March 2014




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Mar. 31st, 2014





Guess who's staying until Ellis' baby is born? You're joining us for poker, yeah?

[Ellis and Lorne]
Come on guys, I want to beat you guys in poker. I mean, uh, joining us for a game?

I have a surprise for you later. Meet me in my cell tonight?


Hate to say it folks but I'm heading out in the morning. I just want to say thanks for the shelter, the food, and for not having the good sense to turn me away. It's appreciated.

[Sookie Monster]

You coming, Stackhouse?



I'm bringing my entire candy stash to the table.

Mar. 30th, 2014



Hey. I have something for you. Would it be okay if I drop by?

Mar. 28th, 2014



Hey, we're taking off soon and I just wanted to say thanks. For everything. I owe you a lot.

Mar. 27th, 2014


I'm thinking of going with Cora and her pack to Canada. Want to come with us?

[Peter and Shelley]
How does living in Canada sound to you guys?

Hey. What are your plans? You staying in town?

Hey. Got a sec?


My pack and I are leaving. You know I'm not good with this kind of thing, but.. Thank you. For everything. I have something for you, so let me know when I can stop by.

I hate this, you should be coming with us too will see you soon. Take care, Abigail.

My pack and I should be taking off in a couple of days. I'm leaving the schedules and maps for the raids all ready to go, for whoever takes my place. In case they ask, yeah, I'm a little OCD. That's why everything is organized and color coordinated.

Thank you. For everything. It has been a pleasure working with all of you.

Raiders and Friends in/out of the prison
I'm taking off soon, but I just wanted to say thank you. All of you made this place worth staying and fighting for.

Tyler, Alcide, Caleb, Nathan
We're taking off in a couple of days. Take care of yourselves.


Max, Steve & Jack open for Kono to read/respond too

How do you guys feel about stepping up and being on The Council for a little while?



Hey ho stranger.


Can I see you again before I go?

Will and Alana
I wouldn't blame you if you want to stay here. Abigail is staying, but I'm leaving soon with the pack. Are you guys.. Are you staying, too? I want you to come, but I don't want Abigail to be left alone.

Sarah Mary
I'm going to Canada with the rest of my pack. Can we hang out before I go?

Winchesters and Cowboys
I'm going to Canada with my pack. I love you guys, so much. You've become my brothers, and I'm never going to forget that. Please take care of yourselves and be good, okay?

Friends, Sentry
I'm leaving the prison, but I want to thank you guys for everything. You're all so great, and I've learned so much from everyone of you. Please look after yourselves, and each other. You'll always be a part of my family.



I'm leaving soon. Thank you so much for letting me and my friends stay here for so long. I've lived here longer than I've ever lived anywhere and Everett will always be home.


I love you. I'm proud of you. I'll see you in Canada.

[Lydia & Stiles]

I'm going to miss you guys but we'll see each other soon.


Take care of them or else.


Are you going to Canada too?



So I know they haven't publicly announced it yet but Derek and Chris are moving on. That leaves you and me as the only remaining council members. For now I was thinking of just electing three new people. I tried to do things a new way but it doesn't work in this kind of world. I think we should go back to the old way. I know some people didn't like it but it works. For now I was thinking we could put Steve Rogers, Max Guevara and Jack Harkness on. Let me know what you think. And please tell me you're not leaving too.



Connor's dead. That means Derek will be ready to leave in the next couple of days for Canada.



I'm not sure if you're familiar with me or not, but I'm Angel and I'm Connor's father. How have you been doing?



Mar. 26th, 2014


Last call for anyone wanting a ride to Texas or points between.

Or for that matter, anyone still considering my sort of life extension plan.

A shame it didn't work out for us. It would have been fun while it lasted. Be well.
Look me up when you change your mind. Things will go easier for you with a real vampire around.
Sorry things turned out the way they did. I still think you'd have look good dressed all in Death Dealer black like me. Since you won't come over to the other side, I'll leave one of my spare outfits at the house when we leave. Wear it in good health. Or burn the house down with it still inside... your call. Live long and well.


Beacon Hills group in the prison/Hale packs

You guys should start saying goodbye and finish packing whatever you want to take with you. We should be ready to go in a couple of days.



Are you ready for this?


Tyler and Pogue

You guys seen Laurel?

[ooc: backdated because of reasons.]

Mar. 25th, 2014



I'm leaving soon, I'm following my pack out of town. I just wanted to say thanks for everything. If you're ever in Canada look me up.

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