Want to get naughty with me?
The Words 
5th-Jul-2009 11:01 am - *Fic Rec* You Had Me From... (H/D) by La Nuit
Title: You Had Me From...
Author: La Nuit
Archived @: HPFandom.net
Rating: Mature
Status: WIP @ 7 Chapters, last update July, 5, 2009
Genre: Post-War, Romance, Humor, H/C
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Summary: Post-war and a lot has changed at Hogwarts. The Golden Trio return for their seventh year and Harry learns just how very powerful words are...

Lady B's Observations: Harry doesn't think he's gay, especially gay for one Draco Malfoy, and he sets out to prove it...but the rest of the student body can clearly see that he is. The river of De Nile is long and paved with good intentions.

You'll definitely laugh at this one. Updates are slow but worth the wait.
20th-May-2009 12:09 pm - *Rec* Draco The Cowardly Lion by Lomonaaeren (Harry/Draco)
Title: Draco The Cowardly Lion
Author: Lomonaaeren
Archived @: Fanfiction.net
Summary: When Draco gets Sorted into Gryffindor, everything changes. For the, uh, for the better?
Genre: AU Crackfic
Rating: PG13 for implied sex
Status: Complete One-shot

I only have 1 thing to say...
10th-Apr-2009 09:30 pm - *Drabble Rec* Welsh Hills (H/S) by [info]celandineb
HP ficlet: Welsh Hills [Harry/Severus, general]
Title: Welsh Hills
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Rating: general
Length: 239 words
Summary: Harry persuades Severus to take a brief holiday.
Note: For [info]ladybelz who wanted Harry/Severus, hiking.
30th-Mar-2009 02:21 am - *Fic Rec* Broken Wings (H/S)
Title: Broken Wings
Author: Snapegirlkmf
Archived @: Fanfiction.net
Characters: Severus/Harry father/son relationship
Rating: PG13
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Desperate to escape his guilt and nightmares after the third task,Harry transforms into a hawk by accident and ends up breaking both wings and suffering partial memory loss. He is found by Snape, who helps him and discovers the truth about his professor.
Status: WIP @ 6 chapters, last updated March 30, 2009 - updates once a week.

Lady B's notes: An animagus story with a twist. From what I've read so far, it's very good. And you must bear witness to a whiny, bitchy "Please don't tell daddy on me" Draco. It's amusing to watch.
18th-Mar-2009 01:47 am - *Fic Rec* Harry's First Detention and Harry's New Home by kbinnz
Title: Harry's First Detention and Harry's New Home
Author: kbinnz
Archived @: Fanfiction.net
Pairings/Genre: Severus takes Harry as his ward/adopted son.
Rating: PG13
Status HFD: Complete One-shot
Status HNH: WIP@36 Chapters, updates frequently
Summary HFD: Take one mistreated boy, one misinformed man, mix well and watch what happens.
Summary HNH: One lonely little boy. One snarky, grumpy git. When the safety of one was entrusted to the other, everyone knew this was not going to turn out well... Or was it?
Author's Note: This is a sequel to "Harry's First Detention" and makes reference to events in that story. If you haven't read it, this story may not make much sense... If you have read the story, then this sequel tells the tale of how Snape fulfilled the tasks Dumbledore assigned him. This story picks up only a few days after "Harry's First Detention".

Lady B's Observation: Each chapter is a lesson in laughter. I did read "Harry's First Detention" but in all honesty, you could probably skip it and still get an idea of what went on from the first chapter of "Harry's New Home". Bookmark it, because it's a wild and fun ride. Can Sev be my dad, too? Please?
8th-Mar-2009 11:57 pm - *Fic Rec* The Art of Communication by [info]unbroken_halo
Title: The Art of Communication
Author: [info]unbroken_halo
Pairing: Snarry
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 712
Summary: Severus straightens out Ron's perception of his and Harry's relationship.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and company belong to JKR Rowling. This piece of fiction was written for entertainment purposes only and makes no monetary gain for the author.
Warnings: *Snark, language*
AN: Written for [info]ladybelz for the lovely iconage. *smoochies* Thanks again, darling! Special thanks to the ladies in slash chat too, for the once over. *snuggles and gropes*

