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Posts Tagged: 'appearances'

Jul. 26th, 2018



Supercar Blondie Meets KITT.

Credit goes to Supercar Blondie at YouTube.


(Nix, this is being posted in the public community. Tell Karr to behave himself. lol)

Jul. 23rd, 2018



Knight Rider Scene Exhibition. (2016)

Credit goes to KRO for the find. Features David and a different voiceover actor for KITT.

I have no idea what this was for. Maybe it was some kind of Comic Con-like convention in the UK?

Knight Rider Scene Exhibition (2016) ft The Hoff & Kitt

May. 23rd, 2017



KITT and the Hoff appear in country music video.

(Not a country music fan myself, but here you go.) ;)

Brad Paisley - Last Time for Everything

Feb. 24th, 2017



Getting caught up.

(Credit goes to KRO, Knight Rider Archives, and Knight Rider Historians for all of the info mentioned in this post.)

Sorry there haven't been any new posts lately. Trying to improve my art and drawing skills have taken up a lot of my time as of late. (Edit: I'm hoping I can get good enough to attempt to draw KITT's voice box from either mid-S1, or S3/S4.)

I'm sorry to report that we have lost at least four Knight Rider alum, two were guest stars, and the others worked behind the scenes.

Bernard Fox, who played Commander Smythe in 'Custom K.I.T.T.', He was best known for his role in the series Hogan's Heroes. (He also appeared in the same episode of Soap as William Daniels.)

Dick Gautier, who played J. Gordon Baxter aka The Chameleon in 'Knight of the Chameleon'.

We also lost director Jeffrey Hayden (Seasons 1 & 2 & 4 - 'Hearts of Stone', 'K.I.T.T. The Cat', 'Diamonds Aren't A Girl's Best Friend', and one of my personal favorites, 'Sky Knight'.)

And finally, days ago Bruce Lansbury passed away. He was the brother of famed actress, Angela Lansbury, and helped to pen the episode 'Knight of the Rising Sun'.

Our condolences to their loved ones.


On to happier KR news.

Here's a fun KITT/Sonic crossover from LEGO Dimensions. The Knight Rider Fun Pack is being released this month.

Michael and KITT recently made an appearance in an AT&T commercial. (Unfortunately, their scene has been taken out in most broadcasts.)

William Daniels has a memoir coming out soon, titled, There I Go Again, How I Came To Be Mr. Feeny, John Adams, Dr. Craig, KITT, & Many Others. He recently posted dates on which he will be doing book signings, that you can find here on his Twitter page.

And lastly, Newsweek has done an article on Michael Scheffe and the cars used on the show. Click here to read it.

Again, I'm sorry for not posting more often. Hope everyone is doing well. <3

Jan. 10th, 2017



Catherine Hickland Appears In HBO documentary 'Bright Lights'.

Credit for this clip goes to (Sorry, this is the best I could do for a link.)

It's great to see her and others embrace their time on the show, and even to the point where someone wants a KITT for themselves. :)

Click here.

Check listings for airdates.

Sep. 9th, 2016



Knight Rider referenced in 'Stranger Things'.

I haven't seen any of the other sites mention this yet. Came across this video on YouTube because I really want to watch it.

If you don't know what Stranger Things is, it's an original series by Netflix. A boy mysteriously disappears from his home and it's up to his mother and three friends to find him. It takes place in the 1980's and the tone is part Stephen King, part Steven Spielberg. Supernatural meets science fiction. I was hoping for a Knight Rider reference, but I didn't think they'd make one almost right off the bat. (And if anyone can figure out what episode that is, that'd be great. Definitely S2, from the sounds.)

Stranger Things | The First 8 Minutes - Series Opener [HD] | Netflix

(You know, if they had been watching Knight Rider and not playing D&D, maybe none of this would've happened. j/k)

Video is the property of Netflix.

Jul. 9th, 2015



General news/appearances, etc...

I don't have the day or the time, but David Hasselhoff will be appearing on an upcoming episode of Tanked, which airs on Animal Planet. I did catch David's interview on The Insider and he said he appeared on the show because he's interested in the conservation of sharks.

If anyone out there is headed to Comic Con (SDCC) this year, David and the rest of the cast of Sharknado 3 will be there this Friday, and there WILL be a Knight Rider display with a KITT replica on hand again. (I checked the other sites and it doesn't look like they're promoting any KR-related merchandise or projects this time around.)

Speaking of merch. (Did I really just spell it merch? Ugh.)

Knight Rider is being released on blu ray... But, it's a Japanese release, and will cost $600.

Also, if you read the thread, you can purchase the entire original series in HD via Google Play, minus the episode Dead of Knight. (Due to music rights issues.)

Finally, Turn Your Car Into Knight Rider's K.I.T.T. With This Talking USB Charger.

Jan. 5th, 2015



KITT appears in a music video.

Credited to KRO for the find.

"Candy Man" | Vim Cortez (Official Video)

I enjoyed it...up until the end. lol Dude, it's KITT, not Christine.

It does have some good shots, though. Some I wouldn't mind seeing in a film version. (Normally the 'flares' in the Transformers movies annoys the crap out of me. But I wouldn't mind if it were done like that.)

Dec. 12th, 2014



Knight Rider in the spotlight yet again.

This time on Screen Machines on the REELZ network, episode 'Knight Rider Two Thousand'.

Check your local listings. We get that channel, but I'm not sure how widely available it is.

Dec. 7th, 2014



KITT featured on 'Fast N' Loud'.

A reminder that there will be a two-part Knight Rider themed episode of Fast N' Loud at 9-11pm (EST) Monday night on the Discovery network.

Check your local listings.

Sep. 3rd, 2014



New DH/KITT/Knight Rider/Samsung commercial.

Samsung Smart Home commercial.

