[ video ][ backdated to about 5pm ]
10 April 2010 at 11:37 am
Bookman Junior (Lavi)
[ Here's a video of the park, Marina! It's sort of shaky before a redhead with an eyepatch and a uniform like the other Exorcists steps into view. He grins and is holding something small between his fingers, twirling it. ]

Hey, prison buddies.

Who wants t'see something awesome?

((ooc: have to run out! will tag back once I am stuffed full of takoyaki and taiyaki. 83))
[Action - Open; Backdated to about 4PM]
10 April 2010 at 12:50 pm
[So, Mami's been having a decent enough day, and is now checking out her vegetable garden. She's been taking very good care of it, so clearly everything is all right. Right?

...No. A great disaster has befallen the garden! There. Are. WEEDS. Unbeknownst to Mami, though...somehow, they aren't what you'd call normal weeds. They're flowers, i.e. the kind of thing that a normal person might want in their garden.

This, however, is a vegetable garden, not a flower garden.

Any passers-by will find Mami pulling up the flowers and fussing her head off. Bother/help/tell her not to kill the flowers?]
10 April 2010 at 03:37 pm
[Not uncommonly, 'Vadum could be found in the training hall. However unlike most times when he came here to train he stood, back against one of the supporting posts about the inside of the hall. Arms crossed against his chest as he simply gazed out silently across the hall.

Lost in his thoughts as he stood there, on the goings on of dome, of the celebrations he had avoided in coming here and most particularly, his home.]
[Action | Closed]
10 April 2010 at 04:04 pm
[Although she's had a few attacks of tears since she arrived, it doesn't all hit Risa until evening, when she finds herself in an unfamiliar bed in her unfamiliar, empty room with no sounds of her family around her, and realizes that she won't be going to school tomorrow. She won't be hanging out with Nobu and Chiharu and their boyfriends, and that dumb shrimp Otani -

- for some reason, that's what pushes her over the edge. The idea that she'll never be called Jumbo-girl again, she'll never punch him across the room for being a meathead again, she'll never be called All-Kyojin again. The thought opens up a great, gaping ache in her chest that makes it hard to swallow, to even breathe.

She stumbles out of her room, unable to bear the sight of those empty walls anymore, and crumples against the door next to hers. She knows that people around her are sleeping, but she can't seem to silence the loud, hiccuping sobs that make her entire body shake. She's never going home. Never mind where she is, if it's some weird kind of prison-resort - she's not going back.

She's not ready to leave home! She's only 15!

She takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself, but it just comes out in a long wail. Why? Why her?]
10 April 2010 at 04:44 pm
Josak Gurriere
[Josak was looking for a place to relax--he's avoided his room since the day before and doesn't intend to return just yet--and found the movie theater. He's never seen one and doesn't intend to watch one now. Instead he takes one of the darkened theaters and just sits in the cushioned seat.]

[Voice - Filtered from Sakamoto]

So Your Highness, Joshua~ We never did decide if we should play a game of "Never Have I." I say we set a date and see who else we can get to join in.

{OOC: Josak's faking it pretty good, he did something stupid, and so he's not exactly himself today. And sorry Sakamoto-mun, but it's cheating if you're already drunk when you play a drinking game.}
Location: Theater/after dark
10 April 2010 at 05:44 pm
[The video clicks on to Jalyt brandishing a large cookbook and shouting.] Hey, Marina! What recipes should I try first?!

[Yes, she knows most people are asleep at this hour. But she's been locked in this room with nothing to do but read the cookbook she snitched from the library. And now that she's done that she's desperate to cook something. Distractions from boredom, please.]
[closed action: dated to midnight-ish]
10 April 2010 at 06:27 pm
[slayer] Faith Lehane
[Faith is chilling.]

[At the graveyard.]

[Well, no actually she's just arrived, but same difference. She's still chilling yo. And waiting for one of her favorite British vamps to arrive.]

Someone's late.
[voice//backdated to early evening]
10 April 2010 at 08:15 pm
Sakura Kinomoto
[Hello Marina. Instead of Sakura's cheerful loli voice, there will be an incredibly loud crash coming through your headsets instead.]


[And the sound of someone kneeling down to somehow recover the mess...]  Oh no...oh no....


[ooc: Sakura's broken a dish at the Uchiha household and has accidentally knocked her headset on. 8| She's been so tired all day, but adamant on not showing it and now it's backfiring on her. Closed action to Sasuke and Itachi if they want~]
10 April 2010 at 08:41 pm
Charles J. Chrishunds
[The sound of paper rustling is heard followed by a sharp intake of breath and a very unpleasant growl.]

Master, what have you done now? [It's said softly, making it unclear if he's talking to himself or not.

But it's clear that he's very upset about something.]

[ooc: He happened to wonder by this sign up sheet and saw that he'd been signed up without his consent. Feel free to ask him what's wrong and try to stop him from strangling Rayflo when he finds him.]
[ OPEN voice / closed action ]
10 April 2010 at 09:02 pm
Gino Weinberg
[The video turns on. Gino grins quickly into the screen, and then turns it on Suzaku, who is also smiling. They're outside, and the night is dark around them as they round the corner to the defense team HQ in Sector 1.]

Okay! I know there's been some concern lately, but I think we've finally gotten the HQ decorated tastefully. So, to settle everyone's concerns...

[He takes the camera up to the front door; narrating and showing off] We left up Rise's fairy lights. I think they're cute. But see, the outside is normal now.

Suzaku and I were working on the inside today, so it looks good, but still like a workplace, and we came up with...

[Gino pauses dramatically, to Suzaku's visible bemusement, and then throws open the door, on--

[Chaos. The defense team HQ looks like it's been ransacked. The desk is upended and the drawers have been torn out and hurled into walls; the furnishings are smashed, decorations torn down and belongings scattered and papers ripped up. In the midst of the mess is Anya, staring blankly at the scene with her fingers clutched tightly around her phone.

[Suzaku and Gino's surprise is instantaneous, gasps of] Anya! [and] What happened?!

[She turns to them, still expressionless, and says] ...I don't remember.

[The video clicks off hurriedly.]

((ooc: Anya was assigned to watch the HQ tonight, as everyone on the defense team should know. All anyone knows is that while she was in charge, she suffered a memory lapse, and the place is totally trashed. Did Anya get in a fight? Did Anya leave her post? Did Anya do it?

This event is designed to cast suspicion on Anya's reliability. Even Anya will end up doubting it. Please cooperate and let us have some awesome plot. ♥ ))
The Third Night [Open to Reid]
10 April 2010 at 09:02 pm
Tear Grants
Rejected existence. There's no hope of salvation. The crushing force continues pressing in, suffocating.

It's only natural. It originally lived on land-- a different land-- so it can't survive underwater.

"                          "

But the surface is too far away; unreachable even though it has risen up to the highest point. The pressure does not abate despite the altitude. Enduring, it despondently spreads outward further instead, seeking out other entities to prey on.

Is it still not satisfied after devouring vitality of nearly a dozen souls? It soaks itself in the life it extracts, as that seems to be the only substance that offers it reprieve, and continues ravenously feeding without care to the peacefully sleeping inhabitants.

[OOC: Just as it says, the field's gone through most of the shelter, up the inside of the tower, and is near the edges of all the other sectors here and there. Johnny, Akira, Jeanne, and Murata join the group, plus it's time to kick it up a level. See also: impaired movement/ functions, unresponsive/ slow to respond limbs and such, so have fun~]