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Aug. 24th, 2012


If anyone is interested in learning how to use a crossbow or a bow and arrow I'm happy to help! Just let me know.

Also, to the raiders? If somebody could pick me up some more arrows and some bow wax while they're out next time, that would be awesome! Thanks.


Even though I have been here for awhile I'm still not use to being surrounded by this many vampires. I also might need some training still, I know how to use some weapons but not all of them. Anyone willing to help?

(private to Renesmee)

You're okay right? I'm always worried about you.

Aug. 23rd, 2012


[locked to EVERYONE in the prison]

So I don't know if the rumors have started spreading or not. Hopefully I'm the first to tell you what you probably already know. We ain't alone in Everett. I dunno who else is all living in the woods and in town but I can tell you there's a bunch of people living in the projects on the other side of the woods. They have power and not just the generator kind. I know for a fact that two of the original vampires are living there and are not our number one fans. I also know that a slayer turned vampire and for those of you who remember Alec, he's there now too.

They're not alone either. There are other beings there, powerful beings that are making allies and connections and they want what's ours. They want this prison. They want the humans inside of it for the vampires to use as food and they want the safety of our walls and gates to take for their own.

You all have a couple of choices. You can panic and run. I won't stop you if you think you've got a better chance on your own out there in the world with the zombies, you should go. But if you want to stay and defend what is ours, what we've worked hard to build than we should start working together. Because it's only a matter of time before they attack us. I'm not saying it to scare you guys, I'm just being real. We need to beef up our security. Anyone who is handy with a weapon, can fight should be ready at a moment's notice to drop everything and defend what we have here. Those of you who don't have skills with weapons or fighting should think about seeing someone who does.

Dimitri has already offered to help people train with hand to hand combat and weapons. I am also around to help and I'm hoping others will step forward. I'm open to all and any ideas about our defense.

I know some of you might be scared and I don't blame you. Shit is scary. There's zombies, people eating people and suddenly vampires seem to be taking over the planet. But damn it, this prison is ours and I ain't leaving it.

Who's with me?