March 2014




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Mar. 18th, 2014


Friends and citizens of Everett: I regret to say that I will be leaving Midgard to return home to Asgard. A situation has arisen that requires my immediate attention. It has been a great honor to know all of you and I hope to return to see many of you soon.

[Avengers, SHIELD, Moroi/dhampirs, Darcy]

I will have Heimdall look out for you all.


The Dark Elves threaten Asgard. After I see the state of things and if the realm and our people require your help will you return?

Mar. 16th, 2014



I'm touched your sister thinks I'm responsible for everything that goes on in this town, but I didn't touch her precious Natasha or Clint. She can leave her threats to people without maternal responsibilities during an apocalypse.

Mar. 8th, 2014


I tossed a truck at a demon near the Nemeton last night.

I didn't feel very special. Hmph.

Mar. 7th, 2014


[Moroi/dhampirs, Thor, Azazeal, Castiel, Shannon, Prison Council]

Rose and I are back at the prison as of this morning. I'll be making a check of the fence first and then will be stationed in my tower. If anyone needs anything let me know.


What are you trying to accomplish with any of this?

Mar. 5th, 2014


[Marlene and Dory]
I have to go out tonight. Try to behave, and make sure the magical blocking is working on me. I don't need any nosy witches getting a heads up on where I'm going.


I've got some things to do, but I'll be back. Have fun with the girls.

Feb. 25th, 2014



Feb. 14th, 2014


Has anyone seen Robin or Sarah Mary? They both signed out a couple days ago but never signed back in.

Feb. 6th, 2014


[locked to Rose]

Roza, please let me know you're okay.

[locked to the Inn]

Has anyone seen or heard from Rose since she left yesterday?

[locked to the Council and friends of Rose at the prison]

Rose left for a raid yesterday and was only supposed to be gone for the day. Has anyone seen or heard from her there?

Jan. 13th, 2014


[Derek and Laura]

So I'm putting together a new council since the prison has grown so much and we need more than four people. I was hoping you two could be permanently in charge of the raiders. What do you think?


How's your mom doing?


Got a proposition for you.

Jan. 8th, 2014



Does it ever get any easier for you? Dying?




How's it feel being Uncle Dimitri?

[Mom, Dad and Fred]

I'm getting out of here tonight, but you know how to contact me if you need me.


You're probably sick of hearing this, but I'm sorry about Sheldon. If you need anything let me know.

Jan. 3rd, 2014



Is there anything I can say to convince you not to stay here while we figure this out? I'm okay, my love. I promise.
Tags: ,


[Buffy, Cordy, Wes]

Is it happening to you too?

[Connor, Darla, Fred]

We'll figure this out and make it stop.

[Faith, Spike, Connor, Lorne, Willow]

Fred and Darla are experiencing their deaths every day like others have posted about and I'm checking with Buffy, Wes, and Cordy to find out if it's happening to them too. There has to be a way to make this stop.

Dec. 29th, 2013



How are you feeling?


I have no plans to leave until I'm sure that Viktoria is feeling well. If there is anything I can do to help keep the Inn and surrounding area secure more than multiple walks I take of the perimeter please let me know.


Are you feeling better?

[Adrian and Lissa]

Please get some rest.


Thank you for staying.

[Jill and Christian]

Are you both okay?


I heard a rumor that you're no longer walking through walls. How do you feel?


You and yours alright? Or as alright as you can be.

[Shannon, Sookie, Natasha, Faith, Connor]

After the attack here I'm going to be staying longer than I intended. I'm not sure how long we'll be gone, but I want to know that Viktoria is feeling better. If there's anything anyone needs or that I can do from here please let me know.

Dec. 25th, 2013


[Mom and Dad]

I'm staying on for awhile.

[Cordy, Wes, Fred, Buffy]

Are you okay?


How are you doing?


Are you guys okay?


I'm going to stay with my parents for awhile, but you know if you need me just ping me. Let me know if you need help with the slayers.


What a lovely party. So many little presents for all the good boys and girls.

Dec. 24th, 2013


Did that.. oh god. That just happened.


We need help. Something happened to Bonnie, she took Lydia, she ... took our blood. I can't get Allison and Stiles out, I can't get us out. Help!

Dec. 22nd, 2013


Jesus Christ, I'm gone two days and the great vampire debate starts again. Sometimes I miss Merle. You knew exactly where he stood with shit.

We saw no signs that Santa or his Reindeer have been turned into zombies while we were gone, so it looks like Christmas is going to be here. There was a Boretz demon that I got to slay, so it was a pretty good trip. What's going on, Everett? There's a ghost invasion and two of them are dead potential slayers. Awesome.

Dec. 21st, 2013


Favorite Christmas song? GO!

Mine is so All I Want for Christmas is You by Mariah.

Dec. 20th, 2013


Attn people of Everett:

The new doctor in town wants to save you. It's an admirable desire, but as someone who has seen first hand the lengths she will go to in order to save a life, I think you all have the right to know her policies for healing.

By any means necessary.

She likes to use vampire blood to heal a patient. That's fair. My line and I have offered our blood before to heal others, but it's always been with the understanding someone consents to having it used on them. I overlooked the consent factor once, and someone became a vampire who would have preferred to just die. That should have been his choice, but what's done is done.

While I can't speak for any other vampires that may be donating to her cause, I can tell you with one hundred percent certainty if you die with my line's blood in your system, you will become a vampire. If that is okay with you, then you shouldn't hesitate to let the doctors, including Dr. Fell, treat you. If this isn't an acceptable risk to you, then I implore you to speak up and make your feelings known. As the good doctor has pointed out, sometimes in the moment of an injury or sickness, consent can't be given. Now is your time to make your voice heard.

No one should have the right to play God with your life.

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