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October 16th, 2010

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Sign-ups are now CLOSED

[info]hp_halloween is open once again! Sign-up between now and 7 pm EST on October 21!

Hi! My name is lore and I'll be your mod again this year. Since we're starting so late, please help spread the word that sign-ups are open. I'm not giving a full week, and you'll only have a week to write, so this exchange is for the hard-core Halloween drabble lovers out there. Please tell your flists and any newsletters that you think might be interested right away if you are so inclined. Remember, this is a 200-word drabble exchange that will be posted with reveals on Halloween.

Guidelines for Joining

Sign up by adding a comment to this entry.

You're signing up to both request a Halloween-themed drabble and to pledge to write one for someone else.

Clearly but concisely state what you would like to receive as a gift - it can be as specific or non-specific as you wish but may include pairings, ratings range, squicks, scenarios, etc. You are only allowed one sign-up reply post, as the point of this exchange is to be flexible.

Because we're running so late this year, requests need to be both broad and specific, if that makes sense. Giving a choice or pairings or situations is good. For example: SS/HG and a pumpkin = good. SS/HG, a pumpkin, the stroke of midnight, a black hanky and romance = a bit too much.

Also, as this exchange is open to anything, make sure you clearly, but concisely, state your writing deal-breakers (what you don't want to write). This would include pairings, ratings, squicks, crossovers, etc. If you find your list getting to be a wall of text, this might not be the exchange for you. One last time, flexibility is key in this exchange. People who will take any assignment will be loved..

Your reply here should contain the following copy and pasted in:

The Rules )

If you have questions, email me at lore13 @ (no spaces). Sign-ups and entries will be mirrored on IJ, so please be sure to only sign up in one place. Thanks, all! I can't wait to see who's game for this year!

love, lore