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Oct. 31st, 2014


Halloween gift for magnetic_pole

Gift for: [info]magnetic_pole

From: csichick_2

Title: Trying Something New
Pairing: Neville/Ginny
Rating: PG
Summary: There is nothing like a Muggle movie to inspire Halloween costumes.

Happy Halloween )

Oct. 31st, 2012


Halloween Gift for Manghahabi

Gift for: [info]manghahabi

From: [info]nevrafire

Title: Samhain Twilight
Characters/Pairing: Nearly Headless Nick, Fat Friar, Grey Lady, Bloody Baron; Harry/Luna, Ginny/Neville, Ron/Hermione.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Tonight is the last Night of Autumn, and there are two groups celebrating.
Notes: I really hope it's clear Who is paired with Who; if it isn’t its- Ginny/Neville, Hermione/Ron, Harry/Luna.

Samhain Twilight )


Halloween Gift for Nevrafire

Gift for: [info]nevrafire

From: [info]leigh_adams

Title: Ode to a Halloween Waltz
Pairing: Neville/Ginny
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is JKR’s. No copyright infringement is intended, and no money is being made.
Summary: Neville and Ginny share a dance.
Notes: I would have liked to expand this scene -- sadly, the 200 word threshold prevented me from doing so. I like to think of this as a bit of eavesdropping; a fly on the wall sort of thing. Just a small little scene from a Halloween party. :) Many thanks to [info]elle_blessing for glancing this over for me. Happy Halloween, y’all!

Happy Halloween! )

Oct. 31st, 2009


Halloween Gift for Coffee_n_Cocoa

Gift for: [info]coffee_n_cocoa

From: [info]nbaeker

Title: Masquerade
Pairing: Neville/Ginny
Rating: R
Warnings: Smutty
Summary: He's watched her for years, and still finds her fascinating.

Happy Halloween )

Nov. 1st, 2007


Halloween Gift for [info]kaycee

Gift for [info]kaycee
From [info]manghahabi

A/N: Yes, I ended up with four drabbles. I hope you guys don't mind... Many thanks and undeadsquishyglomphuggles to [info]luckychan and EEP-sama. *sends love* I couldn’t have done these without you. *deathglomp*

Happy Halloween! )