Feb. 6th, 2009


mental communication at Edward;

It's tiiiiime~!

[flashes of several images before settling on the most serious ones concerning Cathy and Lindsey]

Back tonight, after I talk to them.

Dec. 27th, 2008


from Santa, Cox, John, Alice, Ben [backdated];

[ooc: Because this thing is currently fourteen pages long, omg, and I still need a few more things for a few characters, I'm cutting the Santa + seven characters list into two posts. Gifts from Sarah, Nathan & Claire will be up before the end of the night and then I'm throwing myself back into the game. <3

ETA: ARGH something's missing, hang on! Freaking HTML, fixed now!]

from Santa;
to: Ben Braeden, Bobby Singer, Castiel, Claire Bennet, Cox, Dean Winchester, Faith Lehane, Harry Mason, Heather Mason, Jo Harvelle, John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Sam Winchester, Ruby )

from Cox;
to: Jo Harvelle, Jordan Sullivan, the Winchester household )

from John;
to: Ben Braeden, Bobby Singer, Castiel, Claire Bennet (SBC), Dean Winchester, Faith Lehane, Harry Mason, Heather Mason, Jo Harvelle, Mary Winchester, Ruby, Sam Winchester )

from Alice;
to: Bella Cullen, Cathy Hyatt, Edward Cullen, Jasper Hale, Peter Petrelli, Renesmee Cullen )

from Ben;
to: Bobby Singer, Castiel, Claire Bennet (SBC), Dean Winchester, Hannah, Harry Mason, Heather Mason, Jo Harvelle, John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Ruby, Sam Winchester )

Sep. 16th, 2008


courier letters/packages to Cullen residence; Peter Petrelli; Dr Cox & Jo Harvelle

Cullens + Lavender )

Peter Petrelli )

Dr Cox + Jo )

Jul. 18th, 2008


mental projection to Edward;

EDWARD! Bella is coming back!

[flashes of a beach and Bella, the images clarifying several minutes later to reveal the beach's name on a sign near the edge of the sand; in each black and white still image, and then in the full-color moving ones, the city lights and the night sky are distinct on one side]

Jun. 2nd, 2008


note left in Edward's apartment

Jasper is coming. Going to get him now!


May. 31st, 2008


Text to Edward Cullen

[text is sent to the number Alice would know as his at the end of Eclipse]

Edward, something very odd has happened. Where are you? Furthermore, WHY ARE YOU HERE?

January 2010




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