(Uh, Kitt can crash through that gate. lol)

So what do we think, gang? Any thoughts?

(There's also a speculative article you can read here.)

Jul. 19th, 2013



Several KR-related news stories this week.

(Most of this is courtesy of Knight Rider Archives, and Knight Rider Online.)

Sadly, we do have two deaths to report, both from the episode Short Notice. - Joe Conley (who played the motel manager where Michael and Nicole stayed at), and Dennis Berkley (Tiny). Mr. Conley died on July 7th. Mr. Berkley passed away a few days later, he was sixty-seven. Our thoughts and prayers go out to their loved ones.

In happier news:

Hallmark has released their 2013 KITT Keepsake Christmas ornament.

Hot Wheels will soon be announcing the release date for KARR in their Elite line.

Finally, a very Happy (and belated) Birthday to David Hasselhoff from all of us at Shadowy Flight!

Mar. 25th, 2013




Okay, so this isn't completely Knight Rider related. It concerns William Daniels, and that's good enough for me. Girl Meets World Scoop: It's Official — William Daniels to Return as Mr. Feeny!

(Some of the comments on the article really crack me up. "Dad! That car is Mr. Feeny!") XD

Yes. As a fan of both franchises, I am absolutely over the moon over this. I really hope we get to see Mr. Feeny on occasion. (Plus, I want to know if Shawn and Angela ever got back together.)

Any other original Knight Rider/Boy Meets World fans out there? To be honest, I've probably seen BMW as many times as I have KR, if not a tiny bit more. (Just don't let other KR fans know that.)

Dec. 14th, 2012



The places KR will turn up.

In lighter news...

KRO: There's a brief nod to the Knight Rider theme in the movie, Ted in the form of a ringtone. (If you have a good eye, you'll see that they mispelled Stu Phillips' name in the credits.)

That movie really doesn't look like my kind of thing, so I'll pass. But it's something to look out for if you do plan to check it out. ;)

Oct. 26th, 2012



William Daniels playing reoccurring character on Grey's Anatomy.

Which is likely old news to most people here by now. But Neps at KRO posted the following article from

Click here.


Cristina and Dr. Thomas

“Who would have thought that Cristina and Dr. Thomas (William Daniels) would become best buds? Cristina even considers him her Minnesota Meredith and that's high praise, indeed. I love their dynamic: teasing and fun but with an undercurrent of mutual respect and caring. One of my big frustrations with the show is that Cristina, despite her growth over the years, is often written as an unfeeling person who puts surgery above all else. Nothing could be further from the truth.

When Cristina Yang cares about you, she will go to the ends of the earth for you. And that's just what she did with Thomas, coming to his aid in hopes that he wouldn't be forced into retirement. I don't know how long Cristina will stay at The Clinic (I mean, she's got to come back to Seattle eventually...right?) but I love the Yang/Thomas relationship. Now if we can just bring him to Seattle, too.”


I've got a friend that keeps pressuring me to watch his DVDs of Grey's. I just have too much going on right now with RL and side projects to get into yet another drama. (He was also evil in giving me the first season of Once Upon a Time. Now I won't get anything done.)

But he knew the second William Daniels came on board that I'd be watching it. (If only for his scenes.) ;)

Oct. 2nd, 2011



KnightCon 2011.

KnightCon is the annual Knight Rider fan event that takes place over in the U.K.

Returning guests this year included Rebecca Holden and K.I.T.T. designer, Michael Scheffe. David Hasselhoff made a brief appearance. And this was the first fan convention for Season 4 star, Peter Parros! (Several people have said he was a very nice guy to talk to, and he would perhaps like to come to more such events.) :)

Aside from KITT, there were also other famous cars in attendance, as well as many different sci-fi characters.

Sounds like a great time was had by all!

Click on the links below to find stories, photos, and videos.

Thread from KRO.

Thread from The Foundation.

Jan. 26th, 2011



Knight Rider Southeastern fan event.

Southern Knights Atlanta 2011 - July 29th & 30th, 2011.

Click here for more details.

Mar. 9th, 2010



Hasselhoff to host Monday Night Raw.

Credited to PHOENIXZERO at KRO.


April 12, 2010: David Hasselhoff

When Raw hops the pond and crashes London a week after WrestleMania, David Hasselhoff promises to host a jolly, good show. An accomplished actor and international singing sensation, "The Hoff" will take a break from his European tour to belt out the praises of WWE.

For more on David Hasselhoff, visit

I'm a *cough* former wrestling fan myself. And a lot of KR fans are also wrestling fans. (Especially the guys.) So I decline to comment on this one. lol

Nov. 9th, 2009



Twenty years ago…

Looking For Freedom.

The Berlin Wall came down in 1989. (When I was in the fifth grade.) At that age, I don't think we youngsters here in the States really understood what the big deal was.

What I do remember? Is how the other kids in my class kept talking about how cool it was that David Hasselhoff had been there. *G*

Mar. 14th, 2009



I'm probably the only one who remembers these Kitt appearances.

Fight Back! on Wiki.

I doubt anyone has it, but I remember 'Kitt' making an appearance on this show back in the day. (I didn't get to see it, because I got in trouble for something, and was sent to my room. *tsks*)

I also remember Kitt was featured in an 80's Public Service Announcement. It started out focusing on his voice box, and slowly panning backwards. There were sirens and flashing lights too, I think. From what I remember of the dash, it was either season two, or season three. It had to do with buckling up, speeding, or drunk driving. I'm pretty sure William Daniels provided the narration for this PSA, and not some generic voice actor.

None of this info is very helpful, I know. But if anyone ever comes across either of these clips, please post them?

(Though I'll settle for anyone else remembering these, so I know I wasn't just dreaming them.)

Thanks. ;)