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December 19th, 2012

[info]justlykbudapest in [info]zombiesnet

[Filtered to prison residents]

Just as a reminder as well as for those who don't yet know: There are sign up sheets in the cafeteria for various defense classes, offense classes, first aid, and survival skills. If you intend on living in the prison, the gun safety and use class is mandatory if you don't already know how to use a weapon. If you'd like to teach a class, or have an idea for a class not offered, please come see me, Natasha.

[Secure; Tony Stark]

I have a project for you, if you're interested.

[Secure; Clint]

I want to see you soon.

[info]dusterofdeath in [info]zombiesnet

[locked to Nathan]

I'd like to arrange a meeting to discuss the final arrangements for the exchange. I prefer this to be in person because I have one condition that I will bring someone with me during the final exchange to take Viktoria back to the prison. She will be in no condition to find it on her own. The one with me will be human and no one that you know, so there is absolutely no history between you. I assume you would like to meet her beforehand and I also have concerns Viktoria will not be alive long enough for this to happen. She had complained of being cold and with her current blood loss she will require warm clothes and blankets. I do not see how this would be a problem.

[locked to Natasha]

I've tried to wait as long as possible to move forward, but I plan to arrange a meeting with Nathan to set up details for exchanging Viktoria. If you are still willing, I would like if you were able to come with me under the pretense you will be taking her back to the prison when the time comes. As you said before, you are a human with no connections to him and an unknown. I'm still trying to decide what needs to be done at that time, but I would appreciate your input once you see him. However, I understand if you've decided against becoming involved and would not blame you in the least.

[info]permavirgin in [info]zombiesnet


How are you feeling?


I heard about what happened to you and Faith. I would have come down to see you in the infirmary but new vampire and blood don't really mix too well. But if there's anything I can do for you, let me know. You were real kind to me when I left the prison.

[info]xo_xo in [info]zombiesnet

Happy Holidays, Everettites! It's that time of year when the smell of pine needles and egg nog hang in the air but not everyone's feeling the Christmas cheer this holiday season.

Don't let the squeal fool you, Needy. Some rats get caught in their traps for a reason but even the dirtiest of rats don't know all of the secrets. If he did then I'd be out of a job and wouldn't that be a shame?

Who says there's no such thing as a Christmas miracle? Put the soul back into the evil vampire and you may take away the malice but you'll never kill the killer. He just might though. Do you have a suicide hotline for vampires in your bag of tricks, Willow?

Spotted: Several new players in town. An exotic new slayer for starters. Maybe this one will live past two weeks now that Buffy and Angel are out of commission. Welcome to the fun, Caridad. Don't get too comfy though, slayers have a habit of dropping like flies around here.

And who could ignore one deadly handsome original vampire searching for his siblings? The answer could be closer than you think, Kol.

Sgt. James "Bucky" Barnes also seemed to have made an appearance. Could we have another doppleganger on our hands since this soldier allegedly died in 1943? Maybe Bucky's a vampire or could he be something else altogether? I can't wait to find out and ask the other members of Everett, Bucky. I always get my man.

And who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell.

You know you love me.

Gossip Girl

[info]therogueslayer in [info]zombiesnet

[Prison Filter]

This morning Erica gave birth to a baby boy. Boyd Reyes, 7 pounds 11 ounces was born at 5:42 AM.

Boyd is never going to know the world that we remember. He'll grow up in a world filled with zombies and monsters as a way of life. We've adapted to the changes but he'll only know this world. Maybe somewhere in the future, he can be part of rebuilding society. Wouldn't that be something wicked? If we shelter this kid, make sure he grows up learning how protect himself, if we protect him from what's beyond those prison walls he can survive this world. I've been told that civilization, that humanity goes on past the zombie virus but I never really felt it until I saw that kid this morning.

I know what happened to me and Connor freaked out a lot of people. We're tough but we're not unbreakable but if we stick together we can make this work. You guys pulled together to come and get me and Connor out of the mess we'd gotten ourselves into. Live together or die alone. I'd rather live together. I never had a family before but you guys are my family now and I will do anything to protect any of you.

Penny's planning a rocking Christmas party that I hope everyone will be able to attend. I know people have mandatory sentry duty but we can switch out shifts so that we can all at least enjoy some of the party.

Merry Christmas, everybody and happy birthday to Boyd. Congratulations, Erica.


I'm coming to see you today. Don't even bother saying no cause you know I'll just do it anyway.

[info]vikingsheriff in [info]zombiesnet

Should I be disappointed or relieved that I didn't even make this Gossip Girl's radar?

[info]b_wintersoldier in [info]zombiesnet

Who the hell is this Gossip Girl and where do I find her?

[info]compassionkills in [info]zombiesnet


I'm sorry I haven't reached out to you yet. I didn't know what to say. Christmas makes me think of you and all of the holidays we had with Mom and Dad. I really miss you, Jer.

[info]outforpower in [info]zombiesnet

[Filtered: Private: Inna]

Prepare the girl. This will be the last outing we take to pacify Belikov's delicate sensibilities. Apparently he's afraid she will die of the elements before he makes his trade. He's bringing a human woman with him for us to meet. She'll be the one to bring the girl back to their prison once the exchange is made.

Do not attack the woman. This could very well be a test, or he's stalling for even more time. For his sister's sake I do hope he's being honest with us. Otherwise you can turn that little bitch and throw her over the wall with a Christmas bow.
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[info]magical_willow in [info]zombiesnet


Who the hell is this Gossip Girl? And who is giving her information?