Harry Potter RPG Ads
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February 5th, 2010


next gen school-based civil world war.


Ultimately, the kids stay the same.

No matter what the war or how great the cause, it's hard to worry about freedom fighters, acts of Wizengamot, or Sub-Saharan genocide when there are OWLs to be earned. At the close of 2021, the students of Hogwarts remain blissfully isolated from the Revelation and the clash of the Wizarding and Muggle worlds. Aside from a prank here, a fight there, and the hush-hush workings of the Committee, Hogwarts seems largely isolated from the riots and the deaths and the hasty treaties that are characterizing Integration in Europe. The rebels can work their ways around the school's anti-Dark Arts wards if they must, and the Prefects can keep hastily trying to maintain the lack of anti-Muggle animosity the Headmistress has imposed, but for the most part, just like they have in every other war, the students of Hogwarts are just trying to grow up.

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The year is 2005, and seven years since that night have passed. Order members that were captured have all been sentenced to Azkaban sentences for life, others were able to escape and go on the run; those, who were unable to do either, lay six feet under the earth under a marker proclaiming them dead.

Students have been sorted into two categories, those that are pure or were half and are lucky enough to have a stronger pure linage and those who are muggle born or are unfortunately half with a stronger muggle born linage. Those who were favored as pure were allowed back to finish their education and given higher statuses once they left in society. Those that were not were registered, tagged and have no status and some unfortunates are even slaves to the pure or imprisoned themselves.

The world has become a dark and dangerous place, where those who were once your friend have now become your greatest enemy.

A cry has slowly surfaced from the outside of society for justice and for freedom from the pureblood society. And slowly, the Wizard Underground has begun to answer them. In secret the Order is building up, they are gathering supporters even among former followers of Voldemort who have fallen from favor. Their goal is simple, retake the wizarding world before it’s destroyed forever.

With Harry Potter presumed dead and trust a dangerous word to utter, there is only one hope. The W.U. Will they succeed or will they like so many others perish under the weight of Voldemort’s reign.