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December 21st, 2012

[info]dusterofdeath in [info]zombiesnet

[private to Lissa]

If you have a moment, I would like to speak with you, please.

[info]therogueslayer in [info]zombiesnet

[Prison Filter]

Elections for leadership council are being held again on the 28th. This month I'm going to let people disqualify themselves if they want to. If you don't want to be on the ballot let me know in a reply to this post. Thanks.

[Cristina Yang]

Thanks for taking care of me, I guess. You're still evil.


Why don't you get your buddy Kol to be smart and send Serena back to the prison?


You know I can still get all my work done and sit on you at the same time so you might as well stop squirming and maybe I'll let you sit on my couch and have a drink.

[info]cslaysyou in [info]zombiesnet

What is WRONG with all of you? Who says that 3:30 AM is not an appropriate time to Christmas carol. Baby Jesus was born like in the middle of the night, okay? I was spreading the holiday cheer.


[info]fluffy_sessh in [info]zombiesnet

This place is rather dull for this one. I had hoped with zombies and vampires and such that there would be some sort of excitement.

[info]dusterofdeath in [info]zombiesnet

[locked to Rose]

There's something we need to talk about.

[locked to Viktoria]

Please trust that I know what I'm doing.

[info]queenvasilisa in [info]zombiesnet

[locked to Christian]

We need to talk.

[info]lordozera in [info]zombiesnet

[locked to Dimitri]

Just tell me when we're leaving and where you need me.

[info]andscene in [info]zombiesnet

Filtered from Dimitri and Lissa and Nathan and Inna

I really need to hit someone. Any volunteers?

[info]secretdragomir in [info]zombiesnet


Hi, I'm Jill. I work with Serena in the kitchen. Are you hungry? I know it can be hard to eat when you're worried, but I could make you some soup or something. Also, is there something Serena likes to eat? I wanted to make her something for when she's back.