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Mar. 6th, 2017


do I get notifications from this one?

Feb. 18th, 2017




Yeah, the bid D. It is big.


That is all.


Attention all residents. Tomorrow is taco Tuesday, bring your bibs.


Special agent Timothy McGee reporting for duty.


Ugh what even.


Land and love go hand in hand

May. 24th, 2015


Open CB

Anyone that can get to Xavier's you are all authorized to get onto the grounds. Anything following you will be shot down. There is subbasements down below, and paths will light up to the fast transport tunnels that will take you to straight to them, there are places for everyone.

Jul. 21st, 2012


Filtered to Rachel Berry

Say, could I convince you to watch Steven some night so i can take out Julie solo? I like the little tyke, I just want a few hours to give her my full attention. I am more than willing to do a favor in return!


I need a vacation. I don't mean staying in a cabin watching movies and eating healthy junk food type of vacation either. I'm talking about a real vacation, where I can pick somewhere to go. If I am being forced to work in this place and I can't even go anywhere besides where we get sent to next? Come on, we need a break from this place too. I wish I could take a nice vacation to New York, with all the people this time and seeing Broadway musicals and shopping in Times Square, but I know it will never happen.


I have to say that I am happy to be back at work but I miss my baby so much. I know that he's being taken care of but all I can think about is him all day. And yes, sometimes I do worry but more me than him because I wonder if I have made enough bottles and everything. Rachel is so great for taking care of him. I can't wait to come home and hold him, he is getting so big!

Jul. 19th, 2012


Locked to Laura

Laura )
Tags: ,

Jul. 17th, 2012


This place can be fun sometimes, but I definitely wish our guests could be a little less nosy. Having to field questions about everything under the sun while serving drinks at the same time, is not conducive to my calm. Especially when the questions include the bra sizes of my fellow staff.

Jun. 16th, 2012


Message to Heather
I just have to say that Matt is amazing. He is so great with Steven, I really am starting to like him. He came to the beach and he kissed me and it just felt right. Heather, he's brought me out of my funk, well, Steven has too but this is the first in a long time that I have felt like this for someone. I'm just having trouble really telling him how I really feel because I don't want to jinx it or anything.

Jun. 7th, 2012


There's really nothing like sitting in the Ice Room drinking Strawberry Daiquiris and just relaxing after a long hard days of work. I swear I have seen a lot of people today who want love advice. But what do I know about love anymore, I haven't found it yet and my biological clock is still ticking to have that little girl that I saw.


I am thinking that Steven might be a beach person. It is so gorgeous that I take him there every second that I can get. Its really peaceful and we will just sit there and play and he will give a little smile. The other day, we even went to the beach and watched a sunset. There is nothing like having a date night with your baby. I am going to hate going back to work, but I have to make a living to buy more cute things for Steven.

Jun. 6th, 2012


Glad there's not as much animals running around like before. Sort of like Noah's ark story on land, haha Today is my birthday. Maybe I'll go to the spa, full package deal. Then go to one of the restaurants later and have a full course dinner. Anyone's welcome to join me there if they like. Presents are cool too And when I retire for the evening, could allow some of my fans to meet me around midnight in my cabin for fun, though the cameras all over make it interesting Sorta wish some friends from home or Jack, or Dorian were around, but the ones I have here are nice too.

Jun. 4th, 2012


I know I will be accused by some as seeming to not be myself in saying this, but this attention really does get tiresome.


What did we used to do? Besides argue, I mean. Was there something you liked doing?

Jun. 3rd, 2012


This place just got more boring. If something exciting doesn't happen soon, I'm going to have to make a game out of this place, perhaps with the guests. Now that sounds like a lot of fun.

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