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Dec. 13th, 2009


Text to Faith

Hey. Can I ask you something?

Dec. 12th, 2009


Text to Sam

I found him.


Text to Terry

Tim's going to be staying at the manor. I expect you to be civil. Start practicing. You have until tomorrow afternoon.


Text to Bruce

Hey. You got a minute?

Dec. 11th, 2009


emails, backdated to the 4th;

TO: Everyone listed here
FROM: "Claire Bennet" <>
SUBJECT: You are cordially invited...

You have (1 unread) message [IMAGE] )

Dec. 10th, 2009


I demand to speak with the ruler of this kingdom. I don't how you have come to bring me to this foul place but you will return me right now. Or believe me when I say that you won't live to regret it.

Dec. 9th, 2009


Text to Clark Kent

Has Kara decided to stay with you at the Bradbury?

Dec. 5th, 2009


For the Bradbury Building:

Left in the living room at the Bradbury Building: A PlayStation 3 and likely every game for it known to man (no, he didn’t go overboard, okay!). There’s also new gear for Virgil to replace what was ruined and extra money in an envelope, obviously to be SHARED and in fact, this is stated so inside the envelope.




Subject: New and Game to Join Team Good Guy

I'm Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV but most everyone calls me Ed and I go under Radical Edward online. Cathy at the welcome center suggested I shoot you guys an email given the fact that one: I'm new, 2: I'm actually from 2077 and 3: I'm a computer genius/hacker.

In my actual time I was working as a freelance computer tech/hacker for hire outside of the team of bounty hunters I was with (my former boss was a cop and we have a sense of justice compared to most teams) and before that I was with another team of hunters on a ship called the Bebop. I'm also a very hard to beat hacker and in terms of making money I'm looking into getting a small business off the ground as a freelance tech.

So I guess the point of my email is this: I was told about the Powers That Be and I want in.


:) :) :) :) :)

PS: In spite of my name I'm actually a woman and I have a small dog, yes he's house trained and very friendly.


Phone call to Zan

Calling the twins )

Dec. 2nd, 2009


Text to Kennedy

Hey. Holding up alright?

Nov. 30th, 2009


text to Castiel;

Thanks for taking care of them when I couldn't.

Looks like I owe you several lives over by now.


Text to Sam

You don't want to be a watcher for you?


delivery to Buffy;

Delivered to the Hyperion on the evening of the 30th is a box, addressed to Buffy. Inside the box is a note, printed copies of some of the funnier stuff Spike said and a 'Superman S' cape from a cheap Halloween costume. The 'S' now has Sharpie markered fangs at the top of it.

Mocking's only fun if you have stuff to go along with it.

- Ben


text to ABC;

[ midmorning, 30th ]

You okay?

I know, stupidest question ever.


Text to Faith.

Where are you?


Text: Faith

Are you, you? Are you okay? If you even have your phone.



[ sent in the early a.m. of the 30th. "Normal" cell numbers would be for the phones characters usually have but didn't have during the plot ]

[ duplicate text to DEAN, SAM, JOHN, ABC, FAITH & RUBY's normal cell numbers; ]
Hello? Anybody out there? Normal maybe?

[ sent thirty minutes later, after there's no response from Dean's number ]

[ text to FATHER DEAN's cell number; ]
Dude, it's me, Ben. I need you for something.


phonecall to Mary;

[ late evening 29th/early morning 30th ]


Nov. 29th, 2009


Clary fumbled with her phone, her real phone, as she flipped it open and punched in the number, before half slamming it against her ear. She half bounced on the spot as the phone finally connected and started to ring. "Come ooon. Caaathy." she half whined to empty space infront of her.


text to Kennedy

you okay?

Nov. 28th, 2009


texts to Castiel & Eve;

We've kind of got a problem. Eve, you still outside?


text to Lilah;

I need an angel-proof room in twenty minutes. Please?

Tell Claire to meet us there.


Text to Clark

Youre probably out doing something stupid as we speak but Dad says you're one of us. What do you think about that?


text to Paige;

[ backdated to the morning of the 25th, following the events of this the night before. ]

A family emergency came up last night. Outside what's necessary to clear my schedule for the next week, you can take it all off as a bonus paid vacation. They're distant family, but I'm needed and they, well, they don't do well with strangers, so I can't bring an entourage of any kind.

I'm not sure how long this will actually take, but I'll be in touch.

Nov. 27th, 2009


Text to Bruce

You have (1) new message! )

Nov. 26th, 2009


Left in the Kitchen of the Hyperion is three jugs filled with a clear liquid marked simply with the letter P. Liam has spent the last week brewing up some Poitin, and has left it for general consumption along with a note.

Go on and have a taste. It's real alcohol not like the rubbish you get from the English.


[ooc: I have tasted this stuff it is essentially disgusting tastes like methylated spirits in a glass but gets one drunk remarkably quickly. He's made it to about 85% proof.]

Nov. 22nd, 2009


MMS to Father Dean Wesson;


Nov. 21st, 2009


text to Castiel;

This isn't sending a grownup, it's sending an angel 'cause I don't have any superpowers, okay?

Blond Claire says she's remembering but not even EVE remembers yet and she's a freaking ANGEL and whatever they did to them is probably magic, not a lobotomy, right, so she can't just heal up from it or they'd both have healed forever ago.

Can you check her brain to see if she's telling the truth without getting too close, so those Wolfram & Hart assholes can't do some magic mumbo jumbo on you? If something happens to you, I Grandma's not gonna know what to do. Megan will probably come out with four ears or something. You don't want Megan to look like a freak, right?



[ text to CLAIRE; ]
The goodies must be getting desperate. Feel like having some fun?
[ text to LILAH; ]
I'm going to have a surprise project in the works like, now, so can I get all the boring paperwork rushed without telling you exactly what's up other than the dogooders done in? I kinda want to keep it a surprise for you.

Nov. 19th, 2009


Txt to Mitchell

Long day and I'm all kinds of bored. Meet me,

Nov. 17th, 2009


Text: Clark

where are you?

Nov. 15th, 2009


Text: Xander

Give me one good reason why I shouldn't hit Sam the Fake Watcher. One. Because I've got nothing.


text to Lilah;

[ Since only crazy people name their twins the same thing, Claire is going to be Sandra, 'Sandy' more typically used. ]

Mom. I can see those assholes' filtered posts. What the fuck?

Nov. 13th, 2009


[Delivery to Tenel Ka Djo Solo]

Breakfast in bed including;
maple syrup
freshly squeezed orange juice

With a card: In case you aren't over the sugar crash yet. I love you. J x

Nov. 10th, 2009


Text to Bruce

You busy?

Nov. 9th, 2009


Personal Email to Faith.

Putting whatever else aside, You and me need to talk Bachelorette. Any ideas?


[Text to Ruby]

What are you doing after closing time at the shop tonight?

Nov. 7th, 2009


Text to Faith.

Hey, you busy?

Nov. 6th, 2009


Text to Sam.


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