March 2014




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Mar. 26th, 2014


Last call for anyone wanting a ride to Texas or points between.

Or for that matter, anyone still considering my sort of life extension plan.

A shame it didn't work out for us. It would have been fun while it lasted. Be well.
Look me up when you change your mind. Things will go easier for you with a real vampire around.
Sorry things turned out the way they did. I still think you'd have look good dressed all in Death Dealer black like me. Since you won't come over to the other side, I'll leave one of my spare outfits at the house when we leave. Wear it in good health. Or burn the house down with it still inside... your call. Live long and well.

Mar. 13th, 2014


Frost and I are heading southeast in a few weeks if anyone wants to convoy or ride along.

Mar. 8th, 2014


I tossed a truck at a demon near the Nemeton last night.

I didn't feel very special. Hmph.

Mar. 7th, 2014


Laurie Frost

I can't see vampires being anybody's favorite species around here for a while. Might be time to think of moving east for a decade or two. I told Faith I'd help with the hunt for Connor, so nothing immediate, but I have an allergy to peasants with pitchforks and torches.

Don't worry about packing light, we'll take two trucks and trailers.

In the mean time, you should consider staying close to the house. If you do spot Connor, get in touch with me.

Jan. 10th, 2014


Hello? I'm looking for a friend. Can someone help me?

Dec. 31st, 2013


Laurie Frost

Fangtasia for New Year's Eve?

Dec. 29th, 2013


It's a beautiful day in your neighborhood. It's a beautiful day for a neighbor. Howdy, Neighbors.

Dec. 28th, 2013


Did any Vampires or Lycans of the Corvinus line come back to life?

Dec. 20th, 2013


Attn people of Everett:

The new doctor in town wants to save you. It's an admirable desire, but as someone who has seen first hand the lengths she will go to in order to save a life, I think you all have the right to know her policies for healing.

By any means necessary.

She likes to use vampire blood to heal a patient. That's fair. My line and I have offered our blood before to heal others, but it's always been with the understanding someone consents to having it used on them. I overlooked the consent factor once, and someone became a vampire who would have preferred to just die. That should have been his choice, but what's done is done.

While I can't speak for any other vampires that may be donating to her cause, I can tell you with one hundred percent certainty if you die with my line's blood in your system, you will become a vampire. If that is okay with you, then you shouldn't hesitate to let the doctors, including Dr. Fell, treat you. If this isn't an acceptable risk to you, then I implore you to speak up and make your feelings known. As the good doctor has pointed out, sometimes in the moment of an injury or sickness, consent can't be given. Now is your time to make your voice heard.

No one should have the right to play God with your life.

List of those who commented )


Filtered to all vampires

Hi. I'm Meredith and as some of you have probably heard, I'm the one starting the free clinic in the Projects. Along with traditional medicines, herbs, teas, and other things, I'm interested in using vampire blood, your blood, to heal people. I know, while some may want to help, others will look for a trade of somesort. For that, we will discuss the terms privately. I'm posting this up on the network as a request for blood donations to my clinic to save lives. I appreciate any and donations.

Thank you.

Dec. 18th, 2013


This is probably be a dumb question but has anyone seen a piano around here? I miss playing. I'm a little rusty, but if you know of one, I'll try my best to play you a tune.

Nov. 17th, 2013


Prison/allies of the prison


We just had another major security breach. Connor is infected and has let most of the other infected people out of quarantine. Back up is needed now.

Nov. 15th, 2013


[The Vampire Authority minus Nora]

My sister Nora is now sick with the virus. I have her locked in a cabin and will stay here until she recovers. Lissa Dragomir will act as head chancellor in Nora's absence. If any of you would be so kind as to bring my sister and I some blood this evening, I would be in your debt.

[Pam and Tara]

Nora made herself a progeny while she was in the heat of her rage. I cannot teach her how to be a vampire and keep Nora under control at the same time. Nora will be irate if I separate them but I see no other choice. I trust you two and you two alone to take care of Willa while Nora is unable to.

Nov. 13th, 2013


Dear Everett,

My sincerest apologies for acting like a vampire. If my vampire antics caused you any distress, it was absolutely my intention, as I am a vampire, but I will certainly work on becoming a lame poser cuddly vampire so you can sleep better at night.


Nov. 3rd, 2013


Prison and friends of the prison

Some of you may already know that there is a virus spreading around Everett. So far it's infected one vamp and three humans. The symptoms are red eyes, rage highs and low lows, fast heart beat and fever. Those who have came down with the virus are being quarantined. If you recognize any of these symptoms it's your responsibility to come to me so we can quarantine the infected as soon as possible and stop it from spreading.

The doctors here are working on figuring this thing out and I believe in them. They'll figure it out and we'll fix this thing before it gets any worse. But for now everyone should probably be real careful, stay inside if you can even if you're a supernatural. A vampire already got it so that means anybody can get it.


Vampire Authority

Have any of you heard of a vampire, outside of Everett, turning an infected person to keep them from becoming a zombie? If so, can you share the details of what happened to the infected turned vampire?

Oct. 29th, 2013


What? No official party invite for the new vampire?

Oct. 26th, 2013


A bar, a whorehouse, and a working network. Hello, Everett. You're quite the thriving metropolis.

Oct. 19th, 2013


Prison & allies

I can't find my daughter or her friends. I think she might have been out there, if anyone has seen Allison in the prison tell me. Now. i'm already gearing up

Oct. 4th, 2013



A case of Chaucer's and one of Ragnar's at the front gate for you. That was all that turned up locally. I'll see if I can do better next time I take the truck down to Seattle.


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