Jun. 28th, 2010


Edward Elric: Topic: Pick-up Lines

Brought to you, under duress, a fine selection of Ed's smoothest verbage with the ladies (mostly):

Oh, dear God, please shut up...PLEASE... )

Missed it around here! Please excuse my absence. Crazy work + multiple extended illnesses = 1 very useless lady.

Mar. 7th, 2010


Edward Elric: Topic: Bathrooms

She's beautiful and he just... Can't. Get her. Out. Of. His. Head.
Oh, hell, not again.

Shit. Shit. Shit.
You're a pervert. Pervert, Ed. Per. Vert.
No. It's fine. It's really fine. It's just-
Shut up. Shutupshutupshutupshutupshutup.

Oh, fuck.

The wall is cool against his cheek, damp with condensation from the shower.
The breath is still hitching in his chest and he really wants to just slam his forehead into the wall over and over and over. It wouldn't help. He knows that. Even if he knocked himself out, it still wouldn't help, so instead he wipes a hand over his face and - shakily - finishes dressing.

The second he makes unexpected eye contact with Zelgadis in the hallway, he goes scarlet and bolts into his room, muttering incoherently about having forgotten shoes. It's anyone's guess as to what Ed is on about as he is very clearly already wearing his boots.

Oct. 16th, 2009


Spike: Event: Polaroids

When Spike arrived at work that night, and saw the picture on the board, he rolled his eyes and smirked. Just great. He’ll have to make sure doors are more well locked in the future. Luckily, the picture only featured him, and from the waist up. No need to show off to the whole pub who else was there. How (and who with) he gets his rocks off is no ones concern. He wonders if Dora is at all traumatized from the things she’s possibly seen, based on some of the other pictures.

But then he had a thought about that. If she got pictures like this of people she didn’t live with…

So he hunted her down at her table, and made a deal. A deal with a six year old. A deal which will give him access to certain photos, if he fulfills her request. And really, it’s not so much to ask. Might work out rather well, actually. He wonders about exactly how her mind works sometimes…

Which is how he now finds himself entering Ici, Amour this evening, looking for something very specific...

Oct. 6th, 2009


Susan: Topic: Diguises

She was never sure which of her was real.
Most of the time, she liked to think Governess!Susan was the real one. The one who minded children, and cleaned up spills, and cooked meals, and read embellished bed time stories. The Susan who was loved. Twyla and Gawaine loved her, and she had the collection of artwork to prove it. Their sensible, never-afraid governess, who kept them safe from the monsters. She wanted that life to be the real one.
But more often, the thing that feels the truest is not the one that feels the best, and her normal life is just a distraction from her lineage.
When she took up the Scythe, as she was fond of calling what she did, when Grandfather took a holiday, she felt right. She didn't want too. She wanted to be normal. But she wasn't meant to be normal.
The dark dresses, the cloaks, the Voice. All these things come more naturally to her than even blinking. She has power, if she would only accept it.
She lays in bed at night, listening to Ghost!Teatime mutter to himself in the attic, and wonders which one he sees.
Which Susan does anyone see.
Which is the real disguise? The Governess? Or Death?

Aug. 17th, 2009


Lucius Malfoy: Topic: Forgetting

Lucius sat at his desk, glancing through the owl post and muggle mail, reading glasses perched on his nose. He's noticed that he needs them more and more, as people seem to insist on writing smaller and smaller.

As he reads one letter from a local solicitor, he pulls his quill from the inkstand to make a corresponding note in his desk ledger. He writes the figure from the letter down, but pauses as he begins to write the date. He looks at the book, over to the calendar, and back.

August 17.

He'd completely forgotten. Well, it's not as if anyone else had reminded him. Narcissa's ghost had distressingly vanished as swiftly as it had appeared, only two days prior. She probably would have remembered. He himself had really, truth be told, purposely ignored the date for at least 5 years now, depsite her protests.

August 17. His own birthday. But really, with no one likely to remember, what reason did he have to celebrate another year of age?

May. 18th, 2009


Victoire Weasley: Topic: Technology

It's not that she needs it. There's nothing indicating it's a necessity. No driving reason to make her way to the glass-fronted office that smells alarmingly of nothing rather than the warm smells of bubbling potions and drying herbs of the last specialist she sought out. Nothing other than simple curiosity. And Victoire was never curious for very long.