I made her an icon based on her last post/rant about a fic review and she made fic based on a prompt I gave her: Harry's defending Snape to his friends in the Great Hall during lunch or something and all the students and teachers hear him. Snape stands up, looks at Harry and with a sneer on his face says "Potter! Your cock, my arse. Tonight at 8. Be there!" and then he leaves the room, robes swirling. Go Read Now!
3rd-Feb-2009 08:35 am - *Fic Rec* The Angry Dragon by La Nuit
Anyone up for some seriously funny Ron-In-Denial-About-Harry-Being-Gay-And-In-Love-With-Draco?

Title: The Angry Dragon
Author: La_Nuit
Archived @: HPFandom.net
Genre: Romance, Humor/Parody, PWP
Characters: Harry/Draco, Hermione, Other, Pansy, Ron
Summary: Originally a one shot now a short story. In which Ron is inspired and sets Harry on a magazine provoked quest, Harry doesn't want to play but gets roped along anyway and Draco finds himself tempted, teased and tamed.
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Contains Slash Sex
11th-Jan-2009 10:33 am - *2 Fic Recs* A Squib Worth and Dawn by Naia
Title: A Squib Worth
Author: Naia
Archived @: Fanfiction.net
Pairing: Harry/Hermione (I know, right?)
Rating: PG13
Status: Complete at 4 Chapters
Summary: The day Harry Potter turned eleven was the day he would have re-entered the magical world. But the letter never came; Harry Potter was a Squib. Dismissed by the wizards, he makes a quiet life for himself and will not stand for them to ruin it.

Why I am recommending it: Now I really don't care for Harry/Hermione pairings, but the summary intrigued me and I wanted to see what it was all about. But Naia has managed to put a lifetime of Harry in 4 chapters. It's a Harry-is-betrayed with a twist for lack of a better word. It delves into exactly how prejudice wizards and witches are to those who have little/no magic, but yet when it's time for action on Harry's part, he refuses to co-operate, for why should he help wizards when those same wizards shunned him for most of his life? An intriguing story from beginning to end. And dude...I just read HET for pete's sake! You HAVE to read it now!

- - -

And speaking of Harry-is-betrayed stories...

Title: Dawn
Author: Naia
Archived @: Fanfiction.net
Pairing: Author is undecided on Harry at the mo, but there is Dramione and Bleville
Rating: PG
Status: WiP at 4 Chapters last updated January 5, 2009
Summary: A new dawn, a new day. In a now peaceful world, Harry Potter likes to watch the dawns. Battle weary and betrayed, he is finally enjoying life in the Muggle world. However the wizards haven't forgotten the Boy-who-lived and want him back.

Why I am recommending it: From the first paragraph in the first chapter, to the last word in the last updated chapter I was sucked in like a moth to a flame. This this the penultimate Harry is betrayed story, and by the people he least expected: Remus, Sirius, Hermione and Neville. I don't want to give too much away so you're just going to have to read it and add it to your alerts list.

And did you know the author is a 23 year old French woman in her 6th year of studies at medical school? And she finds time to write such intriguing stories? Yeah! I'm impressed!
4th-Jan-2009 01:02 pm - *Fic Rec* Second Best by RaeWhit
Title: "Second Best"
Author: RaeWhit
Pairing: Snarry
Rating: NC17
Summary: Two lonely men find each other in an internet chat room, and ultimately discover that it is, indeed, a small world after all.
11th-Dec-2008 01:59 am - Some Snarry Recs
It's that time of year where I rec the one Snarry Christmas fic that always makes me cry. I've rec'd this one every year since I've read it (3 years now).

Title: The Truest Christmas Wish
Author: Constant Vigilance
Pairing: Snarry
Summary: A rewrite of a traditional Christmas story, Harry Potter style.

