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December 28th, 2012

[info]thestars_scream in [info]zombiesnet

This place glows like the Northern lights.

I wonder how you lot would taste. Like pansies, crushed on a rock? Or like hummingbirds bopping about on the wind, dancing until they're smacked down with broken necks?

[info]thefallen in [info]zombiesnet

[locked to Eric]

Hello, Viktoria said you were inquiring about her whereabouts, so I thought I would introduce myself. My name is Azazeal and I am here with my son Malachi. So far we've managed to keep a low profile since arriving. We've recently joined on at an inn in the woods with a young girl named Claire. I assure you that Viktoria is in very good hands.

[info]vikingsheriff in [info]zombiesnet

Fire Boy

I found your girl.

[info]therogueslayer in [info]zombiesnet


Go and see The Captain today in his office, would you? He's got a gun for you.

[info]notpure in [info]zombiesnet

This place has become considerably more quiet since my last departure. Less reapers. Less death. I suppose that is comforting. Even the projects seem quiet. However, the feeling of anger, frustration and hate pulses through and is deafening. There is insurmountable evil here. Creatures of evil, you will be hunted down and destroyed In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.

[ Azazeal ]

I wish to see you, my brother. I mean you no harm.

[ Dean ]

I miss you.
I need you.
I don't even know why I keep coming bac---

I hope you are taking care of yourself.

[info]prophecyboy in [info]zombiesnet

Locked to Captain Jack

Hey, I'm headed your way. Faith said you needed to see me because you have a gun for me. Appreciate it. Thanks.

[info]therogueslayer in [info]zombiesnet

Prison filter

Very important. Please read.

We need to re-elect a new leadership council. I will list the candidates below. Please disqualify yourself if you are not eighteen years or older. Comments are screened for privacy. Everyone who is a contributing member of the prison gets one vote, even those that aren't old enough to serve on the council. You are allowed to vote for yourself. The top four votes will be elected. Polls close on Wednesday at 5:30 PM Eastern Standard Time.

Thank you to our current leadership council for time served.

Voting is your civic duty! I can't force you all to vote but you really should.

Nominees under the cut )

[info]bonniethewitch in [info]zombiesnet


How's the journal writing going?

[info]suit_of_armor in [info]zombiesnet

I never knew how easy it was to get a building up and running again and feed JARVIS into a couple computer mainframes. What I didn't expect was the amount of naval corpses in the basement waiting to attempt to eat me. Pepper, darling, what do I do to get 'burning corpse smell' out?

[ Thor ]

Thanks for the lightning boosts.

[ Avengers ]

I've fortified the naval lodge and blocked it off from the rest of the base. If you are visiting without an escort, arm yourself, the rest of the area is not secure from walkers. Secured access points and mandatory screening before coming into the building through the main foyer. I'm not sure I've made a way to detect the virus yet but a body scan and temperature screening will be done. Just walk in, JARVIS does the rest and then if you are clear the main doors will open. I've set up a conference room and am working on a weapons room, a small medical ward, a containment center, and there's rooms available. Now we need a bar...

Edit: I miss Coulson...

[info]justlykbudapest in [info]zombiesnet

[Secure; Steve Rogers]

When you have time, we should speak...face to face.