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Apr. 3rd, 2013


[Piper & Chris]

You two up for pizza tomorrow night? Some friends of mine are having a little get together, and I'd like you to meet them, too.

Mar. 21st, 2013


It's been a while since we've spoken.

I've got some of the Hell god hair that the Council found. Want to scry with me? It may work better with two of us. I'll be at [sacred space location in the prison.]

Feb. 27th, 2013


Filtered from Glory

To the people of Everett,

Fuck. Okay. I can do this.

Hey. I'm Faith Lehane. Some of you might know me from the prison. Some of you might know me because we're enemies. Starting today? We're not enemies anymore. We have a common enemy. Her name is Glorificus, some of you may know her as Glory and she's a Hell God. She looks like a harmless blonde chick but I promise you she's not. She ripped apart a vampire in seconds. She feeds on brains and when she drains you not only will she be stronger but you'll be either dead or a zombie. I am not messing around. If you go after her you will probably die. I don't care how much of a badass you are. She is incredibly strong and fast. You're not a hell god. As far as weaknesses go? We don't know of any just yet.

Which brings me to what she wants. She wants her key to open a portal to her home, which is hell. And by opening the portal the rest of us get sucked back to hell with her and become her servants. I know we don't all get along or see eye to eye on everything but I think I can speak for everyone in Everett when I say we don't want to go to hell and be some blonde bimbo's lackeys.

Right now we have to stand as a united front against this bitch. Divided we fall. We need to band together to figure out a way to fight this chick. Once she's gone we can go back to killing each other.

If anyone has any questions for me or wants to talk about this privately make sure you lock to me. \

Angel, be proud.