So she sits and waits... and waits. Then is finally led down a empty hallway into a windowless room where she takes a seat on something that looks like a failed transfiguration, not quite a chair and not quite a bed. A man wheels up next to her, looking at his machine rather than her as he asks her to lift her shirt and pull her skirt and knickers down. She stares a moment at him then tartly asserts that she'd rather know the name of the man telling her to undress. He starts and blushes satisfactorily and mutters that his name is David. She smiles, wickedly, as she lays back and does as he asks, pleased when he blushes and nearly drops the plastic-looking wand in his hand.

A heavy glop of lube momentarily distracts her but then Victoire watches entranced as the images begin resolving into clarity and into recognizable forms. Her breath catches in those first moments and it's not until she leaves the office, a small folder in her hand, that she really catches it again.

While she's waiting for a street light to change she opens the folder up, delicately touching the image inside.

"Bonjour, ma petite..."

Mar. 29th, 2009


Victoire Weasley: Event: Special Brownies

Victoire has done a lot of things in her 18 years. Not all of them legal and many of them worthy of her curse-breaking, prisoner-releasing, drug-toking, brother-shagging father... though he's presumably not done any of those things since marrying Victoire's Maman. At least, not that Victoire's caught him at and she most certainly has been watching for any and all of it.

There was the very profitable underground business at Hogwarts, selling her (and Teddy's) undergarments. And her talent at Charms and Potions which were not always used as Professors Flitwick and Snape intended when they taught them to a class of eager students and one very creative part-Veela. And then there was the very naked night in the barn behind Shell Cottage with Teddy, two of her cousins, and her cousin's girlfriend. Not to mention the myriad ways she'd arranged, maneuvered, convinced, guided, bribed, coerced, encouraged, persuaded, threatened, enticed anyone she could to get just what she wanted and more or less when she wanted it. She was a Slytherin after all, and very proud to be one.

But she's never actually attacked anyone with the intent to reduce them into nothingness.

Until now. Until she eats one of Ivonka's brownies and realised that it is the cause of the sudden mellowness she feels, the easy smile which curves her lips, and her overall lack of concern about the free flashes of pale blue lace she is giving the pub.

But when she puts these things together and realises what was happening and who is behind it, she snaps. Eyes flashing with an unnatural blue fire, she storms into the kitchen and corners the smirking cook who after a moment has the grace to look moderately surprised by the rage she is facing just before Victoire throws herself at the woman and starts clawing at her, fingertips stuttering over the skin as they stick and release and stick again, while the pots start to rattle ominously.

Mar. 24th, 2009


Teddy Lupin: Topic: Underwear

Teddy Lupin likes underwear just fine, thanks very much.

Just because his ridiculously randy roommates back in his Ravenclaw dorm decided it was in their best interests to traipse about a draughty Scottish castle just in case does not mean the then-prefect was in agreement. Of course Teddy knew this probably disappointed his girlfriend when she cornered him in the third floor passage behind the tapestry or between the stacks of musty library books on the 1,001 Uses of Common Moulds & Fungi. But, he'd counter wisely, would she rather his bits froze off before anything interesting happened?

He thought not.

And honestly, Teddy thought that was the last he'd ever really hear about the underwear thing.

It wasn't until a few weeks later... )

Jan. 20th, 2009


Cesare: Event: Gifts: Victoire

Gifts, he thinks, gifts are a language. A complicated exchange of gestures, signs and subtleties, to be delivered with the softest of kid gloves. He receives Dora's crumpled, sticky candy wrapper with mild apprehension: for one, there's half a caramel in it, and then... what if it reveals the name of someone he doesn't know, or, worse, knows and dislikes?

Graciès a Deu.

Seeing the squiggled name, he can't help the small noise of contentment. Dolcissima.

Red, he thinks at first, garnets and gold, only to recall the spun light of her hair and fix his mind's eye on... something else.

He writes a note, then frowns at the jagged mess of steeples. Episcopal handwriting, how charming, he snorts, wads it up, and writes a second one in concise chancery style. A small black box has to do, tied to her door with green ribbon (after the young man has left).

