May. 28th, 2006


Stargate: Atlantis

Fandom: SGA
Series: The Shark Trilogy, The Shiver Trilogy
Title: The Shark Trilogy: Out of Sight, Obvious Place, Open Blade
Author:  Magus Minor  ([info]magus_minor)
Sequel Title: The Shiver Trilogy: Predator, Shiver, Frenzy
Sequel Author: Ellex ([info]ellex42)
Genre: Slash, First Time, Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Dark, BDSM, Violence
Spoilers: Season Two - general mentions of Ronon

Notes: Wow.  When the [info]sga_flashfic's Shark Challenge came up, those of us who like our fic a little on the dark side got lucky.  Not only did [info]magus_minor write an excellent trilogy but more than one person took her up on the opportunity to write their own fic based on hers.  They're all good, but [info]ellex42's trilogy is just as good, if not better than the originals.  Okay, so my bias is showing...there are really only two problems with the first three: they're too short, and there's not enough sex.   You know me.  I always go for the sex - especially when it's kinky sex.  And it's definitely kinky sex.

In the first trilogy, Magus Minor sets up the premise:  John just happens to be a lot darker than people think...he's a sadist, and he enjoys it, although he tries hard to hide it, for obvious reasons.   I can't explain how because it would be a big time spoiler, but Rodney finds out.  The first trilogy leaves us there, without a real resolution - which is why, I'm sure, that Magus Minor threw out the invitation to others to write their own sequels.  And here's where Ellex comes in.  She takes that premise, and has Rodney turn the tables on John, and let me tell you - it's hot as hell.  I'm not going to say any more, you'll just have to read them and find out for yourself.

Oh, yeah...I honestly can't tell you how happy it made me to have Magus Minor use Mac the Knife to tie her three fic together.  I love The Threepenny Opera.  And another thing: Ellex's Frenzy was written for the 2006 version of the Kink and Cliche Challenge.  Damn but that challenge has had some good shit come out of it!

Excerpt: from Out of Sight by Magus Minor

I rate these fic: Pretty Damn Good

Jan. 28th, 2006


Favorite Author Post: Xanthe

[info]Fandom:  X-Files, SGA
Live Journals: 
[info]xanthelj - fandom and stuff
                                              [info]xanthestories - just the fic
Fic rec'd by Dusty: Xanthe

Why this author? 
Between the X-Files fic that I've been reading for months and months now, and the new SGA fic she's been writing, I know I'll cover the three fic limit, as soon as I start fic'ing her stories.  So I thought I'd get a head start on it, now.  The first thing I read by Xanthe was very, very heavy on Torture/NonCon/BDSM and as she put it, "Physical, emotional and psychological abuse."  So I had a good idea of what she could do from the very beginning.  I've never made it through all her X-Files fic - she wrote many pairings including Het and Gen, so you know me, I never got around to a good many of those.  I have no doubt that they live up to her standard, but they're just not my thing...

And since she's been on LJ, she's been getting into SGA.  She's already written a couple of long fic, including one novel-length fic that's full of all the Angst, NonCon and Torture you could expect from a Xanthe fic.  She's fond Carson, so I expect we'll see more of him, as well as Sheppard/McKay.    I understand she's working on a long piece right now - I think she called it BDSM-Lite.   She can actually get a little on the heavy side for me, sometimes, so this should be interesting for me.

Check out her website if you like Dr. Who and West Wing, she's written in both those as well.  And she's started two new comms on Live Journal:  [info]slashspank - a multi-fandom journal for Discipline and Erotic Spanking, and [info]atlantiskink - a predominantly slash, but open community for Atlantis fic, discussion and art of the Kink persuasion.  Well, she manages to keep busy, doesn't she?