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And this one I've just recently read today...

Title: Severus and the Sex-Kitten
Author: [info]the_con_cept
Pairing: Snarry, Harry/Others
Author Summary: Harry is a super-powered cat. No, really. I thought up lots of other summaries, but that’s pretty succinct and accurate. Only a bit cracky though, I promise!

- - -

And a WiP I've been following...according to the author, there's one chapter and an epilogue left to post.

Title: Ashes of Armageddon
Author: Emily Waters
Pairing: Snarry (Dark!Harry, slave!Snape)
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Post-DH, ignores epilogue, Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, BDSM, Non-con (rape), Character Death, OOC-ness, Contains Slash Sex
Status: WiP at 68 Chapters; author says there's 1 chapter and an epilogue left to post. Story updates every few days.
Summary: Book One: What if Harry never had the King's Cross experience? Severus Snape survives Nagini's bite, and wakes up from a coma five years later, only to become enslaved by a very angry, vindictive, and extremely powerful Harry Potter. Book Two: The war is truly over now, and both Harry and Severus Snape have survived the ordeal. But the consequences of the two months spent at Godric's Hollow are still with them.
21st-Oct-2008 01:17 pm - *Fic Rec* A Small Problem by [info]enchanted_jae
Title: A Small Problem
Author: [info]enchanted_jae
Summary: A potion mishap won't prevent Harry from having sex with his boyfriend.

You really need to read this. And don't have any food or drink in your mouth when you do.
22nd-Sep-2008 11:55 am - *Fic Rec* Double Duty by [info]alisanne
Title: Double Duty
Author: [info]alisanne
Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Severus discovers that the world can change in seven short years. Disclaimer: Harry Potter is © J. K. Rowling, Warner Brothers, Scholastic Books, Bloomsbury Books, and all other entities involved in the Potterverse.

I don't care what anybody else says, [info]alisanne is the Super Queen of our OT3
11th-Sep-2008 07:50 am - *Fic Rec* My Son by [info]lilyseyes
Title: My Son
Author: [info]lilyseyes
Archived @: HPFandom.net
Characters: Severus and Harry.
Summary: Severus Snape finds a way to remove his small son from the care of the Dursleys.
Rating: Mature
Status: WiP @ 5 chapters, last updated September 9, 2008

This is a Snape-Is-Harry's-father story and from what I've read so far, it's wonderful.
11th-Sep-2008 03:34 am - *Fic Rec* An Apple and a Snog by [info]enchanted_jae
Title: An Apple and a Snog
Author: [info]enchanted_jae
Pairing: H/D
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Fluff
Summary: Harry and Draco spend an enjoyable day at Hogsmeade's annual Fall Festival.

Another birthday fic for me. And it's all cute and everything!
10th-Sep-2008 04:33 pm - *Fic Rec* Firsts by [info]softly_sweetly
Title: Firsts
Author: [info]softly_sweetly
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Summary: I love all our firsts.
Warnings: Slash, OMG TEH FLUFF!!!!!, First!Person

[info]softly_sweetly asked me for a prompt for my birthday. I told her I wanted something so damn fluffy it would make me cry buckets of tears. She accomplished it spectacularly!

Like I said earlier...BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!!!
2nd-Sep-2008 08:02 am - *Fic Rec* It's Good To Be A Slytherin by [info]enchanted_jae
Title: It's Good To Be Slytherin
Author: [info]enchanted_jae
Pairing: D/H
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, grudging consent, use of a toy (For purposes of this fic, characters engaged in sexual activity are over the age of 18.)
Summary: Draco Malfoy has come into possession of some rather sordid pictures of Harry Potter, which he uses as leverage to get Potter in his bed.

