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Out of the Shadows Threads

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[23 Aug 2016|12:26am]

WHO: Drifter and Kaisa Galanos
WHAT: Date night
WHEN: 8/23; around 8pm.
WHERE: starting at college campus
RATING: Likely High...it's Drifter.

Night falls but the beat just begins. )

[21 Aug 2016|10:48pm]

WHO:Rhi and Adam
WHAT: Chatting in his broken apartment
WHEN: Backdate : 8/20
WHERE broken apartment
RATING:Mid to high- sexual references.

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[21 Aug 2016|07:00pm]

WHO:Artemis and Aden
WHAT: Chatting
WHEN: Late afternoon, 8/21
WHERE Cosi 12th and Walnut
RATING: low probably.

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[21 Aug 2016|05:04pm]

WHO: Drifter and Kaisa Galanos
WHAT: Crossing paths
WHEN: 8/21; around 11pm.
WHERE: college campus
RATING: High - blood drinking, NPC death, language, drugs...it's Drifter.

Drink deep and let the fun times flow. )

[21 Aug 2016|01:33pm]

Who: Keara and Nate
Where: 11th St. Auto
When: 8/21, afternoon
What: Keara's having engine problems.
Rating: tbd.

come fix me up! )

[21 Aug 2016|03:16pm]

WHO:Molly and Jeremy
WHAT: A meeting
WHEN: Late evening, 8/21
WHERE Cheerleaders
RATING: mid to high so far

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[20 Aug 2016|09:32pm]

Who: Trouble and Aden
Where: Out in the city.
When: 8/20, evening
What: Someone catches trouble doing what she does best.
Rating: tbd

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[21 Aug 2016|06:22am]

WHO: Harper Whitley and Deirdre Levine (later, Aden and Molly??)
WHAT: Pre-gaming, then a "girl's night out" (plus Aden)
WHEN: Saturday August 20th, evening
WHERE Starting at Harper's house in West Mount Airy, then beyond
RATING: At least PG-15. Harper is actively looking to make out tonight.

She had just put the finishing touches on her smoky eyes when the doorbell rang and she grinned in anticipation. )

[19 Aug 2016|10:12pm]

WHO: Chance and Jackson
WHAT: Drinking & Talking
WHEN: After their gambling trip, early August
WHERE: Their apartment
RATING: References to sex and drinking

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[19 Aug 2016|09:59pm]

WHO: Viola and Hana
WHAT: Meeting and Introductions
WHEN: Early August
WHERE: Street
RATING: Suitable for all audiences

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[19 Aug 2016|04:24pm]

WHO: Adam and Meri
WHAT: Things are heating up in the kitchen
WHEN: Around dinner time.
WHERE: Adam's residence.
RATING: High (adult situations)

Something smells good, and it's not the food. )

[19 Aug 2016|12:39pm]

WHO: Aden and Molly
WHAT: Pre-Game before the bar
WHEN: 8/19/2016
WHERE Molly's place and then beyond?
RATING: Considering their conversation we're going to say TBD with a preemptive 'high'.

Pre-Game )

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