July 14th, 2006

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

Safe House

Original poster: cs_whitewolf

Title: Safe House

Author: [info]cs_whitewolf

Rating(s): PG/13-Rated.

Challenge: #14: Sharing Space

A/N: A ‘happy-ish’ drabble from me this time, it’s the least I could do after all the angst of the last one ;)


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[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

Perils and Raptures of Cohabitation - 3 Drabbles

Original poster: svartalfur

Title: Perils and Raptures of Cohabitation
Author: Anders Svartalfurinn
Word Count: 100 (x 3)
Rating: NC 17
Challenge: #14, Sharing Space

Perils and Raptures of Cohabitation

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100


Original poster: lana77

Title: Anything
Author: [info]lana77
Word Count: 100 words
Rating(s): G
Challenge: Challenge 14: Sharing Spaces
A/N: My first Snarry

The bed was made just the way he liked it. The towels in the bathroom perfectly aligned. The kitchen was cleaned, the rubbish out. It was now time to sit and enjoy his journal.

The living area was a disaster area. Books on the floor, the rug out of place. The candle had dripped on the mantelpiece. Harry had been in here again.

It was hard to live with someone who ruined the perfection of his cottage. But then again this was his Harry, and for Harry he could excuse anything.

He glanced at his favourite chair.

Well almost anything.

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

Potion Projects

Original poster: medawyn

Title: Potion Projects
Author: Medawyn
Rating: G
Challenge: #14: Sharing Space
A/N: Everyone has written Snape as the one getting frustrated; I thought it was only fair for Harry to have a turn.

Harry sighed. He had only been gone two days, and Severus had already managed to bury the couch under piles of books and parchment.

Every surface he could see was littered with potion notes, broken quills, and empty mugs of tea. Apparently Severus was working on a project.

After an entire childhood of keeping a house neat and orderly it was difficult for Harry to relax amid such chaos. The temptation to begin shelving the books and filing the parchment was great, but Harry resisted. Severus would clean up when his creative burst had past, and Harry’s patience would be rewarded.

January 2021



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