Yay for Slytherins!!!
2nd-Sep-2008 07:41 am - *Fic Rec* To Touch A Unicorn
Title: To Touch a Unicorn
Author: Lomonaaeren
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Warnings: Profanity, references to sex, heavy angst. DH Spoilers, but ignores epilogue. Possible rape referenced in the background, though it didn’t happen. Hurt/comfort.
Summary: Teaching at Hogwarts is more than Draco ever expected to aspire to after the war. He would be content if not for two things: Harry Potter visiting to give lectures on Defense Against the Dark Arts, and those bloody unicorns.
2nd-Sep-2008 06:51 am - *Fic Rec* PS Sorry 'Bout That
Title: PS Sorry 'Bout That
Author: Realmer06
Rating: PG
Characters: Harry, Vernon, Dudley and Petunia
Summary: About a month after the final battle, Harry receives a letter from a most unlikely person.
23rd-Jul-2008 10:00 am - Star-Crossed and a Fic Rec
I'm slowly slogging my way through the final chapters of Star-Crossed. I'm hoping to have the whole thing finished before the end of the month.

And since it's been a while, I bring you a fic rec.

Title: Of Thwarted Plans
Author: maxfaith
Archived At: Fanfiction.net
Status: Completed One-shot
Pairing: Harry and Draco
Rating: NC17
Summary: Draco had a plan. A very good, solid plan. Trust Potter to thwart him.
Warnings: Voyeurism, wanking, possible chan? (they're still in school, I'm assuming they're 7th years), smexxing

Lady B's Observations: Harry is clearly clueless...but you'll see why as the story progresses.
7th-Jun-2008 09:23 pm - *Le Sigh*
Can you believe it's over?

Love...thy name is Wankfest.

Voting and reveals go up soon, and you definitely have to read the finale fic.

It's wrong but oh so hot.

Title: A Glorious Day for a Hand Job (Vincent Crabbe on the Hogwarts Express with the Hand of Glory)
Artist: ?
Author: ?
Character: Crabbe the Younger
Location: Hogwarts Express
Object: Hand of Glory
Other Characters: Vince Crabbe, with a splash of Goyle, Malfoy and Potter
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Wanking. Slytherins.

There's also art to go with it! :D
1st-May-2008 06:06 am - *Fic Rec* When Fate Steps In by [info]florida_minxie
Title: When Fate Steps In
Author: [info]florida_minxie
Challenge: Team Dragon Entry for the 2008 [info]snarry_games
Genre: Alternate Universe *Hover/Click for Games Definition of Alternate Universe*
Prompts: Trial, Kiss
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: Light R *Although Harry is seventeen during part of this fic, there is no underage sex*
Word Count: +/-20,000
Summary: Sometimes the best wishes are the ones that sneak up on you.

I'll repeat what I left in my review: I always know a good story when I'm crying buckets at the end of it.
26th-Apr-2008 10:47 am - *Fic Rec* Bottoms Up by Aucta Sinistra
Title: Bottoms Up
Author: Aucta Sinistra
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Rating: NC17
Summary: Harry-in-disguise meets Snape-on-holiday.

I laughed my butt off...a Jealous!Harry is fun to watch.

I need some Harry/Sev icons...
23rd-Apr-2008 05:04 pm - *Fic Rec* Gold-Tinted Spectacles by [info]beren_writes
Title: "Gold-Tinted Spectacles"
Author: [info]beren_writes
Rating: R
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Summary: Harry is about to enter his seventh year, and things are not quite what he expected. He is no longer the angry boy who watched his world fall apart at the end of his fifth year, but neither has he completely found his place yet. He is looking for something, and to his confusion it seems to have something to do with Draco Malfoy.

This is one my absolute favorite stories. It also contains my favorite Draco quote as seen in my icon.
18th-Mar-2008 06:22 pm - *Fic Rec* Desperately Seeking Someone by [info]alaana_fair
Title: Desperately Seeking Someone"
Author: [info]alaana_fair
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Summary: A personal ad brings out the best in our Harry.

