Pet Peeves
Author: [info]gauriel
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: #14, Sharing Spaces

There it was again. Severus had lost count of the number of times he had lectured that blasted boy. It irritated every part of the sensible, detail-obsessed Potions Master.

Picking up the offending object, Severus painstakingly set it to rights, carefully aligning it on the shelf. Then, sighing, the long-suffering man cleaned up the mess his lover had left behind.

“Harry!” Snape hollered as he wandered into the corrider.


“How many times have I got to tell you? Squeeze the toothpaste from the bottom, put the damned cap back on, and clean up the whisker shavings in the sink!”

Jul. 6th, 2006


Moments in a Lifetime - A Series of 5 Drabbles

Original poster: gauriel

Title: Moments of a Lifetime (A series of 5 drabbles)
Author: [info]gauriel
Word Count: 100 for each drabble
Rating: PG-13 overall
Challenge: Marking the Moment
Disclaimer: I don't own anything you recognize, I just like to have a bit of fun.
Summary: A series of special moments in Harry and Severus’ lives together, for better or for worse. (Please read them in order.)
Warnings: some implied gore and implied Mpreg, unnamed character death.

( Silence )

( Perfection )

( Empty Nest Syndrome )

( Forever )

( Anniversary )

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