'Donna Vittoria', it says. )

Jan. 17th, 2009


Severus Snape: Intro (also Topic: Poetry)

On one of the benches overlooking the beach, black-clad arm fallen and long, white fingers brushing the sand, a man lies comatose. Gaunt, framed by nearly eighteenth-century clothes and sea-salted black hair, his face would look twenties-young (and his style the gothic of an over-meticulous modern histrionic) if it weren’t so haggardly drawn, the shadows under the eyes so deep and dark. It’s a striking incongruity, although, when he first appeared, he looked a seventy with little strange about it. The forbidding, heavy-clothed, over-buttoned outfit hangs on him rather, although it isn’t cut for a heavy man.

He has a nearly foot-long piece of pale wood holstered to one thigh--smoothly carved, well-worn, and just slightly rosy, with a few remaining flecks of walnut-stain lingering in its few deep groves--and a collection of intriguing little textured vials to the other. A few men with more respect for value and their own curiosity than dignity or possession have, since his unceremonious appearance on the bench, tried to handle or even make off with one or the other. All ran away quickly in pain and astonishment, clutching hideously blistered hands. One tried gloves, to no avail, and one paused to land a retributive backhanded blow.

The only relief of blackness on him are the odd and varied stains on his bony hands, and the spectacularly attractive mess of blood, bruised swelling, and bone-white cravat at his throat. He looks like a vampire victim, were the vampire diseased and the body stirred to a froth of outraged rejection. From the twin wounds, rather large to have been from a human mouth, emerge a slow, exhausted trickle of almost clear fluid. His skin is cold, his heart beats, perhaps, once a minute, and his breath, while regular and continuous, is so slowly even as to be invisible too all but the most interested observer. Peeking from under the cravat is the edge of a note, its handwriting crabbed, annoyed, and painstakingly legible.

To_you_who_have_chosen_to_concern_yourself )

And, upside down at the bottom of the paper, in a quite different hand, less irritated than morose,

Though in theory I’m always behind you,
Your shadow, to prop and remind you,
And you may, as you roam,
Wish to make me your home,
Do not dwell on me much: I may blind you.”

And, folded into a hidden pocket, just showing since the departure of the disgruntled tough, is a sheet of heavy paper, so full of linen fiber as to feel nearly cloth, much and madly scribbled on.

“Leave me alone,” he says. “Sod off, I’m dead,” he says. “Reports of my demise have been grievously understated,” he says. “Of course I’m sure, stop wittering,” he snaps. Unreliable bratstard. Wait till he realizes he started waking up on his birthday =.=

Nov. 8th, 2008


Cesare: Event: Pumpkins

Er. And this is, what exactly?

Sucking a bleeding thumb, Cesare glares over his shoulder. "Well, what does it look like?"

I don't know; you tell me. An ass on a pumpkin? Miquel straddles a chair, props his chin on the backrest.

"That's the Borgia bull, you git." Cesare squints. It does look a bit like an ass, true, but then carving the thing was a bitch. Really, as a cardinal of the Holy Roman Church, he should be above such heathen rites. Ridiculous; positively ridiculous. Not to mention the smell of pumpkin everywhere. He may need a grappa soon.

Which, historically speaking, used to be a peaceful, grazing ox... at least while your grand-uncle was alive. No es verdad?

"An ox. You are fucking mental."

And you are starting to sound like a native, Miquel beams. You never used to be that thick. Venga, venga. Why not show me whether it's a bull or an ox? )

Aug. 9th, 2008


Lucius Malfoy: Topic: Bedrooms

The candlelights had long since been blown out, the house silent. Even the house-elves, having finished their nights work, were dozing off in the depths of the kitchens and cellars.

However, despite the late hour, one member of the family was not sleeping.
Waiting )

Aug. 3rd, 2008


Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley: Arrival

Victoire finishes packing the small basket with the last apple as well as a hunk of fresh goat cheese and bread, placing them atop the cold chicken. After a moment of thought, she opens a cupboard and takes out a small bottle of wine and puts that in as well.

Tall and slightly shaggy-haired, Teddy lingers by the open doorway, face tipped to the sun and breeze with a beach blanket draped across his arm as he waits. He glances back at his girlfriend with a raised brow at the wine. "Isn't that your dad's?"

More than Bill's wine is about to go missing. )

October 2010



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