This story came about when Alanna Fair saw an amusing personal ad that could have been written by Draco Malfoy himself. So her journal friends list demanded that she write fic for it and this was the result. You'll get a good laugh out of this fic, I know I did.
8th-Mar-2008 12:49 pm - *Fic Rec* Two Out of Three by [info]roedhunt
Title: Two Out of Three
Author: [info]roedhunt
Pairing(s): HP/SS/LM/DM
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1444
Summary: Harry is the sex prisoner of Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape, and Draco Malfoy, given to them by Lord Voldemort..
Warnings: *All sorts of BDSM activities. *g**

Two Out of Three
28th-Feb-2008 06:24 am - *Fic Rec* A Part of Me by Kurinoone
Title: A Part Of Me
Author: Kurinoone
Archived@: HPFandom.net
Status: Complete
Genre: Genfic
Rating: PG13 for violence and language
Summary: Harry tries to adjust to his new life without Voldemort. But sometimes your past refuses to stay in the past.

This is a sequel to The Darkness Within. There is a Harry/Ginny pairing but it doesn't detract from the actual plot of the story (and you guys know I don't often rec a het pairing). Author indicates that a third part is well on it's way to being completed.
17th-Feb-2008 01:59 pm - *Fic Rec* Running Poolside by [info]cyane_snape
Title: Running Poolside HP/DM/SS/RL
Author: [info]cyane_snape
Rating: NC 17
Warnings: SMUT, PWP, M/M Smex, Slash, nothing redeemable but smex...Get the picture?
Summary: Four men naked in a pool. What else do you need? Challenge #10: Write a fiction featuring the following grouping: Harry/Draco/Remus/Severus. TSS Contest #3 2nd Place winner! Pure smut.

Lady B's notes: She wrote my OT4!!!!!!!! I heart her to death!!
12th-Feb-2008 10:35 am - *Fic Rec* What Evil Lurks In Underpants
Originally posted Sept.18,2006

Title: What Evil Lurks in Underpants
Authors: pixystick (Harry) and [info]furiosity (Draco)
Genre: Crackfic
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Warning(s): Crack, and lots of it. Implied wallpreg.
Length: 2600 words
Summary: A sunny Tuesday morning turns nearly lethal as Harry makes a stunning realisation. Or, you know, we have absolutely no idea what we're talking about.
1st-Feb-2008 01:18 pm - *Fic Rec* The Darkness Within by Kurinoone
Title: The Darkness Within
Author: Kurinoone
Archived@: HPFandom.net
Status: Complete
Genre: Genfic
Rating: PG13 for violence and language
Summary: What if Wormtail hadn't told Lord Voldemort the Potters hideout. What if he took Harry straight to him instead?

It's the cliched "Harry has a brother" story with a twist. His brother is 3 years younger than him and they meet 15 years later.
30th-Jan-2008 01:36 pm - *Fic Rec* The Care Of Infants by Perfica
"The Care Of Infants" by Perfica: A curse from Voldemort regresses Harry to infancy. Snape must protect him while the Order tries to find a way to reverse the spell.

Why I'm recommending: What's not to love about a six-month old chubby Harry Potter bouncing up and down and dancing to music. It got a laugh out of Severus. And the ending is so sweet, Severus nervous and unsure about their relationship. It's quite humbling to see such a strong man reduced to a nervous wreck about his feelings for Harry and vice versa.

Dammit - I need some Snarry icons!
25th-Jan-2008 10:45 am - * Fic Rec* Being A Good Sport by domina_malfoy
Originally posted September.13.2006

[info]domina_malfoy wrote me Slytherin!Harry and Bottom!Draco for my birthday!!

Being A Good Sport by [info]domina_malfoy

*Hugs and snogs her to death*
25th-Jan-2008 07:59 am - *Fic Rec*
Originally posted September.09.2006

I just spent the last 3 1/2 hours reacquainting myself with "Starts With A Spin" by Maxine (check Skyehawke.com).

It's one of those stories that never fails to make me laugh and cry at the same time.

If you haven't read it, please do...you'll simply fall in love with it and I bet over 1/2 of my friends list would agree with me.
25th-Jan-2008 07:57 am - *Fic Rec*
Originally posted September.09.2006

I just read the funniest thing...

