Harry Potter RPG Ads
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October 4th, 2008


It's Madness! A Post-DH Harry Potter RPG.


the plot;
For hundreds and hundreds of years, magic has always worked the way people expected it to. Spells did what they were meant to, and things followed the general path that people were used to them following. But now, five years after the demise of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, something is going awry. Spells are not working the way they should be any longer. It has started out small at first, to the point where most people don't even notice, they just assume they've cast the spell wrong and continue on their way. But now the changes are becoming much more obvious, and its quickly becoming clear that magic has gone awry.

A witch who casts a spell to straighten her hair might find that its turned funny colors instead. A wizard who casts lumos to see in the dark might find himself glowing abnormally for hours at a time. A witch who casts alohomora on a locked door might suddenly find that instead of unlocking a door she's unlocked herself and that now she can speak nothing but the truth. The object a witch or wizard is trying to transform can turn into any number of things, either related or not at all related to the intended transformation. Spells don't always go wrong, but more often than not they do. This is an RPG where things aren't as though they've always seemed. This is an RPG where anything can happen.
the game;
[info]itsmadness is a post Deathly Hallows, canon compliant (up until before the epilogue), Harry Potter RPG. Our game is different than others and it aims to give your characters to have a chance to come up with wild and crazy plot for your characters, all while interacting however you want with other players.

We are searching for creative, active, original and good quality players who are ready to join and help us experiment withinthis amazing world. No experience is required.
to join;
[info]itsmadness is currently accepting applications and the game will open October 11th, 2008. We are accepting for most characters in the Harry Potter Lexicon, but are especially searching for:

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Weasley, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Hannah Abbott, Ernie MacMillan, Zacharias Smith, Terry Boot, Luna Lovegood, Cho Chang, Anthony Goldstein, Roger Davies, Michael Corner, Tracey Davis, Daphne Greengrass, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini. See a full list of all of our wanted characters here.
Available Characters - Cast List - Rules - Posting Guides - Application



[No Subject]


On 2 May 1998, the Second War finally came to an end - and with the death of Harry Potter, a new era of peace, stability, and the return of purist rule and wizarding superiority over Muggles has begun.

It has now been over a year since the Battle of Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic under Pius Thicknesse has continued to thrive. Pure-bloods once again hold positions of power. The misguided students of the perversely named Dumbledore's Army are being reformed into well-behaved citizens who dutifully serve their government. Promising young wizards from the old families are recruited into the new Knights of Walpurgis to foster political and social connections among the elite. More Muggle-born criminals are safely locked away each day to protect those worthy of magic. The balance of freedom between the wizards and Muggles is finally tipping back into the favour of the magical world for the first time since the International Statute of Secrecy was passed in 1692.

Despite all of the current regime's successes, however, there are still terrorists - such as the Order of the Phoenix - and dissenters who would betray the Ministry and everything it stands for from within and without. For most, the war is over - and for others, it never ended and will not until the world has descended into anarchy once more.


The REPUBLIC is a dark AU Post-warts game that follows canon up until the end of the first half of the Battle of Hogwarts. In the AU-verse, Voldemort succeeded in killing Harry Potter in the forest, and the Ministry of Magic under the control of the Death Eaters has continued to become more and more powerful with each passing month.

GINNY WEASLEY, LUNA LOVEGOOD, DEATH EATERS, Seamus Finnigan, Michael Corner, Padma Patil, Pansy Parkinson, Gregory Goyle, Millicent Bulstrode, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, Lee Jordan, Alicia Spinnet, George Weasley, etc.

Currently accepting applications.

[No Subject]


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Most Wanted: Neville Longbottom, Alecto Carrow, Cho Chang, Bill Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Rabastan Lestrange, Peter Pettigrew, Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Seamus Finnigan, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Mandy Brocklehurst, Hestia Jones, and more!

Also accepting applications for original Longbottom and Tonks children here!



[No Subject]


The Ministry was invincible. It would always exist, and it would always be the same.

mwpp since 2005