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Dec. 4th, 2013


Be it ever so humble...

[Agent Coulson]

Thanks for letting me stay with you guys it helped. I'm glad Wanda has a safe place to go unless you break her heart again in which case I'll turn Lola into the world's shiniest and prettiest paperweight and scuff all of your shoes


I hope you're getting some rest. If anybody deserves it, it's you.


That was you wasn't it?


...I think all those statistics about how often people think about sex are WAY off.

Dec. 2nd, 2013


Everybody's talking and bitching and fucking and fighting about stupid shit.

Feels good to be back to normal.

Nov. 30th, 2013



I don't know if you guys are still in 'net range - but if you are you and Tyler need to get the vaccine. If you don't want to go back to the prison to get it I can get some and bring it to you or leave it for you someplace.


Good morning, Everett. I'm pleased to announce that our trials of the cure have gone successfully. Both Emily Fields (vampire) and Spencer Hastings (human) have come around this morning. Neither of them have any symptoms of the virus.

Dr. Banner has also designed a vaccine to protect the rest of us from getting infected.

[Prison Council, Vampire Authority (NOT INFECTED), The Avengers (NOT INFECTED)]

We will be making rounds today to not only cure the virus but to also inoculate the rest of us so we won't catch the virus in the future.

[Infirmary but post left open so others can see what's happening]

We're going to split up into teams. Victor and I are heading over to the Mikaelsons now to see if we can give Kol the cure and inoculate the rest of their family.

Hannibal, Melissa, Julia and Abby will be in charge of providing vaccinations. ALL MEMBERS OF THE PRISON ARE REQUIRED TO GET THEIR SHOT. We highly recommend others in the community to get one as well. If you want to be vaccinated please see Allison at the front gate and she will take care of you.

Santana, Cristina and Jesse will be in charge of curing the infected within quarantine in the prison. I left a bunch of vials of it in your office, Dr. Yang. I'm sure it will be plenty.

Max and Jondy, you will be headed to the Naval Base to cure Steve, Tony and James. Dr. Banner, please give them clearance so they can bring you the cure.

Tesla and Alana, can you bring the cure to Eric Northman so he can cure his people? As well as the vaccine for himself.

Lucien and Max Evans, I want you to take the cure and several doses of the vaccine to the projects. I'm not sure if anyone is sick there but if they are, they'll need what we have. There's a social worker there named Julie Winters and you can see her if you have any questions about the projects themselves. Try to vaccinate as many people/vampires as will let you.

Lissa, Chloe and Adrian- I want you three to split up and cover as much ground as you can. A cure is not a failsafe, it's possible not everyone will take to it as well as Spencer and Emily have. Adrian, you should stay behind in the prison in case anyone gets sick here. Chloe, you should go with Max and Jondy. Lissa, you should go with Tesla and Alana to help with Northman's people.

Everyone take a walkie talkie. Victor and I will be well within range.

ETA: Max, Jondy and Chloe will also be stopping by Pietro's.
ETA THE SECOND: Claudia and Isabel will be heading to Katherine's to distribute the vaccine.
ETA THE THIRD: Victor and I will be at The Inn and then Thor's after we're finished with The Mikaelsons.

[ooc: I think that's everyone but if I missed someone poke me in my contact post. Angel she doesn't know you have an eye on Connor and Dimitri so just let her know in comments and her and Victor will get it to you to you too, bb.]

Nov. 28th, 2013


You know what Thanksgiving needs? Football.




If you want to do Thanksgiving I can take stuff to Pietro and Lorna for you.

Nov. 27th, 2013


Me and my boys need a place to crash and we heard this is the town to do it in.


Other than a cold, damp, gloomy climate and living in a prison, does this place have anything else worthwhile around?

Nov. 26th, 2013




I don't understand.

Nov. 25th, 2013



Still alive out there?


How are you doing?


Hey. What are you up to tonight?


It was really good to see you last night.

Nov. 24th, 2013


Long shot. I've been a little afraid to ask. For those of you who traveled through California - did any of you run into Cooper Anderson? He was last seen in Sherman Oaks after the outbreak.

Nov. 22nd, 2013


Sookie and Molly

I need to get out of here. I'll be fine, and I'm not leaving alone, just take care of yourselves. Please. That's all I need.


They're killing us! They can't find a cure for the virus and now they're using witchcraft to kill everyone! Caroline was just in her cell and she was MURDERED by magic! You should all know in case they kill the rest of us and try and cover it up!



I quit.

[Mystic Falls]

I'm out.

Nov. 18th, 2013


no infected

Nora and Pam are sick. Cure them now or I will start letting them rip heads off.

Nov. 17th, 2013


Molly, Sookie, Caro, Tyler, Ruby, Cora

Well. Today fucking sucked. Again.

Humor me for a minute and check in, yeah?

Nov. 16th, 2013





Dr Banner checked me out. I don't have the virus.



[The M.I.B Agent Coulson]

I'd like to come and see Wanda. Maybe even stay with her for a while. Is that OK? I don't have the virus it's just a mutant thing. I think I'd be better off somewhere less rage-y.

Nov. 14th, 2013



I think something's wrong with me. My eyes aren't red and I'm not running a temp but my head feels like there's a wasp's nest in it and I've got these crazy raging kind of thoughts but I don't actually feel angry. I know you've got your hands full but I don't know what to do.


It's probably nothing but I don't feel right. My head's been buzzing for the last couple days. My eyes aren't red or anything and it's probably just a migraine or something.



So, I'm not feeling right. I don't have a fever or red eyes but something is going on. My head hurts and even though I don't feel angry I've got a lot of angry thoughts going through my head pretty much non-stop. I talked to Dr Banner and he's going to check me out at the base. I'm going to take the Leapfrog there. I know it's against the whole buddy thing but it'll be faster than driving and unless zombies start flying I'll be safe.

This could just be a false alarm but it's the kind of thing where it's better to be safe than sorry.


Hey. I'm going to the base for a checkup. Keep an eye on Alcide for me, 'k?

Nov. 6th, 2013


Clearly this is what happens when people bottle their shit up.


Wow. So the rage virus is responsible for the return of internet trolls. The least they could do is express their rage through cat macros.


How are you feeling?


You need to eat and rest too. Don't forget that.

Nov. 4th, 2013



I know right now things are very stressful, but if I can have your attention for a moment. I need your cooperation in keeping in mind that the quarantined area has been set up to try and keep everyone - with or without the virus - as safe as possible. We're trying to avoid as much exposure as we can while our medical team is working on a cure.

So, until that happens, visits to those in quarantine will be kept extremely short, taking all the necessary precautions, and a safe distance will be maintained at all times. I will be keeping an eye on them and dragging out anyone that gets too close or tries to stay for more than a couple of minutes, and they're in good hands with the medical team.

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