I will simply call it...The Fucktard That Calls Himself Voldemort.

Read it...you'll laugh as well.
25th-Jan-2008 07:15 am - *Fic Rec* Redemption by krtshadow
Originally posted September.01.2006

Title: Redemption
Author: krtshadow
Archived@: Fanfiction.net
Summary: Harry Potter has spent six years in Azkaban. Now, Dumbledore, Black and Lupin are here to retrieve him, now certain of his innocence. Will they be too late to save Harry's sanity? And if so, what does this mean for the world? AU after year 4.
Genre: Gen Fic
Warnings: Whatever you do, do not be eating, drinking, or sniffing ANYTHING while reading this unless you want your pc/laptop to get an impromptu food/drink bath. Also, avoid rubbing your eyes unless you want to poke yourself. I laughed my ASS off during the whole thing.
Warning #2: This story should have taken me about 3 hours to read, instead it took me about 6 because Fanfiction.net's servers were doing some funky weird shit where you click to the next chapter and get some kind of "chapter not found" warning, causing you to go back to the previous page, wait 5 to 10 minutes for the server then click to the next chapter.
25th-Jan-2008 04:54 am - *Fic Rec* In The House That Severus Built by potteresque_ire
Title: In the House that Severus Built: A Drabble Ficlet
Author: potteresque_ire@LJ
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mild Angst, EWE, Implied Character Death
Pairing: HP/DM
Summary: Guided by Harry's love, Draco learns about his soul through the years.
24th-Jan-2008 04:59 pm - *Fic Rec* Queen Takes King by charlotteschaos
Originally Posted August.2007

Title: Queen Takes King
Author: [info]charlotteschaos
Archived @: Skyehawke.com
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Genre: One-shot Crack!Fic
Rating: R
Warning: Character Death
Summary: On the chessboard of life, never underestimate the power of an angry queen.

Lady B's observation: I laughed my ass off. My favorite line: Harry's here, he's queer, get used to it!"

19th-Jan-2008 04:55 pm - 2 Fic Recs, both Harry/Draco
It's rare I rec two fics at the same time, but these are both wonderful stories.

"Harry Woke Up" by taylorj828: Six years after Voldemort is destroyed, all his Death Eaters and followers are finally defeated, but at what price? Harry finds himself in an unknown place, missing more than just a few memories... and facing one of the most difficult challenges in his life. Blind!Harry/Deaf!Draco

I have nothing to say about this one other than the fact that watching them struggle with their disabilities as well as a new-found friendship made my heart feel all warm and fuzzy.

"Special Gifts" by oldenuf2nobetter: Ten years after a devastating accident costs Harry Potter the love of his life and leaves him with life altering injuries, he is asked to return to Hogwarts to help the child of an old friend, with the help of an old adversary.

A really good Harry as a psychic (think Trelawney but with honest to goodness psychic abilities) story. This one kept me on the edge of my seat as I read it. At first I was a little leery of reading it because of the past Ron/Harry pairing but it didn't feel like a Ron/Harry story...Hermione was totally bitchy through it all which made me hate her more than I already do. Draco was a revelation...part old school Slytherin snark with a mix of Hufflepuff love and loyalty to Harry, it was fun to watch. I should warn you now...you will need tissues as you read it, especially when you reach the end.
8th-Jan-2008 05:39 pm - *Fic Rec* Come What May
I've just spent the last 4 hours re-reading one of my favorite stories from one of my favorite authors. If you haven't read it before or haven't read it in a while, I highly recommend it.

Title: Come What May
Author: [info]florida_minxie
Pairing: Harry/Draco, Harry/Severus, Harry/Draco/Severus implied triad
Summary: Pushed into a corner Severus Snape handles it the only way he knows how… he kills Albus Dumbledore. Harry Potter returns to the castle determined to find the power to kill not only Voldemort but also the man who took his mentor away from him, Severus Snape. Instead, he overhears a damning conversation between two people he trusted. Finally using his innate Slytherin cunning, he digs deeper and finds not everything is as it appears.
Will it change his loyalties or just the way he fights?