Her Usuals:
Usual Fandoms: 
X-Files, SGA
Usual Pairings:  lots of Skinner/Mulder and some Krycek, McShep, Carson,
Usual Genres:  Slash, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Novel Length, some Het
Usual Ratings: R or NC17
Usual Warnings:  BDSM, Torture, NonCon, Extreme Violence, Bondage, Kink, Dom/sub, Spanking for Disciple, Erotic Spanking

I rate this Author: Pretty Damn Good

Nov. 13th, 2005


Stargate SG-1/Stargate: Atlantis Crossover

Fandom:  Stargate SG-1/Stargate: Atlantis  Crossover 
Title: East of Eden
Author: dirty diana ([info]dirty_diana)
Genre: Slash, Angst, Crossover, Hurt/Comfort
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Daniel, John Sheppard
Rating: NC17
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Stargate SG-1 Season 4, Episode 17 Absolute Power

Notes:  I have a thing for good Absolute Daniel fic.  The problem is, this is the first one I ever read, and it spoiled me.  I love the mood of this piece.  Kind of...I don't really know how to describe it.  It doesn't move really fast, there's a kind of relaxed air to it that's hard to reconcile with the fact that it's a story about Jack being a captive of the Daniel that Shifu describes in his "teaching dream."   But the fic moves at it's own pace, and I love the glimpses we see of Jack and Daniel together, of Jack's escape attempts and recaptures and of Jack watching football with his guard Major John Sheppard splitting his attention between the game and Jack.  I like the way dirty diana leaves so much of the action to our imaginations, and just gives us glimpses that fill in the gaps. 


The day guard has a name )

I rate this fic: Pretty Damn Good


Nov. 2nd, 2005


Stargate: Atlantis

Fandom:  Stargate: Atlantis
Titles: Over The Edge & Under The Skin
Author: Danvers  [info]sdraevn
Genre: Slash, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: PG & NC17
Warnings: Mention of torture
Spoilers:  Nothing specific, but Ronon is on the team, so it's got to be Season Two 

Notes: I really like Danvers' work - she was one of the reasons I started reading SGA fic in the first place.  (I'd read her SG-1 fic, and when she started writing SGA, I was tempted to read it.)   She wrote Under The Skin first, and I liked it a lot.  Well written, as usual, and I always enjoy the way she writes her characters - very insightful.  Then, she wrote a prequel (Over The Edge), so now we know a little more about how they got to where they are in Under The Skin.  I really love Over The Edge.  There's not a bit of Smut in it (yes, I know it's hard to believe that I read something without Smut, but hey, every once in a while, I can manage.)  But it's just so funny.  It really makes me laugh, out loud.  Not too many fic can do that.

Excerpt:  From Over The Edge

This is what it must be like to be a widow. )

I rate these fic:
Pretty Damn Good


Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis
Series: Alpha Centauri 
Author: Hth   [info]hth_the_first
Genre: Slash, Angst, First Time, Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: John/Rodney, Rodney/Ronon, John/Ronon, John/Rodney/Ronon
Rating: NC17
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: Through Season 2, Episode ? (It's an ongoing series, so just assume it's what ever is current.)

Notes: Okay, it's another ongoing Series.  But it's a really good one. If I had an OT3 in SGA...well hell, maybe I do have an OT3 in SGA, because I really never expected to like Rodney/Ronon as much as I do, but I really do.  Especially in Hth's series.  I like the way she portrays all three characters.  And that's the thing.  There's lots of really hot sex in this series, but that's not all of it.  She gets into the characters, and exposes them; their fears and insecurities, their confusion and frustration over misunderstandings and cultural differences, their needs and lust and passions.  It's all there, and you feel very strongly for all the characters involved.

ETA: Hth just added these to her website, so that's what I linked to. If she gets behind on updating her site, I'll try to remember to come back and put links to her journal for the newest parts.

ETA2 - I think this excerpt earns the title of the single longest excerpt in this journal. But it just had so many good (and funny) things in it, that I couldn't decide where to edit it. So you get the whole section, and a really good glimpse into why you should be reading this series. So, enjoy.


Rodney put his hand over his face and groaned )

I rate this Series: Pretty Damn Good 

Oct. 29th, 2005


Stargate: Atlantis

Fandom:  Stargate: Atlantis
Title: No, Really and the sequel Yes, Maybe
Author: [info]basingstoke
Genre: Slash, Het, PWP, Humor
Pairing/Characters: John/Teyla/Rodney/Ronon
Rating: NC17
Warnings:  Some Het
Spoilers: Slight spoilers Early Season 2 - Perhaps through Condemned?

