Want to get naughty with me?
The Words 
9th-Oct-2007 08:26 pm - A Poll...
I received the following review at FoF.net for "The Silence of Silence": awesome job on the story! I enjoyed reading it and you obviously put a lot of thought into it to have various twist and turns in it before having the happy ending.

To which I replied: Actually I put no thought into it at all, LoL. I don't work from an outline or notes or anything. I just go with the first thing that pops into my head.

Which brings me to my question: How do you work out your stories?

Poll #471 To Be or Not To Be
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

How do you work a story?

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Put down the first thing that pops up in my head.
1 (100.0%)

I work out an outline for timeline, characterization, plot, etc.
0 (0.0%)

I jot down notes on scrap paper and hope it works.
0 (0.0%)

I start off with notes but end up just going with my gut anyway.
0 (0.0%)

All of the above.
0 (0.0%)


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*Caresses the box*
0 (0.0%)

If you want my ticky box then you'll have to fight me for him.
0 (0.0%)

*Makes love to the box*
1 (100.0%)

*Fucks the box so hard it sees stars*
0 (0.0%)

You know you're insane, right? LoL!
0 (0.0%)

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