Brings me to tears each time I read it.
18th-Dec-2007 09:23 am - *Fic Rec* The World Has Officially Ended And Now We Are In Hell
I'm going to rec one of my own fics today, because I just got a positive review for it and I had to go back and read it myself. I should have realized that I shouldn't read one of my own crackfics with tea in my mouth...

Title: The World Has Officially Ended and Now We Are In Hell
Author: Lady B
Pairing: Neville Longbottom/Trevor the Toad/Madame Pomfrey/Severus Snape/Albus Dumbledore/Minerva McGonagall/Ron Weasley/The Mimblus Mimbletonia (WTF???)
Summary: It was an accident! He swears on his Gran's life it was an accident!
Rating: R for language and other such craziness.
Warnings:Bestiality (blink and you'll miss it!), Severus insane, no DH spoilers.
Word count: 625 words
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc.. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Author's Note: I place the blame solely on [info]eeyore9990 for this act of depravity. Inspired by this post.

- - -

Go and read.
18th-Dec-2007 06:36 am - *Fic Rec* Duration of Emptiness
"Duration of Emptiness" by an anonymous writer: Harry and Draco find themselves thrown together by Scorpius and Albus after the death of Draco’s wife and Harry’s divorce. Will Harry be able to help Draco through his grief? Or is Draco so mired in his own despair that Harry won’t be able to pull him out. DH spoilers...gift fic, author to be revealed at a later date.

Rating: PG13 for language
2nd-Nov-2007 07:26 am - *Fic Rec* Foul Deeds Will Rise
Title: Foul Deeds Will Rise
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Characters: Harry, Severus, Lucius, Voldemort, Ron, Hermione, mentions others
Rating/Genres: R, Horror, AU/AR, Gen (yep, Gen)
Warnings: Character Death, Torture, Mutilation, and…. Oh yeah, Mpreg. Also, random quotes from Shakespeare's Hamlet, from which the title and summary are also drawn.
Disclaimer: Characters and situations owned by J K Rowling and various companies. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Word Count: 8940
Status: Complete one-shot

Lady B's Observations: You will cry, you will cringe with horror. This is not for the feint of heart. Read the warnings, there is death. The ending is heartbreakingly sad but extremely well done.
14th-Oct-2007 04:01 am - *Fic Rec* A Complicated Person
Title: A Complicated Person
Author: Samayel
Archived @: HPFandom.net, Foreverfandom.net and a bunch of other places
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Summary: Draco's temper and Harry's patience have baffled the wizarding world for years. On the day of their handfasting, Ron finally learns the secret that hold Harry and Draco together.
Status: Completed One-shot
Rating: PG13

Lady B's Observations: This gives a look at why Draco is Draco. It's very deep and thought-provoking.
7th-Oct-2007 06:22 am - *Fic Rec* Death Sentence
Title: Death Sentence
Author: Cyane_Snape
Archived @: Foreverfandom.net
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Summary: How far would you go to protect everything you believed in? And what if you had been deceived all along? EvilDarkLord!Dumbledore.
Status: Complete at 10 chapters
6th-Oct-2007 07:41 am - *Fic Rec* Regarding Harry
If you have (or haven't) seen Harrison Ford's "Regarding Henry", I totally recommend this story.