I like a good group sex fic, from time to time, but most of the time, they don't really seem to work.  This one definitely works for me.  Everyone continues in character, and it's fun and funny and hot all at the same time.  Now this is what you call Team Building!

Excerpt from No, Really:

Rodney, calm down. )

I rate these fic:  I  Like This One

Oct. 28th, 2005


Stargate: Atlantis

Fandom:  Stargate: Atlantis
Title: Mercy
Author: shalott ([info]astolat)
Genre: Slash, Aliens Made Them Do It
Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Bondage, Fisting
Spoilers: None

Notes: Written for the [info]sga_flashfic challenge "slavefic." It's not often that a fic leaves me speechless in just 1575 words, but shalott has done it here.  This fic just blows me away, everytime I read it.   The cliche Aliens Made Them Do It is actually accurate, but it's not a cliche fic.  It may use that as a premise, but it's far from cliche.  It's a powerfully moving story.


John stared down at his hands )

I rate this fic: This Is The Best Shit
Plus, The Dusty Seal of Approval: for blowing Dusty away in 1600 words or less.


Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis
Title: Intersections
Author: Kaneko  ([info]kaneko)
Genre: First Time, AU, Slash, Angst, Humor
Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Rating: NC17
Warnings: none
Spoilers: Through Season 1, Rising

Notes: This is a great AU.  It gives wonderfully detailed backstory for both Sheppard and McKay, with richly written original characters like both Rodney's and John's mothers.  You know where McKay gets his social skills once you've met his mother.  And why John has no one he wants to communicate with back on Earth, when you meet his.  And I love the way John and McKay get together, here.  Everything makes sense.  Well written.  Funny.  It's long, but I've read it three or four times at least.  Worth the effort.


Rodney once got a black mark for doing Evan Johnson's math homework in Grade Five. )

I rate this fic: Pretty Damn Good

Oct. 27th, 2005


Stargate: Atlantis

Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis 
Title: Damned
Author: [info]titti
Genre: PWP, Slash, First Time
Pairing: Sheppard/Dex
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Dom/sub
Spoilers: Through Season 2, Episode 2.05 - Condemned

Notes: When I saw Condemned, I was just thrilled with that little exchange between Ronon and John, when Ronon forced John into giving him an order: "Is that an order?"  "Does it need to be?"  "Yes!"  I was already a fan, I'd liked Ronon's character since Runner, his first episode.  But  John/Ronon became my OTP at that moment.  As a matter of fact, I think I heard fangirls  squeeing about that scene all over LJ that next week.  And I was in perfect agreement. 

Ronon, bound and wearing a collar, and only responding to an agressive, male voice ordering him to behave?  Oh, yes.  I loved that.  And almost immediately after the episode, Titti wrote this.  There were others written on the same subject, and if I haven't I may well rec some of them at some point, but this was the first, and so far?  Still my favorite.  Titti has a nice grip on the interplay between Dom and sub.  She pays attention, and uses it well.  And this fic?  It makes me smile, every time I read it.


Do you wanna tell me what that was all about? )

I rate this fic: Pretty Damn Good

Oct. 22nd, 2005


Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis
Series: Revelations  
Author: Bone  ([info]thisisbone)
Genre: First Time, Character Study, Slash
Pairing: Sheppard/Dex
Rating: PG to NC17
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Through Season Two, Lost Boys (so far)

Notes: The first one (Acclimation: Eight Days) is more of a Character Study of Ronon Dex, on his first week in Atlantis (the only PG rated fic.)  But it does't take long before the series begins to explore the growing relationship between Sheppard and Dex.  (All the rest of the series is rated NC-17.)  Each fic is complete in and of itself, but hopefully there will be more once the show picks up again in January.  

BTW: John Sheppard/Ronon Dex?  My New OTP. 

Excerpt:  From Acclimation (Eight Days)

By the fifth day )

I rate this fic: Pretty Damn Good

December 2007




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