Title: Regarding Harry
Author: tsujton
Archived @: HPFandom.net
Status: WiP @ 6 Chapters, last updated Oct.05.2007
Pairing: none mentioned but it looks like it may lead up to Harry/Draco.
Summary: Harry destroys the last Horcrux & defeats Voldemort, but in doing so, winds up back where he started the night he got his scar: with the mind of a 15 month old (gangly baby!Harry).
Warnings: spoilers for Deathly Hallows, Very slightly slashy. Contains abuse and violence, Sexual Situations, Self harm.
28th-Sep-2007 03:39 pm - *Fic Rec* Stability of Three
Title: The Stability of Three
Author: [info]beren_writes
Pairing: Harry/Neville/Draco
Rating: NC17/18
Warnings: double penetration
Summary: Two vampires have found themselves a lost soul and they intend to make him theirs.
23rd-Sep-2007 03:31 pm - *Fic Rec* Do Not Meddle In The Affairs of Wizards
Title: Do Not Meddle In the Affairs of Wizards
Author: Corwalch
Archived @: HPFandom.net
Status: A WiP (12 chapters) as of June 6, 2006
Genre: Gen, Angst/Tragedy/Drama
Pairings: None
Warnings: serious use of the BOLD FONT, character death (Lupin - but mentioned briefly in passing, & Voldemort), stupid!Ginny, violence, language
Author Summary: Harry was sent to Azkaban after being framed for murder in the beginning of his 6th year at Hogwarts. While there, he unlocks the "Power the Dark Lord Knows Not". What will happen once his former friends know he's innocent? Watch the fun!
Lady B's notes: Serious Dumbledore/Snape/Fudge/Weasley (all of them)/Hermione/McGonagall/Gryffindor/Slytherin/Dursley bashing to the nth degree! I think I've been waiting all my life for a story such as this. Harry gets a backbone and tells everyone around him to fuck off. There is one scene that made me cry and that was when Dobby takes Harry to see the graves of his parents.
23rd-Sep-2007 03:11 pm - *Fic Rec* Single Wizard Seeking Same
Originally posted 06.06.2006

Single Wizard Seeking Same by [info]jennavere

This story is so cute!!!!! Read it!!!!
18th-Sep-2007 02:43 am - *Fic Rec*
Title: Potions and Prophecies
Author/Co-Author: Angyl/Rina
Archived @: The Hex Files
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Author Summary: It's another Draco becomes a spy for the Order story with a slight twist and lots of hot sex.
My Summary: Draco Malfoy plotted the demise of his father by planting false information within Voldemort's ranks that Lucius was a spy working for the side of Light. Once Lucius was dead and gone, Draco prevailed upon Dumbledore to allow Harry to be his "summoneo" (see story for an explanation of the term). After a shaky start, a truce occurs and so much more.

Notes: The Draco/Ron interaction in this story is delightful and gut-aching hilarious at times. I've never laughed and cried so much during a fic in quite some time. Draco is sappy and romantic at times while completely retaining his sadistic sense of humor and biting wit.

And there is a hilarious description of Draco in a loudly printed Bermuda shirt, shorts, black socks and sandals. *giggle*
15th-Sep-2007 02:52 pm - *Old Fic Rec* Change a couple of numbers and discover a whole new world...
Originally posted 05.04.2006

Interesting subject line, eh?

I have a reason for it...

I was reading a rec'd story at The Hex Files by Constant Vigilance called "Engorgio". Realizing I'd read it before, I moved my mouse to click on the "recently added" link, thinking about check out the new stuff but something stopped me. Instead I moved my mouse to the address bar and changed the numbers of the story ID...

Who would have thought I'd come across this little gem!!! I've been reading it since about 9 pm my time (Eastern USA) and just finished the last available chapter about 15 minutes ago (the chapters are long and there are 21 of them).

It looks like an abandoned WiP as it hasn't been updated since April 2005, but what I did read of it, it's a very good story. So if you don't mind reading an abandoned WiP, feel free to read.

I only hope the authoress comes back to it soon because it looks fantastic...

- "Beauty in Perfection; Stand by Me" by imLittleLily: Find out how the embroiling passions of Harry and Draco can shift and coalesce into unity for all of the wizarding world.

UPDATE: Thanks to justinssunshine, I've got the completed story from FFN...
14th-Sep-2007 08:15 pm - Fic Rec
"Bond" by [info]annafugazzi: I believe her words were 'I've seen enough of Mr. Potter this year and he's got you to take care of him now. If I see either of you again, you'd best be at death's door or I'll put you there myself.'

It's got Bastard!Lucius and Bondmates!Harry/Draco
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